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Cohocton,  New  York 

Prepared  by 
Wii<LiAM  A.  Field,  President  and  J.  Leonard  Waugh,  Secretary 

the  other 

Members  of  the  History  Committee  were  F.  W.  Snyder, 

M.  F.  WeIvD  and  N.  J.  Wagner 

AND    read    by 

J.  Leonard  Waugh  at  the  Centenniai,  Celebration 
OF  Cohocton,  New  York,  in  1905 


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History  of  Cohocton 

The  following  history  was  pre- 
pared by  the  late  William  A.  Field 
and  J.  Leonard  Waugh,  and  was 
read  by  J.  Leonard  Waugh  at  the 
100th  anniversary  ot  the  settle- 
ment of  Cohocton,  which  celebra- 
tion  was   held   in   1905; 


The  freeholders  of  Steuben 
county  generally  derive  their  title 
from  Sir  William  Pulteney  of  Eng- 
land and  his  heirs: 

He  acquired  his  title  from  Rob- 
ert Morris — Morris  from  Phelps 
and  Gorham.  They  from  the  state 
of  Massachusetts  and  that  state 
held  under  the  Royal  Charter  of 
James  I,   King  of  Great  Britain. 

Now  I  do  not  know  how  he  got 
it  unless  in  a  legal  term  he  "cas- 
ually found  iit" — but  as  his  reign 
was  in  160  3-1625  there  are  prob- 
ably  no    disputants    living. 

On  the  21st  day  of  November, 
1788,  the  state  of  Massachusetts 
for  the  consideration  of  three 
hundred  thousand  pounds  in  the 
consolidated  securities  of  that  state 
actually  worth  then  about  50  cents 
on  a  dollar,  conveyed  to  Oliver 
Phelps  and  Nathaniel  Gorham  all 
its  right,  title  and  interest  to  lands 
in  western  New  York,  which  now 
constitute  the  counties  of  Steuben, 
Yates,  Ontario,  part  of  Wayne,  a 
small  part  of  Genesee  and  Living- 
ston and  about  one-half  of  Alle- 

But  there  was  more:  There  were 
the  Indians  to  deal  with:  The  Mo- 
hawk, Onondaga,  Oneida,  Cayuga, 
and  Seneca  tribes  were  bound  to- 
gether in  a  confederacy  or  Warfare 
League,  called  by  themselves,  "The 
Mingoes  or  United  People." 

Oliver  Phelps  visited  the  Sene- 
cas  and  after  several  day's  parley 
at  Buffalo  Creek,  succeeded  is  pur- 
chasing two  milliion  six  hundred 
thousand  acres  (2,600,000),  for 
which  he  was  to  pay  $500  annual- 
ly thereafter.  I  do  not  find  that 
the  $500  is  still  paid,  but  rather 
think  it  has  gone  the  way  of  many 
other  white  men  and  Indian  deal- 
ings or  was  settled  in  the  treaty 
soon  after  made. 

The  deed  is  as  follows:  Begin-* 
ning  on  the  boundary  line  of  the 
state  of  Pennsylvania  in  parallel 
42  degrees  at  a  point  S2  miles  west 
from  the  north  corner  of  Pennsyl- 
vania on  the  Delaware  river  as  said 
line  has  been  run  and  marked  by 
the  Commijssioners  of  New  York 
and  Pennsylvania,  and  from  said 
point  or  place  of  beginning  running 
west  as  said  line  to  a  meridian 
which  will  pass  through  that  cor- 
ner or  point  of  land  and  by  the 
confluence  of  the  Kanahasguicon 
(Canaseraga)  Creek  with  the  wa- 
ters of  the  Genesee  river,  thence 
north  along  said  meridian  to  the 
corner  or  point  last  mentioned; 
thence  northward  along  the  waters 
of  the  said  Genesee  to  a  point  two 
miles  north  of  Canaseraga  village, 
as  called. ,  Thence  running  in  a 
direction  due  west  twelve  (12) 
miles;  thence  in  a  dirction  north- 
westerly so  as  to  be  twelve  (12) 
miles  distant  from  the  north- 
westerly bounds  of  said  Genesee 
river  to  the  shore  of  Ontario  Lake; 
thence  east-wardly  along  the 
shores  of  said  lake  to  the  meridian 
which  will  pass  through  the  first 
point  or  place  of  beginning  afore 
mentioned;  thence  south  along  srjid 
meridian  to  the  first  point  or  place 

of    begiuing   afore   mentiouovl. 

Tils  deed  is  signed  by  liftj-uine 
(59)  chiefs  and  warri-n vs  as  fol- 
lows: Three  Moha\vic.=.  thrt'c 
Oneidas,  eight  O-nondagas,  tvveu- 
ty-two  Senecas,  and  by  sev^en 
Squaws  or  Governesses,  for  the 
Indians  respected  a  dower  right  of 
their  wives  in  their  real  estate.  And 
it  is  attested  by  the  signature  of 
John  Hancock,  the  Governor  of 
Massachusetts,  and  signer  of  the 
Declp-ration  of  Independence.  By 
the  terms  of  this  deed  the  town  of 
Cohocton  became  the  property  of 
*he  Phelps  and  Gorham  Company. 
Being  unable  to  deal  further  with 
the  Indians  the  balance  of  the 
original  bargain  was  surrendered 
back  to  the  state  of  Massachusetts, 
which  it  is  said,  relies ed  them  of 
two-thirds  of  the.  contract  price 
and  what  they  actually  became 
possessed  of  cost  them  aside  from 
the  annuity  about  four  cents  per 

Messrs.  Phelps  and  Gorham  by 
deed  dated  the  18th  of  November, 
1790,  conveyed  to  Robert  Morris 
of  Philadelphia  the  residue  of 
their  lands  unsold,  about  a  million 
and  a  quarter  acres.  Robert  Morris, 
on  the  11th  day  of  April,  1792, 
conveyed  to  Charles  Williamson 
two  hundred  thousand  acres.  Mr. 
Williamon  held  the  estate  in  sacred 
trust  for  Sir  William  Pulteney,  an 
English  Baronet  and  others.  In 
March  1801,  Mr.  Williamson  con- 
veyed the  estate  formally  to  Sir 
William    Pulteney. 

Cohocton  stands  in  the  northern 
part  of  Steuben  county,  and  at  first 
extended  from  near  the  Dansville 
line  down  to  a  line  between  W.  H. 
Cotton's  and  Thomas  Cotton's 
farm  above  Avoca. 

A  part  of  Avoca  was  taken  off  in 

184  3.  Part  of  Way  land  in  1848.  In 
1874,  we  got  a  strip  from  Pratts- 

From  the  best  authority  Con- 
hjocton  meau^si — "Log  acroea  the 
river — or  as  generally  accepted — 
"Crossing  river  on  a  log".  What 
effect  the  dropping  of  the  "N"  in 
first  syllable — I  leave  you  to  guess. 
The  name  originally  commenced 
with  a  "K" — Konhocton. 

As  at  present  constituted  it  has 
3  4,600  acres  and  ranks  fourth  in 
size — Bath,  Troupsburg  and  How- 
a,rd  exceeding  it  in  aci'eage. 

As  to  assessed  value  total  of 
personal  and  real  in  1904  report, 
had  it  accordiing  to  assesisor's 
valuation,  $1,599,552  ranking  5th. 
Horncllsville  city,  Corning  city, 
Bath  and  Urbana  ranking  it  in 

Could  we  have  stood  upon  some 
massive  hill  or  an  exceedingly  high 
mountain,  as  a  writer  has  said — ■ 
Look  over  as  far  as  the  eye  can 
reach : 

"It  is  a  vast  solitude — What  a 
noble  forest  is  this? — Covering 
the  valleys  and  its  high  rounded 
hills,  the  steep  sides  of  the  wind- 
ing gulleys  and  the  crests  of  the 
successive  ranges  that  rise  above 
each  other  until  the  outline  of  blue 
and  curving  barrier  is  traced 
against   the   sky." 

For  ages  upon  ages  has  this 
land  been  a  wilderness.  Savages 
have  hunted  itt.  Winter's  storms 
and  summer's  heat  have  passed 
over  it.  Bears  set  growling  in  the 
windows  of  their  hollow  trees.  Cat- 
amounts lurk  in  the  glens.  Pan- 
thers crouch  under  yon  sturdy  tree. 
Deer,  browse  in  the  thickets  or 
stand  stamping  in  the  stream  and 
myriads  of  smaller  animals  and  in- 
sects  dance      and    play   all   the   day. 

The  valleys  of  the  Couhocton  and 
Canisteo  were  of  old,  one  of  the 
best  hunting  grounds  belonging  to 
the  six  nations.  The  destruction  of 
the  forest  has  caused  the  gradual 
drying  up  of  many  of  these  streams 
and    weakening    of    others. 

In  the  early  days  the  Conhoc- 
ton  was  navigable  from  its  mouth 
to  the  22  mile  tree  (Atlanta  or 
more  definitely  Wm.  Rowe's  farm 
above),  a  large  portion  of  the 
year  and  many  a  raft  of  lumber 
and  graiffi  has  gone  down  to  the 
Chespeake.  Freshets  can  be  had  on 
shorter  notice  but  they  are  of  short 
duration.  Even  in  our  day  people 
have  been  known  to  paddle  their 
own  can,oe  in  the  streets  of  Painted 
Post.  I  remember  about  1890,  a 
citizen  of  that  place  saying  to  me: 
"I  had  always  wanted  a  piano,  but 
when  we  had  been  forced  up  stairs 
by  water  and  upon  rising  in  the 
morning  and  going  down  stairs  I 
siaw  my  melodeon  floating  around 
in  the  parlor  I  concluded  a  jews- 
harp  would  do  for  me." 

But  this  land  must  be  con- 
quered. Its  ancient  tenants  did  not 
yield  it  without  a  struggle.  A  long 
battle  fought  inch  by  inch  with  fire 
and  steel.  Dumb  and  obstinate* 
these  hills  were  stripped  of  their 
rainment.  They  were  burned.  They 
were  flayed.  They  were  torn  with 
plow  and  harrow.  Today  we  stand 
in  possession  of  this  noble  heri- 
tage and  are  gathered  here  to  re- 
call the  history  of  those  who  set 
the  march  of  Steuben  or  more 
limited  the  civilization  of  the  town 
of  Cohocton  in  progress. 

From  the  best  information  ob- 
triinable  Richard  Hooker,  about 
1791,  a  Southern  planter  at  the 
time,      near      Baltimore,      quite      a 

wealth;y  man,  and  owner  of  slaves, 
and  of  900  acres  of  land,  before 
leiaving  he  having  become  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Society  of  Friends  or 
Quakers  as  they  were  commonly 
called,  became  convinced  in  his 
own  mind  that  it  was  not  right  to 
keep  slaves,  gave  all  he  had  (re- 
port says  100),  their  freedom 
and  choice  to  remain  in  Maryland 
or  migrate  with  him  to  the  north- 
ern country — all  but  two  decided 
to    remain. 

He  set  out  equipped  with  two 
as  good  four  horsie  teams  as  could 
be  found,  with  his  wife,  four  sons 
and  seven  daughters  and  a  colored 
man   and  womjan. 

Thomas  Hooker,  one  of  the  sons, 
and  who  was  five  years  old  at  the 
time,  and  who  died  in  Naples  in 
1879,  relates  that  his  father  had  at 
the  time  of  leaving  one-half  bushel 
of  gold  and  silver  and  expected  to 
buy  forage. 

Richard  Hooker's  destination 
was  to  strike  the  Genesee  river  at 
General  Wadswprth's.  settlement 
near  Geneseo.  Cold  weather  coming 
on,  horsess  jaded  and  poor,  for 
lack  of  forage  not  purchasable; 
wife  i.nd  children  tired  and  home- 
sick, roads  non  est.  How  far  from 
his  destination  he  did  not  know,  as 
he  had  no  way  of  knowing  in  the 
wlLdernes,  he  decided  to  go  into 
quarters  for  the  winter.  He  built 
the  first  log  house  on  the  present 
Wing  (Waite)  farm,  with  no 
neighbors  nearer  that  he  knew 
of  than  Painted  Post  or  Bath,  ex- 
cept Indians.  Thomas  Hooker  says 
there  was  no  white  child  at  that 
time  for  him  to  play  with  and  that 
his  only  outside  companion  was 
an  Indian  child. 

SpriJng  Game  on,  four  of  his 
horses   had    died    of   starvation.    His 

money  could  not  buy  forage,  for 
there  was  none  to  buy.  The  remain- 
ing  four  horses  so  weak  and  feeble 
from  almost  starvation,  he  de- 
cided to  remain  and  Cohocton  rei- 
ceived  its  first  settler. 

These  words  came  to  me  by 
words  left  with  David  S.  Waits  by 
his    son,   Thomas    Hooker. 

A  sad  part  of  the  Hooker  history 
seems  necessary.  The  eldest  sou 
was  left  behind  in  Baltimore, 
where  he  was  studp^ing  law.  There 
was  considerable  still  due  from  the 
plantation,  and  it  was  understood 
that  when  it  was  paid  young 
Hooker  was  to  take  it  and  bring  it 
north.  But  instead  he  lost  it  all  by 
gambling,  thus  beggaring  his  par- 
ents and  blighting  their  hopes. 
The  father  struggled  along  for  a 
few  years  then  sank  into  an  early 
grave,  dying  February  10,  1801, 
aged  71,  and  was  buried  on  Naples 
hill.  He  was  not  oniy  the  first 
settler  but  the  first  white  man  who 
died   in   the   town. 

Selling  out  to  James  Woodard, 
hi,s  wife  Rachel  Conley  Hooker, 
moved  to  Naples  where  she  died 
July   23,    1809. 

Pioneers!  Thou  art  remember- 
ed though  thy  lives  ended  in  a 

Joseph  Bliven  was  sent  in  179  4, 
by  the  agent  of  the  Pulteney  Land 
Office,  Charles  Williamson,  to  build 
a  house  to  be  used  as  a  tavern  for 
the  accommodation  of  settlers  and 
whatever  tradei*s  there  luight  be,  at 
the  22  mile  tree,  near  the  present 
William  Rowe's  farm.  Some  years 
after  in  179  8,  he  was  married  to 
Sarah  Hooker,  one  of  the  daugh- 
ters of  Richard  Hooker.  This  was 
Cohocton's  first  marriage,  and 
their       daughter,    Bethuel    Hooker, 

born  in  1800,  was  the  first  white 
child  born  in  town. 

About  the  time  of  Bliven's  mar- 
riage he  sold  out  at  the  22  mile 
tree  and  built  a  double  log  house 
at  the  corner  of  what  is  now  the 
Naples  and  Wayland  street  at 
North  Cohocton,  opposite  what  is 
now  the  North  Cohocton  Hotel. 
This  was  sold  to  a  Mr.  Havens,  who 
in  1815,  sold  it  to  Samuel  Hart- 

James  Woodard,  born  in  Ver- 
mont,  into  the  town  in  1802, 
and  bought  the  Hooker,  (Wing) 
farm.  His  son,  James  Woodard, 
Jr.,  was  married  M!ay  10,  1807,  to 
Elizabeth  Hooker,  another  of 
Richard  Hooker's  daughters,  and 
settled  on  what  is  known  as  the 
Moulton  farm  near  the  present 
farm  of  their  son,  the  late  Ephri- 
am    Woodard. 

Aruna  Woodard,  another  son  of 
the  original  James  Woodard,  set- 
tled on  the  present  David  S.  Waite 
homestead,  and  kept  a  tavern  call- 
ed the  Half  Way  House  between 
Bath  and  Dansville.  From  a  de- 
scription left  the  building  was  an 
L-shaped  log  house,  log  barn  and 
frame   lean-to   shed. 

This  location  is  about  two  miles 
south  of  the  great  water  divide  be- 
tween Lake  Ontario  on  the  north 
doa    Chesapeake   Bay   on   the   south. 

There  was  no  nearer  way  to 
travel  between  Bath  and  Dansville, 
and  the  shaded  rough  and  muddy 
log  paths — no  state  roads — made 
travel  so  difficult  that  the  journey 
culd  not  be  made  in  one  day.  Said 
tavern  shed  and  sign  post  are  pre- 
served until  this  day  en  the  D.  S. 
Waite   farm. 

Duty  Waite,  born  in  Rhode 
Island  in  1785,  came  to  this  town 
in    1814,    and    acquired    the    proper- 

ty.  He  soon  turned  the  Aruna 
Woodard  tavern — one  part  into  a 
pioneer  dwelling  and  the  other  into 
a  neighborhood  school  house,  sup- 
ported by  subscriptions,  while  he 
taught,  no  school  districts  having 
as  yet  been  designated. 

Permit  me  further  to  say  of 
Duty  Waite,  that  I  have  ha-d  in  my 
possession  a  book  containing  Rules 
in  Equation  of  Payments,  Barter, 
Loss  and  Gain,,  Simple  and  Com- 
pound Inte'ji'e^st,  Exchange,  Comi-i 
parison  of  Weights  and  Measures, 
Double  Rule  of  Three,  Allegation, 
Medeal  and  Alternate,  Arithmetic- 
al Progression,  Geometrical  Pro- 
gession.  Reduction  of  Vulgar  Frac- 
tion.       He  had  16   scholars. 

There  being  no  books  for  use, 
he  was  accustomed  to  make  rules 
on  these  and  kindred  subjects,  give 
examples  under  each;  give  them  to 
hi  scholars  today  and  next  school 
day  they  would  recite  upon  that 
subject.  The  book  I  had  was  whei-e 
he  kept  copies  of  them. 

Frederick  Blood  settled  on  the 
farm  now  owned  by  Carnot  Tyler, 
north-west  of  Atlanta.  He  came 
from  Balston,  Saratoga  county,  but 
was  born  in  Germany.  His  sons 
were:  Asa,  Avery,  Zeba  and  Fred 

He  early  built  a  mill  on  a  creek 
on  the  Tyler  farm.  With  this  mill 
he  sawed  out  timber  for  a  frame 
barn,  built  across  the  road  from 
the  house,  which  is  said  to  have 
been  the  first  frame  building  in  the 
tOAvn,  or  in  this  part  of  the  coun- 
ty. Storms  beat  upon  it.  The  sun 
shone  upon  it  for  half  a  century — 
theai  it  was  moved  back  of  the 

In  ISin,  he  bought  lands  at 
North  Cohocton  and  built  what  I 
l:nov;    a?    the   YanRiper    Hotel.        It 

was  the  first  fi-ame  building  at  that 
point  and  the  place  was  named 
Bloods  Corners,  and  so  kept  the 
name  until  the  coming  of  the  Erie 
railroad  in  18  52,  which  appropriat- 
ed the  name  "Bloods"  until  July  1, 
1892,  when  it  had  lost  its  charm 
and  surrendered,  some  think, 
sweeter,   Atlanta. 

The  postoffice  has  from  1828  to 
date,  been  known  as  North  Cohoc- 

Among  some  of  the  later  pro- 
prietors of  the  hotel,  I  wuld  re- 
call the  younger  Fred  Blood,  Lis- 
eomb  Nichols,  William  Hyatt,  Ed- 
mund Fbwler,  Walling,  VanRiper, 
Wagner,    Bailey,    Smith. 

Daniel  Raymond  and  sons  came 
to  this  part  of  the  tcwr  from 
Wheeler  in  1816  and  seetled  on  ibe 
Hoag-Marsh  farm.  His  sojie  were: 
Daniel,  Roswell,  Silas  and  Alva 
Roswell.  They  first  settled  on  the 
S.  F.  Woodworth  farm.  Alva  set- 
tled on  the  Healy  place.  Silas  first 
settled  at  Kanona  or  Kennedyville, 
but  coming  to  this  town  in  1823, 
settled  on  the  Clayst3n-G*ardner 
farm.  Silas  and  Roswell  were  each 
Quaker  preachers  and  held  meet- 
ings in  the  school  house  of  now 
District  No.  4.  This  fact  and  the 
further  one  that  Richard  Hooker 
was  a  Quaker  accounts  for  the  fact 
that  that  street  has  ofien  been  call- 
ed Quaker  Street. 

Henry  and  Richard  Crouch  set- 
tled early  on  the  farm  of  Joda  M. 
Crouch.  Henry  went  to  the  war  of 
1812,  but  did  not  live  to  return. 
His  widow  bought  the  Hooker 
place  of  James  Woodard  in  1818, 
and  was  afterwards  married  to 
Elnathan  Wing,  and  now  you 
know  why  it  is  called  the  Wing 
place.  I  have  not  much  question 
that   the   Walden   place,   next   north. 

was  in  au  early  day  part  and  par- 
cel  of   the  same  place. 

James  Moultou  came  from  Sara- 
toga County  as  early  as  1815,  and 
after  a  few  yeaiT's  settlement  took 
up  a  farm  on  or  near  the  now 
Wayland  road  in  the  northern  part 
of  the  town.  Richard  Moulton,  a 
son  came  in  1818,  and  purchased 
of  Frederick  Blood,  part  of  his 
land,  settled  near  his  father  on 
what  is  now  known  as  the  O'Con- 
nell  place. 

Ashel  Tyler,  some  years  later 
became  possessed  of  part  of  the 
Blood  farm,  known  todajy  as  Mil- 
an Tyler  farm,  and  became  a  resi- 
dent of  the  town.  John  Bush  of 
Pompey,  Onondaga  county,  was  an 
early  settler  in  town.  He  made  a 
clearing  where  the  school  house  in 
District  4  now  stands..  He  is  said 
to  have  built  the  first  frame  house 
in  town,  and  to  have  bought  the 
first  hayrake. 

Mrs.  W.  W.  Miller  was  a  daugl\- 
ter  by  his  first  wife  and  Mrs.  H.  V.'. 
Hatch,  his  second  wife.  Nor;  is 
Bush  and  Wesley  Unsh  a,Tj  his 
isons.  There  are  a  number  of  other 

Abijah  Fowler  cam:;  from  Onei- 
da county  to  North  Cohocto,i  ir 
1816,  where  he  engagv?d  in  far.jli.g 
and  renting  oxen,  sheop  and  cows. 
He  died  in   1849. 

Samuel  G.  Fowler  was  liis  son 
and  the  only  son,  who  spent  ills 
his  life  in  Steuben  county.  He  was 
■a  trustee  of  the  M.  E.  church  at 
North  Gohocton,  and  contributed 
largely  to  the  erection  of  a  church 
building  in  1846.  He  was  also  one 
of  the  School  trustees  for  many 
years.  He  was  the  father  of  Noyes 
K.  Fowler.      He  died  in  1877. 

I  would  be  glad,  did  time  per- 
mit,   to      tell   you    of    Chauncey   At- 

well,  John  Watt,  John  Nichosou, 
Dr.  F.  H.  Blakely  and  others,  all  of 
whom  were  early  pioneers  of  the 
north  part  of  the  town. 

At  Atlanta  up  to  the  time  of 
the  coming  of  the  Erie  railroad  in 
1852.  There  were  but  two  houses — 
those  of  Caleb  Cross  and  Darwin 
Kimball,  so  that  the  place  took  its 
boom   then. 

Asa  Watkins  built  the  Mountain 
View  Hotel,  burnt  a  few  years 
ago.  Hodgeman  built  the  first 
store;  at  the  same  time  as  hotel, 
John  Oakly  had  a  mercantile  busi- 
ness a  few  years  and  sold  out  in 
1859    to   J.    W.    Pierce. 

W.  W.  Waite  was,  an  early  and 
progressive  citizen  of  Atlanta,  but 
dying  eai"./  his  career  was  shorten- 
ed. He  was  the  eldest  son  of  Duty 
Waite,   before  mentioned. 

Wm.  A.  Gilbert  v/as  merchant  at 
North  Gohocton  fr  ra  1846  until 
his  death  in   1878. 

Dr.  A.  L.  Gilbert  c:ime  to  North 
Gohocton  direct  from  Medical  Col- 
lege in  Vermont,  and  spent  his  life 
there  in  a  noble  v/ork,  dying  in 


Benjamin  Perkins  established 
his  family  and  saw  mill  at  Pevkins- 
ville  about  1812,  and  cajne  there 
possibly  a  year  earlier,  as  the  vil- 
lage cemetery  at  that  place,  vrhich 
was  named  after  him,  contained  a 
head-stone,  "Bridget",  daughter  of 
Benjamin  and  Lydia  Perkins,  died 
July  14,  1812,  aged  three  months 
and  eight  days." 

Walter  Patchin  was  born  in  Nor- 
walk.  Conn.,  July  24,  176  4.  He 
joined  the  Gontinential  Army  and 
took  part  in  defense  of  the  town 
(Cowen)  against  the  British 
and    Indians.        Young   Patchin    was 

injured  and  later,  pensioned  by  the 
Government  for  the  injury  he  re- 

Later  he  settled  in  Marcellus, 
Onondaga  county,  and  in  1814, 
moved  to  Patchinville,  giving  a 
name  to  the  place.  He  settled  near 
the  present  residence  of  Hon.  Gor- 
don M.  Patchin.  Walter  Patchiii 
was  twice  married.  His  first  wife 
was  the  mother  of  Dr.  Warren 
Patchin.  Myron  W.  Patchin  was 
the  nijuth  of  eleven  children  of  his 
second   wife. 

"When  Walter  Patchin  moved  to 
town,"  sajys  Jarvis  in  his  history  of 
Wayland  "he  transported  his  goods 
with  an  ox  teiam  and  in  coming 
dov/n  the  East  Patchin  hill  over 
which  the  old  road  led,  one  of  his 
oxen  fell  and  broke  his  neck.  A 
most  serious  loss  for  a  Pioneer 
farmer.  On  inquiring  of  Bejamin 
Perkins  he  learned  of  a  settler 
near  Dansville,  of  whom  an  ox 
could  be  obtained.  r>ut  Mr.  Pat- 
chin was  not  prepared  to  pa^y  just 
then,  and  being  a  stranger  was  in 
a  predicament  from  which  Mr.  Per- 
kins relieved  him  by  picking  up  a 
chip,  on  which  he  scratched  his 
initials,  "B.  P."  and  gave  it  to  Mr. 
Patchin  to.  hand  to  the  settler, 
which  he  did  and  came  back  with 
his  bovine.  This  is  the  first  record- 
ed bank  check  in  town." 

Probably  no  man  had  a  more 
strenuous  life  than  did  Dr.  Warren 
Patchin,  a  son  of  Walter  Patchin, 
who  saw  service  in  the  war  of  1812 
to  1814.  He  came  to  Patchinville 
shortly  after  his  father  and  was 
the  most  noted  practitioner  in  all 
this  locality  and  there  were  other 
grand  ones.  He  was  an  active 
member  of  the  Steuben  Medical 
Society  from  its  organ inzation  in 
1S18.   and   its   first   President.        He 

fetill  found  time  to  do  other 
things  than  practice  medicine.  In 
1820  he  built  the  Patchinville  saw- 
mill, which  burned  in  1821,  and 
in.  1822,  he  erected  the  Patchin- 
ville grist  mill,  which  stands  to- 

The  tax  roll  for  1829  gives  War- 
ren Patchin  409  acres  valued  at 
$12  per  acre,  the  highest  on  the 

The  long  time  famous  Patchin 
Hotel  was  built  by  him  in  1824. 
For  many  years  it  was  a  typical 
country  tavern,  where  the  young 
men  of  the  day  brought  cheir  sweet 
hearts,  in  that  early  da,y  to  the 
s.well  dances.  It  stood  where  now 
the  residence  of  John  P.  Morsch 

There  were  four  of  the  Hess 
brothers  who  settled  on  farms  near 
Patchinville  in  1818.  They  came 
from  Herkimer  county.  All  had 
large  families.  Denies  or  Dennis 
Hess  had  two  sons  to  whom  the 
then  Wayland  part  of  this  town 
owes  much. 

.John  Hess  v/as  Supervisor  of 
Cohocton  in  1840,  1841,  1843, 
1844,  1848.  Then  he  was  serving 
his  fifth  term  as  Supervvisor  when 
Wayland  was  formed.  Did  much 
for  its  formation,  and  according  to 
agreement  being  in  office,  became 
the  the  first  Supervisor  of  the  town 
of  Wayland  at  its  formation,  April 
12,   1848. 

Myron  M.  Patchin  being  one  of 
the  Justices  of  Peace  of  Cohocton, 
and  living  in  that  territry  became 
one  of  the  firt  Justices  of  Peace  of 
Wa.yland  for  the  same  reason.  The 
late  Solomon  F.  Hess  of  Rochester 
was  a  son  of  John  Hess. 

I  would  be  glad  to  stop  longer 
over  members  of  this     town,   in  its 

northern  portion,  but  we  must  look 

Rev.  Salmon  Bronson  must  have 
settled  on  Loon  Lake  as  early  as 
1811.  He  wa<s  the  first  settler  in 
that  portion  of  the  town.  I  quote 
from  his  tomb-stone,  which  I  am 
sorry  to  say,  lies  broken  upon  the 
ground  at  the  front  portion  of  Loon 
Lake  cemetery. 

Rev.  Salmon  Bronson,  first 
settler  at  Loon  Lake.  Died  July  29, 
1839,  aged  67  years."  "Mary, 
wife  of  Salmon  Bronson,  died 
June   21,   1859,   aged   80   years." 

His  sons  were  Elisha,  James, 
Charles,  Salmon,  William  and  Da- 

At  an  earl,y  day  he  ov/ned  nearly 
if  not  quite  all  the  land  about  Loo^^ 

Salmon  Bronson  se*:tled  on  what 
is  now  known  as  the  Faulkner 
place,  occupied  by  Mrs.  Sarah 
Flaulkner.  It  was,  after  his  father's 
death,  ocupied  by  Rev.  James 
Bronson,  one  of  Salmon  Bronson's 
sons,  who  transferred  it  to  James 
P.  Clark  and  he  to  William 

Elisha  Bronson,  who  like  his 
father  and  brother  James  were  lo- 
cal Metholist  ministers,  built  an 
overshod  Avater  saw-mill  where 
the  present  Didas  cider  and  vine- 
gar mill  iis  in  Bonesville,  in  com- 
pany with  his  son-in-law  Carpen- 

Charles  Bronson,  another  son  of 
Salmon's  lived  on  the  Griswold- 
Cooley  place  on  the  corner  of  the 
highways.  The  Bronsons  were 
strong,  energetic  men  in  their  day. 

The  cemetery  at  Loon  Lake  has 
this  early  stone,  "Mary,  wife  of 
Elisiha  Bronson,  died  December, 
1813.  Thils  is  probably  one  of  the 
earliest  deaths  in  the  Loon  T^ake,  a 

former  section  of  the  town  of  Co- 

Elisha  Bronson  died  April  17, 
1871,  aged  83.  I  do  not  know  of 
one  of  the  family  in  tov.'n  or  in 
this   immediate   section. 

One  of  the  early  settlers  at  Loon 
Lake  was  Amos  Halliday,  who 
died  April  1853,  aged  106  years. 
He  settled  in  that  portion  of  the 
part  of  Cohocton  about  1815,  on 
the  farm  yet  in  possession  of  the 

Osgood  Carleton  came  from  the 
West  Portland  plantation  in  Massa- 
chussetts  to  the  Wadamus  phu:e 
south  of  Loon  Lake  early  in  1813. 
The  Wadamus  place,  as  it  was 
known,  included  lands  owned  by 
Warren  Briggs,  Bert  Wagner  and 
Lester  Ingalls.  After  living  there 
two  or  three  years  he  moved  to  the 
Gaiss  (Worth)  farm  where  he  lived 
many  years.  He  vas  n  surveyor  as 
well  as  farmer.  Carleton  Hill  was 
named  after  him  February  17, 
1810.  tinder  an  act  of  the  United 
States  to  encourage  leasing,  he  was 
issued  a  certificate  for  Carleton's 
Compendium  of  Arithmetic  by  the 
State  of  Massachusetts.  Also  on 
Januaray  5,  1790,  the  Boston 
Marine  Society,  "We  recommend 
Mr.  Osgood  Carleton  as  a  person 
of  good  character  and  well  ac- 
quainted   with    the    Mathematics." 

Signed,  W.    Smith,    Sec. 

He  was  grandfather  of  Mrs. 
Monroe  Clayson  and  Mrs.  C.  C. 

Reuben  Clayson  settled  in  the 
town  at  an  early  day  on  a  farm 
just  east  of  his  grandson's  MonroO' 
Clayson's  present  farm,  and  clear- 
ed a  large  tract  in  that  section. 
Wheeler  Clayson  is  also  a  grand- 
son and  Lewivs  and  Smith  Clayson, 

Loon  Lake,  always  a  fine  body  of 
water,  was  made  even  more  attrac- 
tive, when  in  1870,  Thomas  War- 
ner purchased  a  tract  of  land  on 
the  west  side  of  the  lake  and  erect- 
ed thereon  a  fine  hotel  and  one  or 
two  cottages.  For  a  number  of 
years  thereafter  and  down  to  the 
burning  of  the  hotel  in  October 
1888,  it  was  a  much  sought  resort, 
especially  for  miles  around.  One  of 
the  original  cottages,  saved  from 
fire,  is  now  occupied  by  Crouch, 
who  has  tenants. 

About  the  time  of  the  dedication 
July  14,  1871,  occurred  there  a  se- 
vere accident.  Parties  were  out  in 
boats  all  over  the  lake.  A  cannon 
was  loaded  with  gravel  and  about 
anything  handy  and  when  fired 
killed  Llewellyn  Rynders,  son  of 
Hiram  Rynders,  instantly  and  se- 
verely injuring  A.  T.  Parkhill,  a 
young  attorney  then  practicing 
here.  Young  R^ynders  was  15  years 
old  at  the  time. 

Jonas  Cleland,  accompanied  by 
his  family,  among  whom  was  a  son 
James,  then  seven  years  of  age, 
rame  here  from  Pompey,  Onondaga 
county  in  1805.  Having  purchased 
a  parcel  of  land  equal  to  a  mile 
square  just  south  of  the  present 
south  Hne  fence  of  the  fair  grounds 
for  12  shillings  per  acre,  built  a 
log  house  on  the  north  side  of  the 
Davis  creek  nearly  opposite  the 
present  residence    of    William  Cragg. 

In  180  8,  he  built  the  first  saw 
mill.  It  was  built  on  the  bank  of 
the  Conhocton  just  west  of  the 
present  barn  on  the  farm  of  Jonah 
Cleland.  The  irons  used  in  the  saw 
mill  were  got  by  Charies  William- 
son, Pulteney  agent  at  Bath,  who 
it  is  said,  was  preparing  to  build  a 
mill    here    prior   to    his    sale.        The 

irons    were  manufactured  in  England 

A  short  time  later  he  built  a 
grist  mill,  s«me  20  rodo  south  and 
east  in  reality,  on  the  other  side  of 
the  road,  which  then  ran  along  the 
bank  of  the  river.  That  grist  mill 
was  a  great  boom  to  the  inhabi- 
tants then  living  within  a  radiusi 
of  ten  miles.  Before  its  erection 
they  had  to  go  to  Naples  or  Dans- 
ville  on  horse-back,  with  whatever 
grist  they  had.  The  roads  not  then 
admitting,  at  least  in  comfortable 
shape  of  v/heeled  vehicles. 

One  of  the  mill  stones  of  said 
mill  is  on  the  Jonah  Cleland  farm. 

Before  building  the  grist  mill  he 
had  sold  to  Albertus  Larrowe, 
great-grandfather  of  Charles  Lar- 
rowe, the  northern  half  of  the  land' 
included  in  his  purchase  and  buiFt 
for  himself  a  house  en  the  bank 
of  the  river  some  20  rods  south 
of  the  present  residence  of  Jonah 
Cleland,  his  grandson. 

Jonah  Cleland  was  evidently  a 
strong,  enegetic  man,  and  without 
doubt  a  man  of  some  means.  The 
saw  mill  built  by  Mr.  Cleland  was 
for  a  long  time  known  as  the  Da- 
vis mill  and  afterward  owned  by 
Thomas  Warner. 

I  now  come  to  Samuel  Chamber- 
lain. The  county  histories  say  Joseph 
Chamberlain  and  others  speak  of 
Levi  Chamberlain,  the  county  his- 
torians putting  Joseph  here  in  1805 
to  1808,  according  to  which  you 
are  reading.  Both  these  men  are  in 
name,  at  least,  creatures  of  imag- 
ination as  neither  ever  lived, 
breathed  or  had  an  existence.  Sam'l 
Chamberlain  was  born  in  Ipswich, 
Mass.,  in  1787,  and  came  to  this 
town  about  1809,  and  did  service  in 
the  Jonah  Cleland  Company  of  the 
v^ar  of  1812.  He  settled  on  the  Da- 
vis farm. 

The  story  goes  and  with  part  at 
least,  correctness,  that  his  effects 
consisted  of  a  pack  carried,  and  a 
cow  and  dog.  His  mode  of  living  was 
primitive  in  the  extreme,  imitating 
Diogenes,  who  is  said  to  have  lived 
in  a  tub.  Chamberlain  did  not  have 
even  a  tub,  so  taking  a  log  he  cut  a 
hole  in  the  upper  side  near  the  end 
as  it  lay  on  the  ground,  taught  his 
cow  to  step  astride,  milked  her  in 
that  opening,  put  his  bread,  when  he 
had  any,  in  and  ate  it  with  an  iron 

In  1820,  he  sold  out  to  Daniel  H. 
Davis  and  commenced  the  erection 
of  the  VanWormer  house  on  North 
Main  street,  but  before  finishing  sold 
out  to  Paul  C.  Cook,  and  built  a 
dwelling  on  the  Ezra  Mathers  place 
on  South  Main  street.  Here  he  resid- 
ed for  quite  a  number  of  years,  but 
sold  out  to  Lewis  Kimball.  Then  he 
built  a  building  that  stood  not  far 
west  of  the  present  Wilcox  &  Son 

The  Erie  road,  about  1850,  want- 
ing the  room  he  went,  building  and 
all,  across  the  river  and  located  on 
th  present  site  of  the  Cohocton 
(Drum-Bush)  hotel.  Here  he  died 
in  1860.  He  was  for  a  number  of 
years  the  town  collector  and  is  said 
to  have  sold  the  first  yard  of  calico 
sold  in  town. 

Conrad  Shults,  when  he  built  the 
hotel  he  moved  the  building  acrooS 
the  street  and  is  now  owned  by 
Cassius  Mathers. 

Daniel  H.  Davis  was  born  in  New 
Haven,  Conn.,  his  mother  being  Ly- 
dia  Allen,  sister  of  Ethan  Allen  of 
Ticonderoga  fame.  Mr.  Davis'  father 
was  her  second  husband.  Her  first 
husband  was  a  half  brother  of  Jonas 

About  1820,  he  came  to  Cohocton, 
and  purchased  of  Samuel  Chamber- 
lain the  farm  now  known  as  the  Da- 
vis farm  below  the  village.     He  also 

owned  the  saw  mill  built  by  Jonas 
Cleland,  which  was  afterwards 
known  as  the  Warner  mill,  now  des- 
troyed. He  also  at  one  time  was  the 
owner  of  the  mills  on  the  site  of  the 
Larrowe  Milling  Co.,  mills. 

Near  where  is  the  present  Kiefer 
mill  he  built  a  woolen  factory,  which 
was  operated  by  a  Mr.  Willis,  an 
Englishman.  All  sorts  of  woolen 
goods,  blankets,  flannels  and  broad- 
cloths were  manufactured.  It  was 
afterwards  owned  by  Pedmore  & 

He  had  at  one  time  a  lumber  yard 
at  Canandaigua.  He  was  Major  of 
the  local  military  that  drilled  on  the 
square  that  ran  from  S.  D.  Parmen- 
ter's  house  to  the  Beehive,  (Printing 
office  building)  on  Maple  Avenue. 
He  was  at  one  time  interested  in  a 
general  store,  and  was  postmaster 
and  Justice  of  the  Peace. 

Joseph  Shattuck,  a  soldier  of  the 
Revolutionary  war,  and  a  pensioner 
at  the  time  of  his  death  in  1819, 
who  was  buried  in  Maple  View  ceme- 
tery, came  from  Onondaga  county 
in  18  06,  and  settled  in  the  then 
southern  part  of  the  town  (now 
Avoca)  on  the  Henderson  farm.  He 
ran  a  hotel  there. 

His  sons  were  Joseph,  Lucius 
(father  of  S.  D.  Shattuck,)  Truman, 
(father  of  Harvey  S.  Shattuck),  Ze- 
buna  and  Alfred. 

Joseph  came  to  the  now  village  of 
Cohocton  about  1809  and  built  the 
fist  original  Steuben  House  (smaller 
than  at  present),  the  oldest  building 
in  the  village,  which  he  occupied  a 
few  years,  then  sold  to  Jonathan 
Danforth  who  sold  to  Constant  Cook 
in  182  2,  who  with  others,  owned  and 
operated  a  line  of  stages  between 
Bath  and  Dansville,  a  branch  from 
here  going  to  Canaiidaigua.  The  two 
large  barns  stood  west  of  the  hotel 
and  occupied  nearly  down  to  the 
'  present  bank  building,  the     last     of 


which  Henry  Schuster  tore  down  in 
1907,  to  make  room  for  his  large 
new  barn,  using  much  of  its  timber, 
were  the  stage  barns.  Horses  were 
changes  here  and  dinner  eaten. 

The  following  have  been  the  hotel 
proprietors  and  about  the  years  of 
their  occupancy. 

Horace  West;  Calvin  Blood,  1838- 
1848;  Jacob  Walling,  1848-1852; 
Chauncey  Chandler  1853-1854; 
Daniel  Ward,  1854-1858;  Jacob 
Walling,  2d  time,  1859-1860;  Jacob 
Townsend,  18  61-18  62;  George  F. 
Mead,  1862-1864;  A.  J.  Pinch,  1864- 
1865;  Amos  Halliday  for  a  short 
time;  Hatch  St.  John  for  a  year; 
George  P.  Mead,  2d,  for  anoother 

Prom  1867  to  1870,  it  was  rented 
to  tenants,  one  being  Walter  N.  El- 
dred,  who  while  living  there  kept  the 
postofRce  and  a  feed  store.  John 
White  going  in  in  1870,  reopened  it 
as  a  hotel  and  continued  until  1875. 
That  year  it  was  bought  by  Shepard 
Rowell  who  raised  it  to  three  stories, 
as  it  now  is,  and  continued  in  pos- 
session until  he  moved  into  the  War- 
ner House  in  1885,  having  sold  out 
to  Jacob  L.  Barthleme,  who  manag- 
ed t  until  1900,  when  it  came  into 
the  possession  of  Henry  Schuster 
and  so  remains. 

In  1909,  it  will  have  reached  a 
century  of  existence.  In  spite  of 
dire  predictions  both  insurance  and 
otherwise,  men  have  come  and  men 
have  gone.  Its  history  stretches  be- 
yond all  its  surroundings  in  build- 
ing3  or  people.  Elections,  dances, 
meetings  for  business  interests  of 
the  community  have  been  held  with- 
in its  walls. 

This  digression  for  the  Shattuck 
history  seemed  necessary.  I  now 
resume  on  Joseph  Shattuck's,  Sr. 

Lucius  Shattuck,  the  father  of  the 
late  Stephen  D.  Shattuck,     came     to 

this  place  not  far  from  1812,  and 
built  a  house  on  the  present  site  of 
S.  D.  Pamenter's  house  on  South 
Main  street.  He  was  a  shoemaker 
by  trade,  which  business  he  followed 
many  years.  He  also  engaged  in 
farming.  He  was  first  elected  Town 
Clerk  in  1822,  and  held  the  office 
with  the  exception  of  the  year  1831 
nutil  1838.  He  was  elected  again 
in  1852,  but  died  soon  after.  So 
Lucius  and  his  son  Stephen  D.  Shat- 
tuck died  while  holding  the  office  of 
Town  Clerk. 

Truman  Shattuck  settled  in  the 
north  part  of  the  town,  and  was  the 
father  of  Harvey  S.  Shattuck  who 
died  November  9,  1903.  He  at  one 
time  owned  the  Barney-E.  E.  Stan- 
ton farm  on  Lent  Hill.  Zebuna  and 
Alfred  Shattuck  settled  near  their 
father  in  the  then  southern  part  of 
the  town. 

Alvin  Talbat  came  into  town  at 
an  early  age  and  settled  near  the 
present  south  line  of  the  town.  In 
1808,  he  sold  out  to  Gabriel  Deusen- 
bery.  His  log  house  stood  between 
the  present  highway  and  the  Jacob 
Stanton  farm  house,  for  that  was  the 
Deusenbery  farm.  In  1863,  Deusen- 
bery  sold  out  and  later  purchased 
the  A.  VanRiper  farm.  He  was 
grand-father  to  Merritt  Deusenbery. 

The  first  school  house  in  the  town 
was  a  log  building  that  stood  on 
the  Deusenbery  farm.  There  was 
built  by  Mr.  Deusenbery  in  1823,  a 
saw  mill.  Its  site  was  that  of  the 
present  Tierney  mill.  It  was  later 
converted  into  a  paper  mill  by 
Stoning  &  Brown,  then  run  by  Mer- 
rill H.  and  Lucius  Brown  and  was 
quite  successful,  until  it  was  burned 
in  1850. 

Benjamin  S.  Hoag  then  bought 
the  property  and  built  a  saw  mill  on 
the  site  of  the  paper  mill.  This  was 
burned  and  he  built  a  third  mill 
which  was  burned  in  18  75.     Still  he 


built  another.  Later  the  Tierney 
mill  was  built. 

William  Walker  had  the  first  tan- 
nery in  town  where  the  former 
Green-Noble  home  occupied  by  Bellis 
is.  It  was  operated  for  nearly  25 
years  and  finally  removed.  The  old 
house  the  other  side  of  the  street 
was  a  part  of  it. 

Lawrence  VanWormer  came  from 
Montgomery  county  in  1816.  He  had 
traded  his  farm  there  for  a  tract  in 
this  county — Bound  Tract — some 
eighteen  hundred  acres.  Here  he 
purchased  some  250  acres  more.  His 
home  was  the  present  farm  of  J.  D. 
Flint.  Some  600  acres  of  this  land, 
he  is  said  to  have  cleared  and  made 
ready  for  cultivation.  He  like  his 
son,  Valentine,  VanWormer,  was  a 
prominent  member  of  the  M.  B. 
church  and  the  early  quarterly 
meetings,  for  want  of  a  more  com- 
modious place,  are  said  to  have  been 
held  in  his  barn.  He  died  August, 
1852,  aged  84. 

Most  of  the  histories  make  Horace 
Fowler  a  resident  of  this  town  in 
1806  This  is  too  early,  as  he  did 
not  come  until  about  1808.  He 
built  a  house  on  the  present  home 
lot  of  Charles  Larrowe. 

He  was  the  father  of  O.  S.  and 
L.  N.  Fowler  and  Charlotte  Fowler 
Wells,  the  noted  Phrenologists 

Many  of  the  earlier  meetings  of 
the  Congregational,  now  Presbyteri- 
an church,  were  held  at  his  resi- 
dence. He  was  elected  Commissioner 
of  Highways  in  1815,  and  was 
prominent  in  town  affairs  in  other 

Byron  Haight  and  son,  Peter 
Haight  came  aboue  1814,  and  settled 
on  the  Theobold  Neufang  farm. 
Peter  Haight  was  one  of  the  early 
collectors  of  the  town  of  Cohocton, 
and  was  the  father  of  Mrs.  Albert  H. 

David  Parmenter     came     to     this 

town  at  an  early  day  and  settled  on 
the  place  owned  by  the  Larrowe 
Milling  Co.,  and  owned  now  by 
Charles  Aldous.  He  built  in  1825,  a 
grist  mill  and  saw  mill  above  where 
the  present  plant  of  the  Larrowe 
Milling  Co.,  stands.  It  was  burned 
in  1829. 

Isaac  Morehouse  who  settled  on 
the  Thorp  farm  opposite  the  present 
residence  of  Mrs.  Sarah  Thorp, 
Timothy  Sherman       who       lived 

on  the  N.  J.  Wagner  farm,  James 
Barnard,  Samuel  Rhodes,  Jesse  At- 
wood,  Charles  Burlingham,  Samuel 
Leggett,  Cornelius  Crouch  were  all 
early  settlers  in  and  about  the  vil- 
lage of  Cohocton. 

Caleb  Crouch  was  a  settler  in 
1828,  built  a  hotel  on  the  present 
site  of  the  Warner  House.  He  occu- 
pied and  owned  the  property  until 
his  death  in  1842,  and  by  his  heirs 
for  some  years  later  the  following 
were  among  the  occupants  and  in 
about  the  following  order. 

J.  P.  Brace,  Lawrence  Borden, 
Jas.  A.  Arnold,  Mr.  Simpson,  1851- 
1853;  Gardner  Mason,  1854;  Calvin 
E.  Thorp,  James  Elliott,  Samuel  S. 
Rosenkrans,  S.  Farnsworth,  1867- 
18G:;  Samuel  S.  Turn,  1864-1875; 
Cha,J.  Densmore,  1875-1876;  Shep- 
ard  Rowell  who  moved  back  to 
the  Steuben  House,  March  1S79,  af- 
ter being  away  from  there  but  a 
short  time. 

It  was  the  intention  of  Mrs.  Dens- 
more  to  open  the  hotel  the  next  mor- 
ning, but  it  took  fire  and  was  burned 
to  the  ground.  Thomas  Warner 
purchased  the  lot  in  1880,  and  mov- 
ed a  building  known  as  the  evapora- 
tor building  upon  the  corner  and 
turned  it  into  an  evaporator  and  so 
occupied  it  until  IS  S3.  That  was 
moved  back  and  stands  next  to  the 
barn  and  that  year  Mr.  Warner 
commenced  the  erection  of  the  War- 
ner House.     That  building  is  an  or- 


nament  to  the  place     but  has     never 
been  particularly  profitable. 

Since  then  its  occupants  have  been 
as  follows: 

Van  Vleck  and  son  until  1885; 
Shepard  Rowell  1885-1891;  Charles 
King  for  about  six  months;  O.  F. 
Leiders  1892  to  February  1894; 
Austin  H.  Twining  March  1894- 
August  1894;  Lake  &  Perault 
August  1894-August  189  5;  William 
Perault  August  1895-September 
1896;  William  H.  Taylor  September 
189  6  until  his  death,  May  1899; 
Mrs.  W.  H.  Taylor  from  May  1899 
until  December  1899;  Smith  H.  Hill 
Dcember  1890-March  1901;  Richard 
Kirby  March  1901-March  1904; 
J.  P.  Brace  February  1905-June 
1905;  Luther  S.  Veeder  September 
1905-1909;  A.  F.  Adams  March 

Thomas  C.  Chase  came  to  Cohocton 
about  the  year  1812.  He  purchased 
a  tract  of  land,  most  of  which  was 
wilderness,  in  the  village.  He  built 
a  log  house  on  the  site  of  the  present 
Stone  residence  in  this  village.  His 
land  extended  from  his  residence 
east  half  way  to  the  four  corners  and 
west  including  the  flats  west  of  the 
river.  Later  about  1828,  he  erect- 
ed a  frame  house  on  the  same 
ground  which  is  now  the  back  part 
of  the  Stone  r-esidence. 

Levi  C.  Chase,  one  of  his  sons, 
about  183  6,  built  the  present  Link 
house  at  end  of  the  street  in  Trip- 
nock.  Mr.  Chase  was  under  Cook  and 
Magee  in  the  construction  of  the 
Rochester  division  of  the  now  Erie 
railroad  and  was  its  first  Superin- 
tendent for  a  few  years.  Afterward 
he  moved  to  LeRoy  and  died  in  Min- 
neapols,  Minn. 

Nathaniel  B.  Chase,  another  son 
of  Thomas  C.  Chase,  at  one  time 
owned  the  Larrowe  Mill  site  and 
sold  in  1850  to  David  H  Wilcox. 
Amos  W.  Chase,  another  son,  was  a 

merchant  of  this  place  and  lived  on 
the  Slayton-Wager  place  on  South 
Main  street. 

Phillip  Cook  settled  in  this  town 
on  the  farm  now  owned  by  Haskins- 
R.  W.  Miller  and  which  stands  near 
the  Erie  railroad  south  of  the  pres- 
ent south  town  line. 

He  was  the  father  of  Constant  and 
Paul  C.  Cook.  He  was  a  former  resi- 
dent of  Warren,  Herkimer  County, 
and  came  to  this  town  about  1815. 
When  he  came  he  had  slaves,  but 
not  long  afterward  they  were  freed. 

Constant  Cook  came  here  in  1820, 
engaged  a  few  years  in  farming  and 
in  1822  became  interested  with  the 
late  John  Magee,  then  of  Watkins, 
formerly  of  Bath,  in  numerous  mail 
and  stage  routes.  He  purchased  the 
Steuben  House  of  Jonathan  Dan- 
forth  that  year  and  thus  began  the 
large  fortunes  which  both  of  these 
men  built  up.  He  moved  to  Bath  in 
1843,  and  later  was  engaged  in  the 
construction  of  the  now  Erie  rail- 
road, and  then  known  as  the  Buffalo, 
New  York  and  Corning,  from  Corn- 
ing to  Buffalo  by  way  of  Batavia  and 
Attica.  Later  he  was  interested  in 
the  Bloss  Coal  Co.,  near  Blossburg, 

About  1854,  he  established  what 
was  known  at  the  time  of  his  death, 
February  24,  1874,  as  the  First  Na- 
tional Bank  of  Bath,  over  which  he 
presided  for  twenty  years  as  its 

Constant  Cook,  even  while  a  hotel 
proprietor,  was  a  Justice  of  the 
Peace.  The  followng  facts  are  re- 

"One  day  an  old  gentleman  and  a 
young  lady  alighted  from  one  of  his 
stages  as  it  drove  up  before  the  now 
Steuben  House,  and  stopped  for 
dinner.  While  waiting  the  old 
gentleman  informed  Mr.  Cook  that 
he  desired  the  services  of  a  justice, 
as  they  desired  to  be  married.       His 


host  informed  him  that  he  had  the 
honor  of  being  one  of  these  officials 
and  would  gladly  accommodate 
them.  He  accordingly  tied  the  nup- 
tial knot  and  they  went  on  their  way 

They  went  to  Bath  and  returned 
the  next  day.  The  young  lady  had 
evidently  become  dissatisfied  with 
her  old,  new-made  husband,  for  she 
quickly  called  the  Justice — Land- 
lord Cook  to  one  side,  asking  him  if 
he  could  not  unmarry  them  as  she 
had  regretted  the  step  she  had  taken 
adding,  "Mr.  Cook,  it  does  seem 
to  me  that  as  you  have  performed 
all  the  ceremony  in  this  matter, 
that  you  might  unmarry  us."  Jus- 
tice Cook  assured  the  young  lady, 
that  he  would  gladly  accede  to  her 
request  if  it  were  in  his  power  to  do 
so.  The  law  that  empowered  me  to 
so.  The  law  that  empowered  him  to 
tie  the  nuptial  knot  did  not  provide 
any  means  by  which  he  could  un- 
tie it.  She  turned  away  with  evi- 
dent disappointment  and  reluctant- 
ly joined  him,  whom  she  had  in  a 
foolish  moment  chosen  for  her  hus- 

The  father  of  Moses  Saxton  lived 
here  and  drove  the  stage  from  here 
to  Canandaigua  for  Cook  &  Magee. 

Paul  C.  Cook,  another  son  of  Phil- 
ip Cook,  was  a  prominent  man  in 
town  affairs.  He  was  a  merchant. 
About  1828,  be  built  what  is  known 
as  the  "Beehive"  —  Times-Index 
office.  This  building  with  the  house 
that  stood  on  the  Fred  Wittig  dwell- 
ing lot,  known  as  the  Winters' 
house  and  was  burned  about  1883, 
and  an  old  building  that  stood  where 
Jacob  Stein's  house  is,  were  the  only 
buildings  then  on  that  side  of  Ma- 
ple Avenue  until  the  building  of  the 
Lichius  house,  a  year  or  two  later, 
which  makes  the  "Beehive"  the 
oldest  building  on  the  south  side  of 
Maple  Avenue  today.  He  was  Super- 

visor of  the  town  thirteen  years, 
town  clerk  3  years.  Member  of  As- 
sembly 1827-1831.  In  the  fall  of 
1844  he  was  elected  County  Clerk, 
and  re-elected  in  1847,  holding  the 
office  six  years.  He  moved  to  Bath 
upon  his  election  as  County  Clerk. 

Albertus  Larrowe  came  from  New 
Jersey  to  the  town  of  Reading, 
Schuyler  County,  and  from  there  to 
the  town  of  Wheeler.  From  there  he 
came  to  Cohocton  about  1806,  hav- 
ing bought  of  Samuel  S.  Haight, 
then  agent  of  the  Pulteney  etate,  the 
land  from  the  south  line  of  the  Fair 
ground  north  to  Mill  St.,  in  this  vil- 
lage and  purchased  the  northern 
portion  of  the  Cleland  land  as  before 

John  Larrowe,  his  oldest  son, 
came  here  and  bought  the  Haight 
property  of  his  father.  He  built  a 
house  which  stood  near  the  location 
of  the  present  Larrowe  farm  house, 
which  was  afterwards  removed  and 
is  now  known  as  the  Wemple  house 
on  Hill  street.  He  erected  the  pres- 
ent Larrowe  farm  house.  He  had 
four  sons,  Franklin,  Albertus,  Mar- 
cus Dwight  and  William  Wheeler. 
Franklin  died  in  18 G2;  William  W., 
at  an  earlier  date. 

John  Larrowe  died  in  1SG7.  His 
land  was  left  to  his  two  surviving 
sons,  Albertus  and  Marcus  Dwight. 

Albertus  bought  his  brother  out. 
In  18  66,  he  bought  the  present  site 
of  the  Larrowe  Milling  Co.,  of  Da- 
vid H.  Wilcox  and  operated  it  as  a 
custom  mill  until  1889,  when  the 
Larrowe  Milling  Co.,  was  formed. 

The  Weld  family,  which  figures 
in  the  early  history  of  Cohocton,  are 
an  off-shoot  of  the  vigorous  parent 
stock,  which  so  long  had  its  root  in 
Roxbury,  Mass. 

Captain  Joseph  Weld     with     other 

brothers.  Rev.  Thomas  and     Daniel, 

were  in  Roxbury  as  early  as     16  35, 

\and  was  undoubtedly  one  of  the  sub- 


stantial   men  of   Massachusetts   Bay. 

His  great-grand-son,  Lieut. 

Daniel  Weld,  settled  in  Carlton, 
Mass.  His  second  son  Noah,  had 
three  sons,  Isaac,  Luther  and  Calvin. 
These  three  sous  in  their  turn  be- 
came pioneers  of  Guilford,  Vt. — Lu- 
ther and  Calvin  were  twins,  and 
married  sisters,  Eunice  and  Betsey 
Rogers  of  Guilford,  Mass.,  who  were 
said  to  be  descendents  of  John  Rog- 
ers. The  Martyr  Four  of  Luther's 
sons  at  one  time  or  another  resided 
in  this  section. 

David  Weld,  one  of  his  sons,  born 
in  1796,  moved  to  Cohocton  in  1816, 
but  went  back  to  Vermont  in  1818, 
and  married  there  September  2, 
1819,  Mary  Taylor,  daughter  of 
Jonathan  Taylor,  who  was  a  mem- 
ber of  the  famous  Boston  Tea  Party. 
In  1820,  he  returned  to  Cohocton 
with  his  bride  and  was  a  deacon  in 
the  Congregational  (now  Presbyteri- 
an church)  and  supervisor  of  the 
town  1827,  1828,  1831.  In  1844  he 
moved  to  Illinois  in  a  wagon.  He 
lived  on  the  farm  now  owned  by 
H.  W.  Schwingel. 

Abigal  R.  Weld  born  in  Guilford, 
Vermont,  moved  with  his  brother 
David,  to  Cohocton  and  lived  here 
until  his  death  October  4,  1873.  He 
lived  in  the  house  on  the  Schwingel 
farm  after  his  brother  moved  west. 
One  of  his  daughters,  Fanny  R.,  was 
the  first  wife  of  Benjamin  W.  Tamb- 
ling.  She  died  December  1874.  Mr. 
Tambling  died  January,  1908. 

Luther  Weld  was  born  in  Guilford, 
Vermont,  and  married  Fannie  Sar- 
geant  of  Bookbury  Maine,  where  he 
lived  until  18  51,  when  he  moved  to 
Cohocton,  where  he  died  December 
5,  1861.  He  was  the  father  of  the 
late  Albert  H.  Weld.  One  of  Luther 
Weld's  daughters,  Laura  E.,  was  at 
one  time  connected  with  W.  W.  War- 
ner in  establishing  the  first  paper 
published  here,  and  wrote  much  for 

the  Rural  New  Yorker. 

Arnold  Weld  was  born  in  Guilford, 
Vermont,  moved  to  Cohocton  and 
lived  in  what  was  known  as  the  Rex- 
sicker  place,  a  house  that  stood  just 
north  of  St.  Paul's  Lutheran  church, 
but  which  has  been  torn  down.  He 
moved  to  Illinois  a  number  of  years 

James  Reynolds  came  from  Wat- 
kins  in  1828,  wih  his  brother-in-law 
Job  Tripp.  He  removed  to  Patchin- 
ville,  where  in  183  3,  he  purchased  a 
saw-  mill  of  Daniel  Totten.  After 
ten  years'  residence  there  he  came 
back  to  this  town  and  purchased 
what  is  known  as  the  Reynolds  place 
on  Loon  Lake  road,  and  built  a  saw- 
mill thereon.  This  was  burned  and 
he  built  another  and  operated  it  for 
many  years.  Mr.  Reynolds  died, 
February  7,  1871,  aged  79.  He  was 
the  father  of  James  M.  Reynolds. 

Job  Tripp  born  in  Washington 
county  and,  as  before  said,  came 
here  in  1828  and  settled  on  the  Haag 
— M.  H.  Wilcox  place,  which  then  in- 
cluded the  Tripp — G.  I.  Shoultice 

His  sons  were  Ira  M.,  James  F., 
David  N.,  Francis  Granger,  Henry 
Clay  and  Sidney  R.  He  was  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways,  Excise  Commis- 
sioner and  held  other  town  offices. 
He  died  September  3,  1870,  aged  74 

Many  of  the  histories  give  one  of 
the  early  settlers  at  Tripnock  as 
Charles  Tripp.  His  son,  Charles 
Tripp,  did  settle  here  in  1847,  but 
Charles  Tripp,  Sr.,  was  never  a  resi- 
dent of  this  town,  but  of  Dansville, 
where  he  lived  at  South  Dansville, 
and  was  a  farmer.  His  father,  James 
Tripp,  coming  from  Clyde  to  Patch- 
inville  in  1835,  and  moved  to  South 
Dansville  in  1839. 

Charles,  Tripp,  Jr.,  is  said  to  have 
been  quite  a  wrestler  in  his  day 
whether  from  that  came  the  name  of 


the  place — Tripnock — I  would  not 
be  sure.  Many  say  so,  and  I  have  no 
reason  to  dispute. 

Another  son  of  Charles,  Sr.,  Dan'l 
Tripp,  settled  on  the  Graser  place, 
and  was  a  practicing  physician  here 
and  in  the  surounding  country  for 
many  years. 

In  passing  I  will  mention  that  a 
man  by  the  name  of  Borden  kept  a 
hotel  just  above  the  Clark-Link  farm 
on  land  about  where  the  present 
residence  of  Charles  Oliver  now 

There  was  also  a  brewery  on  the 
present  Eugene  Thorp  place.  Paul 
C.  Cook  and  Daniel  H.  Davis  owned 
an  interest  in  it. 


Abram  Lent,  the  first  settler  of 
Lent  Hill  and  from  whom  it  received 
its  name,  settled  there  in  1809.  His 
land  was  the  south  side  of  the  road 
as  you  leave  the  valley  to  climb  the 
hill  west  of  the  Lent  Hill  church  and 
before  you  get  to  the  cemeteries  on 
each  side  of  the  highway,  east  of  the 
school  house  of  School  District  No. 
12.  He  had  a  large  family.  He  died 
January  17,  1880,  aged  88  years. 

His  first  wife  was  Betsey,  oldest 
daughter  of  Samuel  Hartwell,  who 
was  a  nephew  of  Roger  Sherman  of 
Revolutionary  times.  Mr.  Hartwell's 
wife  Elizabeth  Wilkinson,  sister  of 
the  noted  Germania  Wilkinson,  "The 

Samuel  Hartwell,  according  to 
history,  had  an  exciting  life  in  his 
early  years  and  passed  through 
many  adventures  during  the 
war  of  1812.  He  was  taken  by  the 
British  and  carried  to  Kingston, 
where  he  was  confined  in  jail.  He 
succeeded  in  escaping  and  fleeing  to 
the  United  States.  He  made  his  way 
to  the  town  of  Jerusalem,  Yates 
county,  to  the  home  of  his  sister-in- 
law,  Jemima  Wilkinson,  and  after- 
ward came  to  North  Cohocton  where 

he  kept,  if  he  did  not  build,  the  pres- 
ent building  on  grounds  of  Blivin's 
hotel,  a  hotel  in  the  building  stand- 
ing on  the  opposite  corner  of  the 
street  from  the  VauRiper  hotel,  from 
1815  to  1830.  Later  it  was  kept  by 
son,  Elijah. 

Matthew  Hatch  settled  on  Lent  Hill 
in  1812.  He  is  said  to  have  been  the 
third  family  to  settle  on  Lent  Hill. 
His  land  was  what  is  now  the  site  of 
the  M.  E.  church  and  the  W.  James' 
farm  in  the  town  of  Prattsburg,  but 
what  Cohocton  got  in  1874. 

Mr.  Hatch's  wife  was  a  daughter 
of  Abram  Lent.  They  were  the  par- 
ents of  five  sons  and  one  daughter, 
Mrs.  Wm.  Hyatt. 

Matthew  Hatch  died  on  Lent  Hill, 
and  was  the  first  person  buried  in 
the  Hatch  burying  ground  on  the 
north  side  of  the  Lent  Hill  road 

Mr.  Hatch  once  took  forty  bushels 
of  oats  worth  12^/^  cents  to  Dans- 
ville,  and  brought  home  a  barrel  of 
salt.  Farmers  of  this  day,  what  say 
you  to  that? 

One  of  his  sons,  Barnabas  C. 
Hatch,  early  settled  in  Michigan  and 
became  County  Judge  and  a  Member 
of  the  Legislature. 

Another  son,  Sylvanus  C.  Hatch, 
was  a  successful  farmer  on  Lent 
Hill,  dying  in  1874,  at  the  residence 
of  his  son,  Hiram  W.  Hatch  and  was 
buried  on  Lent  Hill. 

Hiram  Ketch,  a  native  of  Vermont, 
a  fife  Major  in  the  war  of  1812, 
came  from  Vermont  in  1818,  and 
settled  in  Italy,  Yates  County.  The 
next  year  he  came  to  Lent  Hill  and 
settled  on  the  Mattice-Totten  farm, 
where  empty-handed  he  managed  to 
become  quite  a  landed  proprietor. 
After  his  death  in  1875,  the  land  was 
owned  by  Cyrus  Ketch,  his  son. 

Jacob  Smith  was  an  early  comer, 
settling  on  the  north  end  of  he 
Avery  farm,  later  owned  the  A.  L. 
Rynders,  Jr.,  farm. 


Jacob  Barney  settled  on  Lent  Hill 
in  1814  on  the  Samuel  Wheaton, 
now  E.  E.  Stanton  farm.  Robert 
Stanton,  father  of  Abel,  Jacob,  John, 
now  all  dead,  Elijah,  who  died  dur- 
ing the  Civil  war,  Stephen  T.,  who 
also  served  in  the  Civil  war  and  died 
in  September,  1905,  came  from 
Schoharie  county  in  1820,  and  set- 
tled on  what  we  know  as  the  John 
Tyler  farm,  when  he  took  up  50 
acres  of  land  on  Lent  Hill,  and  which 
was  then  a  thick  pine  forest.  They 
used  to  cut  the  timber,  hardly  ever 
preserving  above  the  first  climb,  took 
it  to  the  mill  at  Lyons  Hollow,  gave 
one-half  for  sawing,  then  took  one 
thousand  feet  with  an  ox  team  to 
Naples  Landing  and  got  the  magnif- 
icent sum  of  four  ($4.00)  dollars 
per  1000. 

Mr.  Stanton  was  one  of  the  found- 
ers of  the  M.  E.  church  on  Lent  Hill, 
and  its  first  class  leader. 

Eleazer  Tucker,  born  in  Connecti- 
cut, came  to  the  town  of  Cohocton, 
now  Avoca,  about  1816,  and  settled 
on  the  farm  today  known  as  the 
Tucker  farm  just  north  of  Twelve 
Mile  Creek  on  the  Wallace  road. 

He  built  a  mill  on  Twelve  Mile 
Creek  near  his  home  and  cleared  a 
large  tract  of  land.  At  the  coming  of 
the  Erie  railroad  all  trains  stopped 
at  his  place  for  some  time.  Smith 
Tucker,  his  son,  was  a  prominent 

Ebenezer  Keeler  was  also  an  early 
settler  and  a  man  of  influence  on 
Twelve  Mile  Creek  and  in  the  early 
politics  of  the  town. 

A  narrator     tells  me     that  in     the 
early  3  0's  there  were  as    many  as     a 
dozen  houses  from  Lent  Hill  church 
to  Pine  Hill. 

Gideon  Potter,  who  settled  on  the 
farm  now  owned  by  the  Walther 
family,  and  from  whom  Potter  Hill 
received  its     name,  was     one  of     the 

earliest  settlers  on  that  hill. 

Darius  Crosby  came  from  Hart- 
wick  in  1827,  and  settled  on  the 
Henderson  farm,  now  in  the  town  of 
Avoca,  then  in  this  town,  and  later 
moved  to  Potter  Hill.  He  was  the 
father  of  Thomas  S.  Crosby. 

I  quote  from  an  early  history. 
"On  the  road  leading  from  Potter 
Hill  to  the  Flint  farm  may  be  seen 
the  ruins  of  an  old  structure.  This 
was  Jonah  Cleland's  bear  pen.  Such 
structures  were  often  built  by  the 
pioneers  and  baited  with  mutton  or 
some  other  kind  of  meat  for  the  pur- 
pose of  decoying  bears  to.  enter  at  a 
trap  door  in  the  pen.  When  once  in 
the  bear  found  himself  a  prisoner. 
Mr.  Cleland  built  the  pen  in  1815, 
but  did  not  complete  or  use  it  for  a 
Mr.  Robbins,  a  hunter,  brought  from 
the  east,  a  large  fine  spring  iron  trap 
which  was  substituted  for  the  primi- 
tive method. 

Valentine  VanWormer  is  said  to 
have  caught  a  deer  in  the  same  trap. 

On  the  Deusenbery  farm,  there 
was  at  an  early  date,  a  famous  bear 
path  along  the  bank  of  the  river. 
Jonah  Cleland  once  set  a  "dead  fall" 
in  this  path,  in  which  history  says 
he  caught  thirty  or  forty  bears 

One  other  bear  story  and  I  dismiss 
the  subject  and  diversion.  One 
night  a  pig  was  heard  to  squeal  vig- 
orously down  on  the  bank  of  the 
river  near  Cleland's.  Upon  going  out 
to  examine  they  found  a  bear  stand- 
ing upright  and  holding  Mr.  Pig  in 
his  front  paws,  and  trying  to  jump 
out  of  the  pen.  Every  time  he  jump- 
ed the  pig  squealed.  No  gun  was 
handy,  so  clubs  were  resorted  to,  but 
with  all  his  clubbing  the  bear  got 
away,  swam  the  river  with  pig,  and 
as  pig  is  a  dainty  meal  for  a  bear 
you  have  the  result." 

John  Brown,  wih  his  sons,  Wil- 
liam, Abram,  Mainville,  Sylvanus 
and  Richard,  were  the  first     settlers 


on  Brown  Hill  and  on  the  farm  own- 
ed by  E.  V.  Brown.  They  came  there 
in  an  early  day. 

Charles  Oliver,  grandfather  of  the 
late  Charles  Oliver  settled  in  the 
present  town  of  South  Dansville  in 
1816,  coming  from  Athol,  Mass.  He 
bought  200  acres  known  as  the  Pot- 
ter farm  near  Loon  Lake,  and  built 
a  blacksmith  shop  near  the  lake 
where  he  remained  about  ten  years, 
then  moving  to  Rogersville. 

During  his  residence  near  Loon 
Lake,  then  in  Cohocton,  he  held  the 
office  of  Overseer  of  the  Poor  in  the 
years  of  1820-21,  22,  24,  and  that  of 
Assessor  1818-1819.  After  his  re- 
moval to  Rogersville  he  continued 
in  the  same  business  of  blacksmith. 
He  died  February  20,  1866. 

I  could  still  recall  many  and  other 
names.  Some  of  them  early  in  the 
history  of  some  portion  of  the  then 
town,  but  your  patience  and  my 
energy  have  limits,  which  I  must 

Let  me  now  strive  to  picture  be- 
fore you  the  early  life  and  homes 
of  these  sturdy  ancestors  whom  we 
honor  today. 

We  will  try  and  call  at  their  home 
— You  might  have  entered  a  forest 
road  traveling  along,  if  in  a  very 
early  day  you  would  have  observed 
that  they  lack  regularity  of  even 
straightness  for  this  custom  was  ob- 
served. The  settler  got  his  land, 
found  the  best  spring  of  water  upon 
that  lot,  built  his  log  house  near  the 
spring  and  the  road  then  was  laid 
out  by  the  nearest  cut  to  the  next 
neighbor's,  unless  some  impassable 
barrier  intervened  and  they  did  not 
hesitate  at  any  small  obstacle.  You 
travel  on  and  soon  you  come  to  a 
break  in  the  woods,  as  you  approach 
you  hear  a  dog  barking.  They  were 
part  and  parcel  of  a  pioneer's  life. 
Nearby  is  his  master — a     stal- 

wart man  clothed  in  a  tow  frock  and 
trousers.  If  he  has  shoes  they  are 
not  Crossett,  Douglass  or  Emerson. 
His  hat  lies  on  the  ground  beside 
him.  He  stands  on  the  butt  of  some 
majestic  monarch  of  the  forest.  He 
appears  to  have  muscular  arms  and 
shoulders  and  a  full  chest  of  the 
very  athlete.  He  meets  us  with 
cordiality  and  invites  us  to  his 

While  standing  a  few  moments 
let  us  look  about — A  fine  yoke  of 
oxen  and  some  cows  are  browsing 
not  far  away  while  a  few  hoge  are  in 
a  pen  near.  There  are  sheep,  not 
many,  as  they  have  to  be  housed 
nights  for  fear  of  bears,  wolves,  etc. 
Part  of  the  land  cleared  shows  a 
good  crop  of  oats  and  potatoes — the 
land  cleared  showing  the  potato 
crop  and  corn  already  up.  There  is 
also  some  wheat  growing  near  this 
clearing  and  is  protected  by  a  fence 
of  logs  and  brush. 

May  I  quote  from  another  the  des- 
cription of  the  inside  of  the  house. 
But  first  let  me  say  a  well  made  log 
barn  stands  near,  in  which  all  live 
stock  is  enclosed  at  night,  for  the 
early  denizens  of  the  forest  have  not 
all  ueparted  and  many  a  former  wild 
beast  of  that  region  had  a  pecular 
liking  for  pork  and  mutton. 

But  we  will  enter  the  house.  "The 
wife  is  young  and  dressed  in  a  wool- 
en or  fiax  dress  and  bare  footed.  I 
do  not  think  she  was  particularly 
pleased  at  our  intrusion,  ■  but  she 
soon  overcame  that  and  greeted  us 
cordially,  but  no  apology  for  her 
house  or  costume.  As  we  entered 
she  sat  near  the  door  spinning  flax, 
and  a  babe  lay  near  her  in  a  cradle 
made  from  the  bark  of  a  birch  tree, 
resting  on  rockers,  home-made,  and 
the  babe  did  not  feel  any  compunc- 
tions about  lying  there.  I  took  notes 
of  the  house.  It  was  20x26,  con- 
structed of  round  logs     linked     with 


pieces  of  split  logs,  and  plastered  on 
the  outside  with  clay.  The  floors 
were  made  of  split  logs  with  the  flat 
side  up,  the  door  of  a  thin  piece  split 
out  of  a  large  log,  and  the  roof  of  the 
same.  The  windows  were  open 
places  unprotected  by  glass  or  sash. 
The  fire  place  was  made  of  stone  and 
the  chimney  of  sticks  and  clay.  On 
one  side  of  the  fire  place  was  a  lad- 
der leading  to  the  chamber.  There 
was  a  bed  in  one  corner,  a  table  and 
half  a  dozen  chairs,  and  against  the 
wall  on  one  side,  a  few  shelves  made 
of  split  board,  on  which  v/ere  a  few 
articles  of  crockery,  some  tin  ware 
and  three  or  four  books.  Behind  the 
door  was  a  spinning  wheel  and  reel. 

In  some  of  these  dwellings  we 
might  have  found  a  frame  for  weav- 
ing. Overhead,  fastened  on  pegs, 
were  a  gun,  rifle,  power  horn,  bullet 
pouch,  tomahawk  and  hunting  knife. 
Everyhing  looks  nice  and  tidy. 

Soon  dinner  was  ready.  It  con- 
sisted of  corn  bread  and  milk,  eaten 
with  a  horn  spoon.  The  man  ate 
with  us,  but  the  woman  was  employ- 
ed sewing  on  what  appeared  to  be  a 
child's  dress.  This  was  a  common 
home.  But  let  us  stay  longer  and 
watch  the  daily  life. 

At  one  end  of  the  room  was  a 
large  opening,  some  six  feet,  stoned 
up  and  two  large  andirons  in  the 
opening.  Winter  comes  on.  Storms 
howl  without,  but  in  that  opening 
has  been  placed  some  large  bull 
loge,  and  the  fire  place  glows  with 
its  fervent  heat.  Over  the  windows 
has  been  placed  greased  cloth  or  a 
thin  skin.  If  a  cloth  it  has  been 
greased  to  make  it  more  susceptible 
to  light.  The  mother  has  moulded 
or  dipped  her  tallow  candles  and  has 
a  fine  supply  on  hand  for  winter  use. 

The  father  and  all  sons  old  enough 
are  out  logging,  or  if  in  the  fall  are 
housing  the  crops.  Perhaps  one  has 
gone  to  Dansville  or  Naples     with  a 

load  of  lumber  or  grain  and  will 
bring  back  some  provisions.  He  may 
have  taken  his  lumber  to  Naples 
landing  to  get  $4  per  1000  and  take 
even  that  in  supplies  for  his  home  or 
take  his  oats,  40  or  50  bushels  to 
Dansville  and  trade  them  for  a  bar- 
rel of  salt.  He  may  have  gathered 
up  his  ashes  from  the  log  heaps  and 
taken  them  to  one  of  the  asheries  to 
be  turned  into  potash  and  traded  for 
some  needed  supplies.  There  was  a 
good  ashery  near  the  Terry  place  on 
North  Cohocton  road,  or  he  may 
have  gathered  his  choicest  wheat 
and  taken  it  to  the  land  office  at 
Bath  and  turned  it  in  to  reduce  the 
land  debt.  Found  the  price  of  his 
wheat  lower  or  the  debt  higher  than 
expected  and  returned  home  dis- 
heartened and  discouraged  and  what 
has  the  patient  wife  and  mother 
been  doing?  Dishes  washed,  chick- 
ens fed,  stock  looked  after.  She 
gathers  the  wool  from  the  shearing, 
cleans,  cards,  spins,  weaves  into 
cloth,  cuts  and  makes  it  into  gar- 
ments for  her  husband  and  sons  for 
the  coming  winter.  Then  she  looks 
after  the  flax,  brakes  it  and.  carries 
it  through  all  the  processes  of  its 
becoming  linen  for  under  and  sum- 
mer outer  clothing.  Perhaps  she  has 
dyed  and  colored  it,  so  that  it  may 
blossom  out  into  a  checked  linen 
dress  and  when  done  it  was  dearer 
than  your  silks  and  satins,  for  it  had 
in  it  the  reward  of  labor  well  done. 

I  quote  "Again  one  is  taken  sick. 
They  would  make  a  bee,  harvest  and 
secure  his  crops,  while  at  the  same 
time  their  own  work  might  be  suffer- 
ing. A  settler's  home  burned  by  ac- 
cident, his  family  would  be  provided 
for  by  his  nearest  neighbor  and  all 
would  turn  out,  build  and  furnish  a 
house  in  a  few  days,  so  the  man 
could  take  his  family  back  home." 

It's  a  winter's  evening.  A  large 
bob-sled  is  in  front  of  the  door,  and 


before  it  are  a  fine  yoke  of  oxen,  per- 
haps two  yokes.  The  family  are 
loaded  in  and  before  a  great  distance 
is  traveled  the  large  platform  above 
the  bobs  is  crowded  with  a  number 
of  pioneer  families.  If  for  an  even- 
ing's visit  with  a  neighbor,  no  one  is 
left  out.  The  400  are  not  born  yet — 
at  any  rate  not  in  this  region.  The 
scripture  is  fulfilled — "Bear  One 
Another's  Burdens."  Gaiety, 

love,  friendship,  kiss  the  evening 
stars  in  that  ride.  As  one  family, 
they  journey  on  to  enter  the  home 
of  some  settler  unbidden.  Father, 
mother,  sister,  brother,  lover  all 
there.  The  settler's  home  is  reached. 
The  father  comes  to  the  door. 
"Mother,  they  have  come."  The 
whole  family  is  out  with  a  greeting. 
Even  mamma  has  no  perplexity  or 
dark  clouds  flitting  across  her  face 
because  they  did  not  tell  her  they 
were  coming. 

The  wraps  are  dumped  in  the  cor- 
ner. The  table  is  shoved  back.  The 
violin  is  brought  forth.  Swain  and 
sweetheart,  lover  and  loved,  are  soon 
ranged  in  the  center  of  the  room. 
Money  Musk  and  Virginia  Reel  are 
masters  of  the  evening  with  the 
young  hearts,  while  fathers  and 
mothers  are  ranged  about  the  room 
with  the  little  ones,  and  all  are  hap- 
py. Why?  Because  there  is  no  cast. 
All  are  poor.  Each  and  all  have  the 
same  object — a  home  in  the  wilder- 
ness. Not  always  poor.  They  are 
seed  sowers.  They  recognize  the 
fact.  There  has  come  soon,  thirty, 
some  sixty,  some  100  fold. 

"Princess  and  Lords  may  flourish, 
or  may  fade, 

A  breath  can  make  them  as  a 
breath  has  made, 

But  a  bold  Yeomanry — their  coun- 
try's pride. 

When  once  destroyed,  can  never 
be  supplied." 

These  pioneers  sleep      in     yonder 

cemeteries.     How     many  in     rugged 
and  uncared  for  graves. 

There  is  a  picture  of  Liberty  Cor- 
ners before  me.  There  is  the  Steu- 
ben House,  one  store  with  probably 
$150  stock,  on  the  Beehive 
stand,  a  postoffice,  more  in 
name  than  reality,  a  dozen  houses, 
the  daily  line  of  stages.  Whiskey  at 
three  cents  a  glass,  one  of  the  staples 
of  the  community.  Contrast  it  with 
today.  So  Hearer,  contrast  the  life 
primitive  in  its  simplicity  with  today 
yet  we  cry  for  strenuosity. 


A  dark  picture  always  comes  in 
the  history  of  this  life,  and  it  came 
to  our  early  settlers.  The  first  forty 
years  of  the  county  and  town's  ex- 
istence were  years  of  iron  grit  and 
labor  and  discouragement  and  diffi- 
culties were  great.  The  facts  were 
that  as  they  were  beginning  to  pros- 
per and  felt  that  some  of  their  hopes 
in  seeking  a  new  home  were  to  be 
realized  and  they  were  becoming  ac- 
customed to  existing  surroundings. 
As  one  says:  "After  IS 00  many  who 
might  bought  in  Ontario  or  Mon- 
roe counties  were  induced  to  come  to 
this  section.  Williamson's  balloon  of 
promise  had  enticed  them  here  and 
they  had  commenced  to  clear  the 
land.  Then  came  the  construction  of 
the  Erie  canal,  and  these  people 
found  those  who  had  bought  where 
they  might  have  gone,  with  naviga- 
tion and  shipment  of  their  crops 
brought  to  their  very  door  while 
here  in  Steuben,  they  had  to  travel 
miles  to  dispose  of  what  little  they 
did  raise.  The  yield  was  not  abun- 
dant. The  proprietary  of  the  land 
contributed  to  the  distress  of  the 
early  purchasers.  The  price  of  the 
land  and  the  constantly  accumulat- 
ing interest  on  their  contracts  creat- 
ed discouragement,  and  that  bred 
discontent  with  their  conditions. 
Titles  were     questioned,      the     land 


office  doubled  and  any  way  sought 
to  get  out  of  the  situation.  They 
began  commiserating  with  one  an- 
other. Hence  arose  the  Anti  Rent 
convention  at  Bath,  January  19, 
1830.  The  Cohocton  delegates  were 
Paul  C.  Cook,  David  Weld,  Elnathan 
Wing,  Peter  Haight  and  Alfred 

The  convention  caused  to  be  sent 
to  Col  Robert  Troup,  then  agent  of 
the  Pulteney  estate,  that  the  pro- 
prietary take  some  action  for  their 
immediate  and  effectual  relief.  This 
Memorial  was  dated  January  20, 
183  0,  and  on  the  14th  of  March  fol- 
lowing Col.  Troup  replied  at  length 
and  suggested  a  plan  of  relief.  While 
this  tended  to  lessen  the  burdens  it 
did  not  satisfy  their  desires.  The 
settlers  later  succeeded  in  obtaining 
a  moderate  reduction  in  the  price  of 
their  lands  and  the  products  of  their 
farm  was  accepted  as  payment  of 
principal  and  interest.  Still  there 
has  ever  been  expressed  a  doubt  as 
to  the  propriety  of  the  proceedings 
or  whether  a  substantial  or  lasting 
gain  or  benefit  was  ever  received." 

Another  dark  picture  of  our  an- 
ceators  lives  is  worth  recalling.  Rev. 
Elisha  Bronson,  one  of  the  early  set- 
tlers of  th^  Loon  Lake  region,  unti! 
the  formation  of  Wayland  in  18  48, 
a  part  of  this  town,  who  came  wita 
his  father  says:  'That  in  1815, 
there  was  a  scarcity  of  bread.  I 
went  through  the  towns  of  Springwa- 
ter,  Livonia  and  Sparia,  and  tiience 
to  Dansville  in  search  of  grain  for 
sale,  and  none  was  to  be  had  in  those 
towns  nor  in  western  New  York. 
People  had  to  mill  green  wheat  and 
rye  for  food.  I  found  a  field  of  rye 
on  William  Perrine's  farm,  which 
was  thought  nearly  ready  to  cut.  I 
went  home  and  got  some  neighbors 
and,  with  oxen  and  cart,  went  and 
cut  some  of  it  and  took  it  to  the  mill 
and  had  it     mashed  for  it     was     too 

damp  to  grind,  and  thought  our 
people  the  happiest  people  in  the 
world  because  we  had  bread." 

This  and  similar  incidents  came 
along  to  give  to  the  life  of  our  early 
settlers  a  little  more  of  life's  reali- 
ties. When  we  think  times  are  going 
against  us  let  us  recall  some  of  these 

But  other  things  combined  to  ef- 
fect a  change. 

During  the  winter  of  1851,  the 
Buffalo,  New  York  and  Erie  rail- 
road Company  surveyed  this  route 
for  the  Erie  road  as  now  known,  that 
passes  through  this  village  and  town. 
March  5,  18  52,  the  ground  just  south 
of  Wilcox  &  Son's  office  was  broke  to 
commence  grading.  The  work  was 
rapidly  pushed  forward,  and  on 
January  27,  1852,  the  first  train  ar- 
rived at  what  then  was  called  Liberty 
Station.  Labor  had  been  going  on 
then  on  this — now  branch  of  the 
Erie — for  two  years.  On  the  4th  of 
July  1852, the  company  gave  the  peo- 
ple a  ride  from  Corning  to  Wayland 
or  vice  versa,  on  platform  cars  with 
seats  built  around  the  sides  and  dec- 
oratered  with  evergreens. 

Some  of  the  historians  say  the 
road  was  opened  in  1852.  Others  in 
1853.  I  will  not  dispute  either,  but 
the  facts  were  that  the  road  ran 
regular  trains  from  Corning  to  Way- 
land — a  turn  table  at  Wayland  dur- 
ing the  fall  and  winter  of  1852,  and 
to  Avon  in  1853. 

With  the  coming  of  this  railroad 
the  prospects  brigthened.  Bloods, 
Liberty,  Wallace  sprang  perhaps,  not 
into  being,  but  assumed  good  forms. 
In  fact,  Bloods  and  Wallace  were  of 
no  particular  growth  until  then.  In 
fact  were  nameless  as  children — and 
it  was  a  question  whether  the  pres- 
ent Wallace  or  Tucker's  would  final- 
ly have  the  station  and  until  Moses 
Wallace  offered  not  only  the  land 
but  the  name  did  our  child     become 


of     importance  in     the     commercial 

The  clearing  of  the  land  and  the 
getting  of  these  magnificent  farms  in 
shape  with  all  the  buildings  to  erect 
made  the  erection  of  saw  mills  at 
one  time  a  very  common  thing.  Let 
us  look  at  a  few  of  them.  Would  to- 
day we  had  much  of  the  timber  that 
was  wasted,  yet  it  was  almost  a  ne- 
cessity to  get  at  the  land  and  fit  it 
for  crops  out  of  which  they  could 
pay  for  the  acres  they  bought. 

I  have  already  spoken  of  the  Cle- 
land  saw  and  grist  mills,  and  of  that 
one  at  Tierney's  mill,  and  at  Patch- 
inville  and  Elisha  Bronson's  at 

Jesse  McQuigg  built  a  saw  mill  on 
the  Kirkwood  stream  in  an  early 
day  which  he  managed  for  a  number 
of  years  until  1844,  when  he  sold  out 
that  and  his  store  at  North  Cohocton 
and  moved  to  Missouri.  There  was 
at  one  time  a  saw  mill  on  the  oppo- 
site side  of  the  river  from  Kiefer's 
mill  operated  by  one  Dubois. 

There  was  built  near  the  present 
site  of  the  Kiefer  mill  a  woolen  and 
carding  mill  by  Daniel  H.  Davis, 
which  was  afterwards  purchased  by 
the  firm  of  Pedmore  &  Dantz.  This 
was  purchased  by  Richard  Trenman, 
who  had  a  tannery  there  for  a  time, 
and  in  1882,  purchased  by  Charles 
Kiefer,  turned  into  a  feed  mill,  and 
now  operated  by  him. 

Franklin  Larrowe  built  in  1854,  a 
large  saw  mill  on  the  present  site  of 
the  slaughter  house  of  Foults  Bros. 
It  was  operated  by  him  and  others 
for  a  number  of  years,  then  stood  va- 
cant for  a  while,  and  now  does  ser- 
vice as  a  slaughter  house. 

Eleazer  Tucker  had  a  saw  mill  on 
Twelve  Mile  Creek  opposite  his 
house.  For  many  years  he  operated 
the  mill  and  ran  a  hotel. 

Job  Tripp  built  a  mill   where  the 

road  which  runs  along  the  race 
north  east  of  the  present  residence 
of  M.  H.  Wilcox.  Sixty  years  ago 
there  was  a  saw  mill  near  the  late 
home  of  Chas.  Ferris,  south  of 
Veeder's,  built  by  Benjamin  S.  Hoag. 

Peter  Martin  built  a  mill  about 
one-fourth  mile  north,  which  was 
later  known  as  the  William 
Fogal  mill  at  the  foot  of  Brown  Hill 
near  the  farm  house  of  Bion  Slayton. 
John  Evans  owned  it  at  one  time  and 
was  killed  there. 

J.  D.  Peterson  built  a  mill  in  1858 
on  the  Frank  Wager  farm.  Aaron 
Saxton  the  same  year  built  a  mill  on 
the  present  site  of  the  Charles  Mehl- 
enbacher  farm  in  Oil  Well  Hollow. 

Joshua  Miner  built  a  steam  saw 
mill  in  18  50,  just  beyond  St.  Paul's 
Lutheran  church  near  the  present 
residence  of  George  Shoultice,  Sr. 
This  mill  Calvin  E.  Thorp  success- 
fully carried  on  for  a  number  of 

After  the  David  Parmenter  mill 
was  burned  in  1829,  which  stood 
just  north  of  the  present  Larrowe 
Millig  Co.'s  site,  there  was  a  grist 
mill  built  in  1840,  by  N.  B.  Chase. 
It  was  sold  to  David  H.  Wilcox  in 
1850.  Was  at  one  time  owned  by 
Daniel  H.  Davis.  A  carding  mill  in 
the  early  days  stood  near.  During 
Wilcox's  ownership  a  large  addition 
was  built  on  the  grist  mill  in  1854, 
and  the  year  before,  in  1853,  he  built 
just  south  of  the  grist  mill  a  saw 

In  18  66,  Albertus  Larrowe  bought 
both  mills  and  made  extensive  re- 
pairs on  tne  grist  mill.  Mr.  Larrowe 
operated  it  as  a  custom  mill,  making 
also  a  specialty  of  buckwheat  fiour, 
which  later  became  his  only  prdouct. 

In  1890,  the  Larrowe  Milling  Co., 
was  organized  and  the  mills 
thoroughly  overhauled  and  enlarged. 
New  anrl  up-to-date  machinery  put 
in.     Now  its  capacity  is  800  to     1000 


barrels  of  flour  every  twenty-four 
hours,  with  shipments  extending  to 
the  Pacific  coast  and  all  between. 

Many  other  small  mills  were  to  be 
found  in  an  early  day  at  different 
points  in  the  town,  yet  it  was  not 
until  about  1854,  that  the  lumber 
business  took  a  boom. 

In  that  year  H.  D.  Graves,  F.  N. 
Drake  and  Harrison  Harvey  came 
from  LeRoy  to  Cohocton  and  entered 
into  co-partnership  for  the  manu- 
facturing and  dealing  in  lumber  un- 
der the  firm  name  of  H.  D.  Graves  & 
Co.  Their  first  mill  was  built  on  the 
Loon  Lake  road  about  10  rods  above 
W.  H.  Clark's  farm.  Some  time  af- 
ter Z.  Waterman  became  a  partner 
and  Graves  and  Harvey  retired.  Mr. 
Waterman  only  remained  a  short 
time,  leaving  F.  Ni  Drake  the  sole 

In  18  61,  he  invited  George  W. 
Drake  and  Thomas  Warner  to  make 
him  a  visit  and  join  in  their  favorite 
sport  of  trout  fishing.  This  they 
accepted  and  during  the  excursion 
became  satisfied  that  there  was  more 
money  in  lumber  than  in  the  hard- 
ware business,  in  which  they  were 
then  engaged  at  LeRoy.  Mr.  Warner 
and  Mr.  Drake  both  became  members 
of  the  firm  of  F.  N.  Drake  &  Co.,  and 
consited  of  Franklin  N.  Drake,  Geo. 
W.  Drake  and  Thomas  Warner.  They 
purchased  the  former  Cleland  mill, 
then  known  as  the  Davis  mill.  They 
also  built  a  large  steam  mill  at  Wal- 
lace, which  was  managed  for  a  num- 
ber of  years  by  Dewitt  Hill. 

At  one  time  in  its  history,  the  firm 
of  F.  N.  Drake  &  Co.,  operated  six 
mills  and  its  annual  output  was  over 
fifteen  million  feet  of  lumber — pine 
and  hemlock.  They  were  in  business 
during  the  Civil  war  and  prices  were 
high.  The  mill  near  Clark's  was 
moved  in  1862  to  Newman's,  and 
later  to  Lent  Hill  near  the  Fronk 

In  1866,  the  firm  was  dissolved, 
both  the  Drakes  retiring,  leaving 
Thomas  Warner  the  sole  owner.  In 
1868,  the  mill  was  moved  from  Lent 
Hill  to  the  present  site  of  the  Wilcox 
&  Son  mill,  where  Mr.  Warner  car- 
ried on  the  business.  During  the 
time  of  Mr.  Warner's  control  of 
these  mills  he  disbursed  large  sums 
of  money,  giving  employment  to 
many  men.  All  telling  for  the  pros- 
perity of  Cohocton. 

He  built  two  stores,  the  building 
on  the  corner  of  Maple  Avenue  and 
North  Main  street,  also  the  present 
McDowell  block  occupied  by  the 
T.  R.  Harris  Co.,  in  company  with 
Harris  Bros  &  Co.,  who  built  the 
hardware  part,  now  owned  by  Ella 
W.  Harris  and  occupied  by  George 
W.  Peck  Co. 


A  mill  was  built  at  Atlanta  in 
1852,  of  which  Jerry  W.  Pierce  came 
into  possession  about  1859.  He 
completed  the  grist  mill  which  he 
carried  on  until  his  death  in  1866. 
This  was  sold  to  O.  Ingraham  in 
1880,  and  to  David  S.  Waite  in  1882. 
It  was  burned  in  1884. 

Atlanta  was  then  and  until  189  6, 
without  a  grist  mill.  In  that  year 
John  C.  Spencer  and  Lester  Hall, 
under  the  firm  name  of  Spencer  & 
Hall  built  the  present  Atlanta  Roller 
Mills.  The  firm  was  dissolved  and 
vv^as  operated  by  John  C.  Spencer 
until  1906,  when  it  was  purchased 
by  Floyd  E.  Adair,  and  has  been 
operated  by  him. 

There  was  a  small  feed  mill  own- 
ed by  Byron  Hayes  before  1896, 
then  they  got  machinery  from  Rog- 
ersville  and  put  it  in  the  building. 
All  was  burned  in  1900.  In  1901, 
he  built  the  Hayes  mill. 

About  1876,  Danks  &  Tucker  built 
a  saw  and  planing  mill  near  the 
Brie  railroad  in  the  northern  part  of 
the  village.        Later  it  was  sold     to 


George  Smith  and  finally  came  into 
D.  S.  Waite's  possession  and  prac- 
tically in  1896  passed  out  of  exis- 

I  have  already  told  you  of  the 
brewery  that  Cohocton  had.  But  Co- 
hocton  has  had  at  least  one  dis- 
tillery. Soon  after  the  erection  of 
the  Cleland  grist  mill.  Rudolphus 
Howe  and  J.  Danforth  bought 
an  acre  of  land  of  Jonah  Cleland  and 
built  a  distillery,  about  fifteen  rods 
south  east  of  the  grist  mill,  a  little 
back  from  the  East  river  bank.  Mr. 
Howe  then  lived  in  Tripnock  and  was 
ihe  father  of  Paul  C.  Howe,  who 
moved  years  ago  to  Prattsburg  and 
started  the  Prattsburg  News.  Mr. 
Danforth  was  proprietor  of  the  Steu- 
ben House  and  sold  it  to  Constant 
Cook.  The  distillery  was  built  about 
1815.  Jonah  Cleland  owned  an  in- 
terest in  this  distillery,  which  con- 
tinued in  businesss  down  to  1833.  So 

John  inserted  a  stick,  stirred  it  vig- 
orously, succeeded  in  getting  a 
little  out,  which  John  admitted  had 
a  slight  whiskey  taste,  yet  he  ex- 
pressed the  opinion  that  it  ought  to 
be  boiled  down  in  order  to  make  it 
what  it  should  be.  He  accordingly 
proceeded  to  boil  a  quantity  of  it 
until  it  was  about  two-thirds  boiled 
away,  when  on  tasting  it  he  declared 
it  water  pure  and  simple,  even  the 
flavor  of  whiskey  having  entirely  dis- 

In  that  day  whiskey  sold  for  three 
cents  per  glass,  but  probably  all  the 
present  decorations  were  not  known, 
and  so  your  whiskey  was  not  then 
made  in  twenty-four  hours. 

When  we  take  the  fact  that  even 
in  Vermont  a  friend  of  mine,  when  a 
boy, took  saddle  ba'gs  and  striding  a 
horse,  went  for  whiskey  for  a  minis- 
ter's meeting,  in  addition  to  the  kind 
they  had,  it  will  account  for  much 
of  that  kind  of  habits,     many  of     the 

the  temperance  element  are     to     be    old    settlers      had.        Northern      dis- 

c'dratulated  on  its  downfall,  as  a 
search-light  fails  to  reveal  any  at 
this  day.  Yet,  I  halt,  for  in  its  day, 
the  whiskey  was  new  and  not  forty 
years  whiskey,  made  within  three 
months.  Evidently  a  better  stock  and 
only  cost  three  cents  per  glass. 

I  repeat  a  story  told. 

"Abram  Lent,  for  whom  Lent  Hill 
was  named,  and  his  brother,  John, 
were  logging  in  the  woods  on  the 
Dewey  farm,  now  owned  by  John 
Schwingel,  the  weather  being  bitter 
cold,  it  was  proposed  that  one  of 
then  should  take  a  jug  and  get  it 
filled  with  Jonah's  best  whiskey. 
This  was  done  by  Abram,  but  on  his 
return  the  whiskey  refused  to  come 
out  of  the  jug  and  on  examination 
it  was  found  to  be  frozen.  John  ac- 
cused Abram  of  playing  a  joke  upon 
him  of  drinking  up  the  whiskey  and 
filling  the  jug  with  water.  Abram 
insisted  that  it  was  "Cleland's  best". 

tilleries  are  today  becoming  a  thing 
of  the  past. 


Many  of  the  younger  generation 
probably  do  not  know  much  about 
asher^jj.  In  my  younger  days  I 
used  lJ  see  them  and  remember  a 
large  box  on  a  wagon  in  which  a 
man  came  and  took  all  my  mother 
had  of  hard  wood  ashes,  after  mak- 
ing her  annual  soap,,  paying  10  or 
12  cents  per  bushel.  In  the  early 
days  the  seller  took  the  tree  and  if 
sound  generally  preserved  up  to  the 
first  limb  and  took  the  rest  with  all 
the  limbs  and  branches  rolled  into 
an  immense  log  heap,  burnt  until  ail 
was  reduced  to  ashes.  This  heap 
of  ashes  lead  to  the  formation  of 
asheries  in  different  parts  of  tlie 

One  of  the  asheries  stood  on  what 
was  known  as  the  Monier  farm  just 
west   of    North      Cohocton      highway 


this  side  of  the  Terry  place. 

Another  stood  on  the  Deusenbery 
farm  on  a  line  betwen  Cleland  and 
Deusenbery  in  the  southern  part  of 
the  present  town.  A  pile  of  ashes 
there  reveal  its  location  if  you  look 
for  it.  Fred  Henry  used  to  gather 
ashes  and  sell  potash  in  an  early  day 
tor  this  ashery. 

The  town  of  Cohocton  was  formed 
June  12,  1812,  from  the  older  towns 
of  Bath  and  Dansville  and  is  des- 
cribed as  follows:  Beginning  at  the 
north  west  corner  of  the  town  of 
Prattsburg;  thence  west  to  the  north 
west  corner  of  township  No.  6  in  the 
fifth  range;  thence  to  the  south  west 
corner  of  said  township;  thence 
south  to  the  north  west  corner  of 
of  Lot  No.  7  0,  in  township  No.  5  m 
the  fifth  range;  thence  east  to  the 
west  line  of  township  No.  5,  in  the 
fourth  range;  thence  north  on  said 
west  line  to  the  center  line  of  town- 
ship No.  4  in  the  fifth  range;  thence 
east  to  the  south  west  corner  of  the 
township  of  Prattsburg;  thence 
north  on  to  the  west  line  of  Pratts- 
burg to  the  place  of  beginning.  This 
included  from  the  old  toll  gate  near 
Dansville,  including  Loon  Lake 
region  to  the  New  Mill  road  near 
W.  H.  Cotton's  residence  in  the  now 
town  of  Avoca. 

Part  of  Avoca  was  later  taken  off 
in  18  43,  and  Wayland  in  1848. 

In  187  4,  we  got  a  slice  from 
Prattsburg  which  included  from  the 
middle  of  the  hill  William  James' 
west  line  to  near  Lyons  Hollow  or  in 
reality  to  Twelve  Mile  Creek. 

The  first  town  meeting  was  held 
March  2,  1813,  at  the  home  of 
Joseph  Shattuck,  Jr. — the  now  Stan- 
ton house,  or  April  27,  1813,  as  the 
county  histories  have  it.  My  reason 
for  knowing  this  date  is  that  I  have 
the  town  records  from  1813  to  1839, 
Vv'hich  two  histories  of  the  county  say 

are  lost  and  another  that,  they  are 
burned.  All  of  which  is  another 
brain  creation. 

The  first  town  ofl^cers  elected 
were : 

Samuel  D.  Wells,  Supervisor. 

Charles  Bennett,  Town  Clerk. 

Stephen  Crawford,  John  Slack 
and  William  Bennett,  Assessors. 

Jared  Parr,  John  Woodard  and 
Isaac  Hall,  Commissioners  of  High- 

John  Slack  and  Samuel  D.  Wells,, 
Poor  blasters. 

James  Barnard,  Collector. 

James  Barnard  and  Isaac  Parmen- 
ter  Constables. 

James  Griffith,  Jr.,  and  Thomas 
Rogers,  Fence  Viewers. 

Samuel  D.  Wells,  Pathmaster, 
Beat  1,  begins  at  town  line  and  goes 
to  school  house  by  Conley's. 

Seth  Kellogg,  Pathmaster,  Beat  2, 
beginning  at  said  house  and  goes 
to  South  bank  of  Kirkwood  Creek. 

Daniel  Raymond,  Beat  3,  begin- 
ing  at  said  creek  and  goes  to  the 
bridge  at  Chamberlain's. 

James  Griffith,  Beat  4.  beginning 
at  said  bridge  and  goes  to  north  line 
of  Jonah  Cleland's  lot  (taking  in  the 
north  and  south  main  streets. 

Jonah  Cleland,  Beat  5,  beginning 
at  the  said  line  and  to  the  old  mill 
place  south  of  Deusenbery's. 

Jonathan  Danforth,  Beat  6,  be- 
ginning at  said  mill  place  and  goes 
to  the  town  line. 

Stephen  Crawford,  Beat  7. 

Drake  Beat  8. 

Elisha  Bronson  Beat  9. 

Levi  Smith  Beat  10,  beginning  at 
town  line  and  goes  to  school  house 
near  Joseph  Shattuck's  farm. 

The  following  resolutions  were 
passed  at  the  said  town  meeting: 

Voted  that  the  town  give  $5.00  for 
each  wolf.  Voted  that  the  town  give 
310.00  for  each  panther.  Voted  that 
hogs  may  run  under  the     restriction 


of  the  law. 

Voted  the  Town  Clerk  shall  pro- 
cure books  necessary  for  the  town, 
and  pay  for  the  same. 

Voted  that  the  town  submit  to  the 
Supervisors  respecting  the  raising  of 
money  for  the  use  of  the  highways. 

Voted  that  the  next  town  meeting 
be  held  at  the  home  of  Joseph  Shat- 

These  are  all  the  resolutions  and 
the  manner  of  their  wording  at  Co- 
hocton's  first  town  meeting. 

At  a  special  town  meeting  held 
October  2,  1813,  Jonas  Cleland  was 
chosen  Town  Clerk,  and  Darius  Hill, 

The  records  show  that  the  regular 
town  meetings  were  held  on  the  first 
Tuesday  of  March  down  to  1840, 
when  they  were  changed  to  the  sec- 
Tuesday  of  Feby.  The  reason  being 
too  many  were  liable  to  be  away  on 
rafts  down  the  river,  that  the  date 
was  moved  back  a  month. 

The  town  meetings  were  held  at 
Shattuck's  hotel  (Steuben  House 
now)  or  at  the  school  house,  a  few 
times  at  Bloods'  Hotel,  North  Cohoc- 
ton.  Later  at  Caleb  Crouch's  hotel 
(or  Warner  House  site)  until  the 
erection  of  the  Warner  House  in 
1883,  when  they  were  held  in  the 
Opero  House  for  years  down  to  the 
erection  of  the  Engine  House  and 
the  division  of  the  town  into  dis- 
tricts, since  which  time  they  have 
been  held  in  Engine  House,  Shults 
Hall,  and  either  Waite  Opera  House 
at  Atlanta  or  Wetmore  Hall  at  North 
Cohocton.  Now  with  two  districts. 
Disrict  No.  1,  in  the  Engine  House, 
and  District  No.  2,  in  Waite  Opera 
House  and  Wetmore  Hall  alternate- 

I  quote  a  few  of  the  resolutions 
recorded  in  the  town  records.  At 
the  town  meeting  in  1814,  I  found  in 
addition  to  bounties  already  quoted, 
$5  offered  for  each  wolf,  and  $10  for 

each  panther,  there  was  a  bounty  of 
$1  for  each  wild  cat. 

In  1814,  I  find  another  resoution 
which  I  leave  you  to  solve,  knowing 
the  solution  myself.  "Resolved,  that 
no  cattle  be  allowed  to  run  within 
15  rods  of  any  public  house  or  grist 
mill  from  the  1st  of  December  to  the 
1st  day  of  April  under  penalty  of  $1 
for  each  offense." 

In  1825  this  was  extended  to  cover 
in  front  of  stores  and  the  limit  was 
one-half  mile. 

In  1815,  voted  that  swine  shall  not 
be  allowed  to  run  without  a  good 
and  sufficient  yoke  and  being  proper- 
ly rung. 

Hogs  taken  up  without  a  good  and 
sufficient  yoke  the  owner  shall  pay 
12  cents  to  the  constable. 

In  1819,  voted  that  it  shall  be  a 
fine  of  $4.00  for  any  man  to  suffer 
any  Canada  thistle  or  Tory  weed  to 
go  to  seed  on  his  land  or  in  the  high- 
way adjoining  his  land  in  the  town 
of  Cohocton. 

In  1816,  I  found  that  $75  was  vot- 
ed for  the  support  of  the  poor,  and  so 
nearly  every  year,  the  amounts  vary- 

In  1818,  voted  that  the  town  raise 
as  much  money  as  the  law  will  al- 
low for  the  common  school. 

In  1819,  voted  we  raise  money  to 
build  a  pound  and  that  it  be  forty 
feet  square. 

In  1821,  voted  that  if  any  person 
suffer  his  cattle  to  run  in  the  sugar 
bush  it  shall  be  at  his  own  risk. 

In  1822,  swine  were  forbidden  to 
run  in  the  highways. 

Until  1831,  the  records  are  barren 
of  the  election  of  a  Justice  of  the 
Peace.  At  the  town  meeting  that 
year  William  Bennett  was  elected. 

In  18G4,  there  seems  to  have  been 
some  trouble  over  the  highway  la- 
bor, as  the  town  meeting  that  year 
passed  the  following: 

Voted  that  the     Commissioner     of 


Highways  be  required  to  prosecute 
every  overseer  of  highways  (path- 
master)  who  fails  to  discharge  his 
duties  according  to  highway  law. 

I  could  refer  to  many  more  town 
actions  that  would  be  of  interest. 
Outside  of  the  Civil  war  bounty  acts, 
I  shall  pass  by  the  others. 

1813,  Samuel  D.  Wells,  Super- 
visor.    Chas.  Bennett,  Town     Clerk. 

1814,  Samuel  D.  Wells,  Super- 
visor. Jonas  Cleland,  Town  Clerk. 
Peter  Haight,  Collector. 

1815,  Samuel  D.  Wells,  Super- 
visor. James  Barnard,  Town  Clerk. 
Peter  Haight,  Collector. 

1816,  Samuel  D.  Wells,  Super- 
visor. John  Bennett,  Jr.,  Town  Clerk. 
Peter  Haight,  Collector. 

1817,  John  Slack,  Supervisor. 
Peter  Haight,  Town  Clerk.  George 
W.  Haight,  Collector. 

1818,  John  Slack,  Supervisor. 
John  Bennett,  Jr.,  Town  Clerk.  John 
Slack  Justice  of  the  Pe-.ce.  Daniel 
Cooley,   Collector. 

1819,  John  Slack,  Supervisor. 
Peter  Haight,  Town  Clerk.  John 
Bennett,  Justice  of  the  Peace. 
Lucius  Shattuck,  Collector. 

1820,  John  Slack,  Supervisor. 
Paul  C.  Cook,  Town  Clerk.  Lucius 
Shattuck,  Justice  of  the  Peace. 

1821,  John  Slack,  Supervisor. 
Paul  C.  Cook,  Town  Clerk.  Caleb 
Crouch,  Justice  of  the  Peace.  James 
Conn,  Collector. 

1822,  Paul  C.  Cook,  Supervisor. 
Lucius  Shattuck,  Town  Clerk.  Her- 
man Bowen,  Collector. 

1823,  Lucius  Shattuck,  Town 
Clerk.  Herman  Bowen,  Collector. 

1824,  Lucius  Shattuck,  Town 
Clerk.    Herman   Bowen,    Collector. 

1825,  Lucius  Shattuck,  Town 
Clerk.  Clark  Kenyon,  Collector. 

182  6,  Lucius  Shattuck,  Town 
Clerk.  Clark  Kenyon,  Collector. 

1827,  David  Weld,  Supervisor. 
Lucius  Shattuck,   Town   Clerk. 

1828,  David  Weld,  Supervisor. 
Lucius  Shattuck,  Town  Clerk.  Con- 
stant Cook,  Collector. 

1829,  Paul  C.  Cook,  Supervisor. 
Lucius  Shattuck,  Town  Clerk.  Clark 
Kenyon,  Collector. 

1830,  Paul  C.     Cook,     Supervisor. 
Lucius      Shattuck,      Town         Clerk. 
Peter  Haight,  Justice  of  the  Peace. 
Herman  Eggleston,  Collector. 

1831,  David  Weld,  Supervisor.  Ca- 
leb Crouch,  Town  Clerk.  W.  Bennett, 
Justice  of  the  Peace.  Herman  Eggles- 
ton, Collector. 

1832,  Paul  C.  Cook,  Supervisor. 
Lucius   Shattuck,   Town   Clerk.   Paul 

C.  Cook,  Justice  of  the  Peace.     Her- 
man Eggleston,  Collector. 

1833,  Paul  C.  Cook,  Supervisor. 
Lucius  Shattuck,  Town  Clerk.  Job 
Nichoson,  Justice  of  the  Peace. 
Benjamin  D.  Briggs,  Collector. 

1834,  Paul  C.  Cook,  Supervisor. 
Lucius  Shattuck,  Town  Clerk. 
Thomas  A.  •  Bowles  Justice  of  the 
Peace.  Samuel  Chamberlain,  Collec- 

1835,  Lucius  Shattuck,  Town  Clerk. 
John  Hess,  Justice  of  the  Peace. 
Jesse  P.  Brace,  Collector. 

183  6,Alexander  S.  Palmer,  Sup- 
ervisor; Lucius  Shattuck,  Town 
Clerk;  Jesse  P.  Brace,  Justice  of  the 
Peace;    Almon    Eggleston,    Collector. 

183  7,  Paul  C.  Cook,  Supervisor; 
Lucius  Shattuck,  Town  Clerk;  John 
Nichoson,  Justice  of  the  Peace;  Benj. 

D.  Briggs,  Collector. 

1838,  Paul  C.  Cook,  Supervisor; 
Benj.  P.  Abner,  Town  Clerk;  Simeon 
Holmes,  Justice  of  the  Peace;  Hi- 
ram Dewey,  Collector. 

183  9,  Calvin  Blood,  Supervisor; 
Paul  C.  Cook,  Town  Clerk;  Myron 
Patchin,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
Henry  Noble,  Collector. 

1840,  John  Hess,  Supervisor; 
Thomas  Hendryx,  Town  Clerk;  Con- 
stant Cook,  Justice  of  the  Peace;  Al- 
mon Eggleston,  Collector. 


1841,  John  Hess,  Supervisor; 
Jesse  P.  Brace,  Town  Clerk;  Freder- 
ick Blood,  Jr.,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
Lawrence  S.  Borden,  Collector. 

1842,  Paul  C.  Cook,  Supervisor; 
Jesse  P.  Brace,  Town  Clerk;  Dan'l 
H.  Davis,  Juestice  of  the  Peace; 
Lawrence  S.  Borden,  Collector. 

1843,  John  Hess,  Supervisor; 
James  Draper,  Town  Clerk;  Myron 
M.  Patchin,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
Silas  Hulburt,   Collector. 

1844,  John  Hess,  Supervisor; 
James  Draper,  Town  Clerk;  Jesse 
McQuigg,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
Silas  Hulburt,  Collector. 

1845,  Calvin  Blood,  Supervisor; 
James  Draper,  Town  Clerk;  Frank 
Blood,  Jr.,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
Hiram  Dewey,  Collector. 

1846,  Sephman  Flint,  Supervisor; 
Henry  G.  Blood,  Town  Clerk;  C.  J. 
McDowell,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
Joseph  Crouch,  Collector. 

1847,  M.  M.  Patchin,.  Supervisor; 
James  Draper,  Town  Clerk;  Myron 
M.  Patchin  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
A.  W.  Chase,  Collector. 

1848,  John  Hess  Supervisor; 
James  Draper,  Town  Clerk;  Nelson 
Thorp,  Justice  of  the  Peace;  A.  W. 
Chase,  Collector. 

1849,  Sephman  Flint,  Sppervisor; 
Walter  M.  Eldred,  Town  Clerk; 
W.  W.  Waite,  Justice  of  the  Peace, 
Levi  C.  Chase,  vacancy;  A.  W.  Chase, 

1850,  C.  J.  McDowell,  Supervisor; 
Austin  Hall,  Town  Clerk;  Walter  M. 
Eldred,  Justice  of  the  Peace;  A.  W. 
Chase,  Collector. 

1851,  C.  J.  McDowell,  Supervisor; 
S.  D.  Shattuck,  Town  Clerk;  Samuel 
G.  Fowler,  Justice  of  the  Peace, 
E.  L.  Bradley,  vacancy;  Chas.  J. 
Rosenkrans,   Collector. 

1852,  C.  J.  McDowell,  Supervisor; 
Lucius  Shattuck,  Town  Clerk;  Aus- 
tin Hall,  Justice  of  the  Peace;  Chas. 
J.  Rosenkrans,  Collector. 

1853,  David  H.  Wilcox,  Super- 
visor; S.  D.  Shattuck,  Town  Clerk; 
Frederick  Blood,  Jr.,  Justice  of  the 
Peace;    Minor  T.  Conley,  Collector. 

1854,  C.  J.  McDowell,  Supervisor; 
A.  W.  Chase,  Town  Clerk;  James  F. 
Blood,  Justice  of  the  Peace;  Geo.  A. 
Haight,  Collector. 

1855,  Albertus  Larrowe,  Super- 
visor; Andrew  W.  Moore,  Town 
Clerk;  Edmund  Finch,  Justice  of 
the  Peace;  George  F.  Mead,  Collec- 

18  56,  Albertus  Larrowe,  Super- 
visor; Andrew  W.  Moore,  Town 
Clerk;  Thomas  S.  Crosby,  Justice  of 
the  Peace;  George  F.  Mead,  Collec- 

18  57,  Franklin  Larrowe,  Super- 
visor; Austin  Hall,  Town  Clerk; 
I.  H.  Nichoson,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
George  F.  Mead,  Collector. 

1858,  James  Draper,  Supervisor; 
Lonard  D.  Connor,  Town  Clerk; 
Asa  Adams,  vacancy,  James  F. 
Wood,  Justice  of  the  Peace. 

1859,  S.  D.  Shattuck,  Supervisor; 
Austin  Hall,  Town  Clerk;  Edmund 
Finch,  Justicce  of  the  Peace;  Geo. 
W.  Haight,  Collector. 

ISGO,  David  H.  Wilcox,  Supervis- 
or; J.  H.  Stanley,  Town  Clerk; 
Thomas  Crosby,  Justice  of  the 
Peace;  George  W.  Haight,  Collector. 

1861,  David  H.  Wilcox,  Supervis- 
or; Austin  Hall,  Town  Clerk;  Asa 
Adams,  Justice  of  the  Peace;  Lyman 
H.  Day,  Collector. 

1862,  David  H.  Wilcox,  Supervis- 
or; E.  S.  Carpenter,  Town  Clerk; 
S.  G.  Fowler,  vacancy,  James  F. 
Wood,  Justice  of  the  Peace;  William 
Washburn,   Collector. 

1S63,  Franklin  N.  Drake,  Super- 
visor; E.  S.  Carpenter,  Town  Clerk; 
W.  W.  Waite,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
S.  D.  Shattuck,  Collector. 

1864,  David  H.  Wilcox,  Supervis- 
or; E.  S.  Carpenter,  Town  Clerk; 
Thomas  S.   Crosbv,      Justice  of     the 


Peace;      William  Washburn,   Collec- 

1865,  John  H.  Butler,  Supervisor; 
Austin  Hall,  Town  Clerk;  Asa 
Adams,  Justice  of  the  Peace;  J.  D. 
Hendryx,   Collector. 

1866,  John  H.  Butler,  Supervisor; 
Chas.  H.  Beyer,  Town  Clerk;  James 
F.  Wood,  Justice  of  the  Peace;  Chas. 
Tripp,  Jr.,  Collector. 

1867,  Calvin  B.  Thorp,  Supervis- 
or; Austin  Hall,  Town  Clerk;  G.  W. 
Hewitt,  Justice  of  the  Peace;  Chas. 
Tripp,   Jr.,   Collector. 

18 68,  Stephen  D.  Shattuck  Super- 
visor; Marcus  S.  Harris,  Town 
Clerk;  Ithel  H.  Nichoson,  Justice  of 
the  Peace;  Samuel  S.  Rosenkrans, 

1869,  Stephen  D.  Shattuck,  Super- 
visor; Marcus  S.  Harris,  Town 
Clerk;  Asa  Adams,  Justice  of  the 
Peace;  Samuel  Street,  Jr.,  Collector. 

1870,  Stephen  D.  Shattuck,  Super- 
visor; Carl  H.  Wilcox,  Town  Clerk; 
Marcus  S  Harris,  Justice  of  the 
Peace;  Tyler  J.  Briggs,  Collector. 

1871,  Ira  M.  Tripp,  Supervisor; 
Rodney  B.  Harris,  Town  Clerk; 
Albertus  Larrowe,  Justice  of  the 
Peace;  Tyler  J.  Briggs,  Collector. 

1872,  Stephen  D.  Shattuck,  Super- 
visor; Albert  T.  Parkhill,  Town 
Clerk;  Aetna  M.  Davis,  Justice  of 
the  Peace;  Francis  G.  Tripp,  Collec- 

1873,  Thomas  Warner,  Supervis- 
or; Edwin  A.  Draper,  Town  Clerk; 
Asa  Adams,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
James  C  Green,  Collector. 

1874,  Thomas  Warner,  Supervis- 
or; Edwin  A.  Draper,  Town  Clerk; 
Hiram  Wygant,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
James  C.  Green,  Collector. 

1875,  James  P.  Clark,  Supervisor; 
Edwin  A.  Draper,  Town  Clerk;  Jas- 
per Partridge,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
James  C.  Green,  Collector. 

1876,  Orange  S.  Searl,  Supervisor; 
H.  C.  Lddiard,     Town  Clerk;     C.  W. 

Stanton,  Justice  of  the  Peace,  Jasper 
Partridge  vacancy;  Chas.  E.  Hall, 

1877,  Myron  W.  Harris,  Supervis- 
or; J.  M.  Reynolds,  Town  Clerk; 
Charles  Sheldon,  Justice  of  the 
Peace;  James  H.  Moulton,  Collector. 

1878,  Byron  A.  Tyler,  Supervisor; 
J.  M.  Reynolds,  Town  Clerk;  Thomas 
S.  Crosby,  Justice  of  the  Peace;  John 
Robinson,  Collector. 

1879,  Myron  W.  Harris,  Supervis- 
or; Peter  J.  Rocker,  Town  Clerk; 
Frank  C.  Fowler,  Justice  of  the 
Peace,  E.  Finch,  vacancy;  Wallace 
Wagner,  Collector. 

1880,  Myron  W.  Harris,  Supervis- 
or; Peter  J.  Rocker,  Town  Clerk; 
George  W.  Cooley,  Justice  of  the 
Peace;  Seth  A.  Hill,  Collector. 

1881,  Calvin  B.  Thorp,  Supervisor; 
Samued  D.  Parmenter;  Town  Clerk; 
George  W.  Ardell,  Justice  of  the 
Peace,  F.  ;B.  Beecher,  vacancy 
Henry  C.  Tripp,  Collector. 

1882,  Dwight  Weld,  Supervisor; 
Edwin  A.  Draper,  Town  Clerk;  Chas. 
E.  Hall,  Justice  of  the  Peace;  John 
VanAlstyne,  Collector. 

1883,  Dwight  Weld,  Supervisor; 
Henry  Finch,  Town  Clerk;  Frank  C. 
Fowler,  Justice  of  the  Peace,  J.  L. 
Waugh  vacancy;  George  E.  Wagner, 

1884,  James  M.  Reynolds,  Super- 
visor; Henry  Finch,  Town  Clerk; 
James  B.  Slayton,  Justice  of  the 
Peace,  B  R.  Streety,  vacancy;  John 
Partridge,    Collector. 

1885,  Asa  McDowell,  Supervisor; 
W.  E.  Adair,  Town  Clerk;  Harrison 
Briglin,  Justice  of  the  Peace;  Murry 
Tripp,  Collector. 

1886,  William  T  Slattery,  Super- 
visor; Henry  Maichle,  Town  Clerk; 
J.  Leonard  Waugh,  Justice  of  the 
Peace;  W.  T.  Cornish,  Collector. 

1887,  Calvin  E.  Thorp,  Supervis- 
or;  Fox,  Town  Clerk;  Noyes 
K.  Fowler,     Justice  of     the     Peace; 


Burr  Edmond,  Collector. 

1888,  Hiram  W.  Hatch,  Supervis- 
or; Chas  E.  Crosby,  Town  Clerk; 
Henry  Maichle,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
John  P.  Cronk,  Collector. 

1889,  Charles  Oliver,  Supervisor; 
Chas.  E.  Crosby,  Town  Clerk;  H. 
Briglin,  Justice  of  the  Peace;  Jacob 
Schweitzer,  Collector. 

1890,  Dwight  Weld,  Supervisor; 
Charles  E.  Crosby,  Town  Clerk; 
W.  W.  Jackson,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
James  C.  Wetmore,  Collector. 

1891,  Albert  H.  Wilcox,  Supervis- 
or; Charles  E.  Crosby,  Town  Clerk; 
Noyes  K.  Fowler,  Justice  of  the 
Peace;  Harvey  Noble,  Collector. 

1892,  Albert  H.  Wilcox,  Supervis- 
or; Andrew  E.  Shults,  Town  Clerk; 
J.  Leonard  Waugh,  Justice  of  the 
Peace;  L.  R.  Partridge,  Collector. 

1893,  Hyatt  C.  Hatch,  Supervisor; 
Samuel  D.  Parmenter,  Town  Clerk; 
Joel  J  Crouch,  Justice  of  the 
Peace;    Henry   Finch,   Collector. 

1894,  Hyatt  C.  Hatch,  Supervisor; 
Henry  Finch,  Town  Clerk;  Edwin  A. 
Draper,  Justice  of  the  Peace;  Albert 
L.  Corey,  Collector. 

1895,  Hyatt  C.  Hatch,  Supervisor; 
Henry  Finch,  Town  Clerk;  Chas.  B. 
Stoddard,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
Eugene  B.  Slayton,  Collector. 

1896,  Albert  H.  Wilcox,  Supervis- 
or; Ira  L.  Goff,  Town  Clerk;  Web- 
ster Edmunds,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
Friend  Bowles,  Collector. 

1897,  Albert  H.  Wilcox,  Supervis- 
or; Henry  C.  Pierce,  Justice  of  the 
Peace;  Fred  A.  Tobias,  Collector. 

1898,  W.  E.  Otto,  Supervisor; 
Stephen  D.  Shattuck,  Town  Clerk; 
Henry  Maichle,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
Eugene  R.  Briggs,  Collector. 

1899,  W.  E.  Otto,  Supervisor; 
Stephen  D.  Shattuck,  Town  Clerk; 
Henry  Maichle,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
Eugene  R.  Briggs,  Collector. 

1900,  Eugene  B.  Slayton,  Super- 
visor;  Stephen  D.     Shattuck,     Town 

Clerk;  J.  Leonard  Waugh,  Justice  of 
the  Peace;   Henry  Finch,  Collector. 

1901,  Eugene  B.  Slayton,  Super- 
visor; Stephen  D.  Shattuck,  Town 
Clerk;  L.  R.  Partridge,  Justice  of  the 
Peace;    Henry  Finch,   Collector. 

1902,  Eugene  B.  Slayton,  Super- 
visor; Edwin  S.  Brown,  Town  Clerk; 
F.  A.  Tobias,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
Henry  Marsh,  Collector. 

1903,  Eugene  B.  Slayton,  Super- 
visor; Edwin  S.  Brown,  Town  Clerk; 
H.  Wheaton,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
Henry  Marsh,  Collector. 

1904,  Willis  E.  Waite,  Supervisor; 
Edwn  S.  Brown,  Town  Clerk;  Web- 
ster Edmunds,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
Henry  Marsh,  Collector. 

19  05,  Willis  E.  Waite,  Supervisor; 
Edwin  S.  Brown,  Town  Clerk;  Wes- 
ley Bush,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
Henry  Marsh,  Collector. 

1906,  Willis  E.  Waite,  Supervisor; 
Fred  W.  Snyder,  Town  Clerk;  J. 
Leonard  Waugh,  Justice  of  the 
Peace;    Henry  Finch,   Collector. 

19  07,  Willis  E.  Waite,  Supervisor; 
Fred  W.  Snyder,  Town  Clerk;  H. 
Wheaton,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
Henry  Finch,  Collector. 

1908,  Albert  H.  Wilcox;  Fred  W. 
Snyder;  N.  J.  Wagner,  Justice  of  the 
Peace;   Alpha  H.  Lewis,  Collector. 

lOCr-,  Albert  H.  Wilcox,  Supervis- 
or; Fred  W.  Snyder,  Town  Clerk; 
R.  P.  Moulton,  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
Alpha  H.  Lewis,  Collector. 

1910-11  Albert  H  Wilcox.  Super- 
visor; Fred  W.  Snyder,  Town  Clerk; 
J.  Leonard  Waugh,  A.  McWatters, 
Justices  of  the  Peace;  Alpha  H. 
Lewis,  Collector. 

1813,  Jared  Parr,  John  Wood- 
ard,  Isaac  Hall,  Commissioner  of 
Highways;  Stephen  Crawford,  John 
Slack,  William  Bennett,  Assessors. 

1814,  Samuel  D.  Wells,  Isaac  Hall, 
William  Bennett,  Commissioners  of 
Highways;  Samuel  Rhodes,  F. 
Blakely,  John  Slack,  Assessors. 


1815,  Edward  Dunn,  Samuel  D. 
Wells,  Horace  Fowler,  Commission- 
ers of  Highways;  Jared  Parr,  Jona- 
than Parks,  Edward  Markham,  As- 

1816,  David  Fowler,  Timothy 
Sheman, Sylvester  Halliday,  Commis- 
sioners of  Highways;  Jonas  Cleland, 
Jonathan  Parks,  Salmon  Bronson, 

1817,  Blisha  Bronson,  David  Par- 
menter,  Daniel  Bacon,  Commission- 
ers of  Highways;  Salmon  Bronson, 
Benjamin  Haight,  Jonathan  Parks, 
Assessors.     ^ 

1818,  Horace  Fowler,  W.  Bennett, 
Peter  Haight,  Commissioners  of 
Highways;  Chas.  Oliver,  Benjamin 
Haight,  Samuel  D.  Wells,  Assessors. 

1819-1820,  Horace  Fowler,  Geo. 
Frederick,  Sylvan  us  Brownell,  Com- 
missioners of  Highways;  Charles 
Oliver,  Benjamin  Haight,  Amos 
Knowlton,  Assesssors. 

1821,  Eleazer  Tucker,  Edward 
Dunn,  Abijah  Fowler,  Commission- 
ers of  Highways;  Samuel  D.  Wells, 
Sylvester  Halliday,  Isaac  Hall,  As- 

1822,  Jonathan  Parks,  Alexander 
D.  Wells,  Horace  Fowler,  Commis- 
sioners of  Highways;  Duty  Waite 
Constant  Cook,  Josiah  Pond,  Assess- 

1823,  Horace  Fowler,  Jacob 
Wright,  John  Woodard,  Commission- 
ers of  Highways;  Duty  Waite,  Con- 
stant Cook,  Josiah  Pond,  Assessors. 

182  4,  Jonathan  Parks,  Abijah 
Fowler,  Thomas  A.  Bowles,  Commis- 
sioners of  Highways;  Duty  Waite, 
Constant  Cook,  Josiah  Pond,  Assess- 

1825,  Edw.  Marcum,  Abijah  Fow- 
ler, Thomas.  A.  Bowles,  Commission- 
ers of  Highvv-ays;  Duty  Waite,  Con- 
stant Cook,  Josiah  Pond,  Assessors. 

182^1,  Benona  Danks,  Eleazer 
Tucker,  Peter  Haight, Commissioners 
of  Highways;  Edward  Marcum,  Con- 

stant Cook,  Duty  Waite,  Assessors. 

1827,  James  Barnard,  Richard 
Crouch,  Edward  Dunn,  Commission- 
ers of  Highways;  Duty  Waite,  Josi- 
ah Pond,  Isaac  Hall,  Assessors. 

1828,  Thomas  A.  Bowles,  Horace 
Fowler,  Frederick  Harter,  Commis- 
sioners of  Highways;  Constant  Cook, 
•Duty  Waite,  David  Joslen,  Assess- 

1829,  James  Barnard,  Eleazer 
Monroe,  George  Frederick,  Commis- 
sioners of  Highways;  Thomas  A. 
Bowles,  John  Larrowe,  John  Hess, 

1830,  James  Wallace,  Seth  B. 
Cady,  Alfred  Shattuck,  Commission- 
ers of  Highways;  John  Hess,  John 
Larrowe,  Thomas  A.  Bowles,  Assess- 

1831,  Job  Tripp,  Jonathan  Parks, 
Alexander  D.  Wells,  Commissioners 
of  Highways;  Thomas  A.  Bowles, 
John  Larrowe,  Janiel  Jasper,  Assess- 

18  32,  Isaac  Hall,  Gardner  Pierce, 
Benona  Danks,  Commissioners  of 
Highways;  Duty  Waite,  William 
Walker,  John  Hess,  Assessors. 

1833,  Gardner  Pierce,  Benona 
Danks,  Isaac  Hall,  Commissioners 
of  Highways;  John  Hess,  Thomas  A. 
Bowles,   Daniel   H.   Davis,  Assessors. 

1834,  Gardner  Pierce,  W.  Walker, 
James  Wallace,  Commissioners  of 
Highways;  John  Hess,  Stephen 
Flint,  Thomas  A.  Bowles,  Assessors. 

1835,  W.  Bronson,  Benona  Danks, 
Barnabas  C.  Hatch,  Commissioners 
of  Highways;  Thomas.  A.  Bowles, 
Gardner  Pierce,  Stephen  Flint,  As- 

1836,  Samuel  Raymond,  Abram 
Lent,  George  Frederick,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  Joseph  Rosen- 
krans,  John  Hess,  Thos.  A.  Bowles, 

18  37,  Abram  Lent,  Benjamin  War- 
ner, Christopher  Cooper,  Commis- 
sioners of     Highways;      Thomas     A. 


Bowles,  Joseph  Rosenkrans,  Gardner 
Pierce,  Assessors. 

1838,  William  Bronson,  Job  Tripp, 
Richard  Moulton,  Commissioners  of 
Highways;  John  Hess,  William 
Walker,  Hiram  Spaulding,  Assessors. 

1839,  James  Wallace,  Abram 
Lent,  Rodman  Potter,  Commission- 
ers of  Highways;  William  W. 
Waite,  William  Walker,  William 
Bronson,  Assessors. 

1840,  Rodman  Potter,  Hiram 
Spaulding,  Job  Tripp,  Commissioners 
of  Highways; Frederick  Blood,  Chas. 
W.  Bronson,  Simeon  Holmes,  Assess- 

1841,  Job  Tripp,  Hiram  Spaulding, 
Rodman  Potter,  Commissioners  of 
Highways;  Chas.  W.  Bronson, 
Abram  Waugh,  Simeon  Holmes,  As- 

1842,  Abijah  Fowler,  Warren 
Patchin,  Jr.,  Abram  Lent,  Commis- 
sioners of  Highways;  Stehen  Flint, 
Gardner  Pierce,  Abram  Waugh,  As- 

1843,  Jerry  W.  Pierce,  Richard 
Tucker,  Salmon  H.  Palmer,  Commis- 
sioners of  Highways;  Abram  Waugh, 
C  J.  McDowell,  Marcus  Peck,  Assess- 

1844,  Edwin  A.  Parmenter,  Rod- 
man Potter,  Jackson  Crouch,  Com- 
missioners of  Highways;  Hiram 
Clayson,  Dennis  Connor,  Robert  M. 
Patchin,  Assessors. 

1845,  Darius  Crosby,  Hiram 
Spaulding,  Robert  M.  Patchin,  Com- 
missioners of  Highways;  E.  A.  Par- 
menter, Abram  Waugh,  David  Bron- 
son, Assessors. 

18  46,  Benjamin  S.  Hoag,  3  years; 
Highways;  John  Hess,  3  years,  H. 
Patchin,  1  year,  Commissioners  of 
Highways;  John  Hess,  2  years,  H. 
Spaulding,  2  years,  Darius  Crosby,  1 
years.  Assessors. 

1847,  L.  E.  Day,  Commissioner  of 
Highways;  Darius  Crosby,  C.  W. 
Bronson,  vacancy.  Assessors. 

18  48,  Isaac  Leggett,  Commission- 
er of  Highways;  Abram  Waugh,  As- 
sessor, R.  M.  Patchin,  vacancy,  As- 

1849,  James  Armstrong,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  Abram  Lent, 

1850,  Franklin  Larrowe,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  James  Arm- 
strong, Assessor. 

1851,  Hiram  Dewey,  Commission- 
er of  Highways;  Hiram  Clayson,  As- 

1851,  Hiram  Spaulding,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  George  Sager, 

1852,  Samuel  Rosenkrans,  Com- 
missioner of  Highways;  George  Sa- 
ger, Assessor. 

1853,  D.  S.  Morehouse,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  John  Kellogg, 

1854,  Ashel  Tyler,  Commission- 
er of  Highways;  Rice  Moulton,  As- 
sessor, E.  H.  Slayton,  vacancy. 

1855,  Samuel  S.  Rosenkrans,  Com- 
missioner of  Highways;  Hiram 
Dewey,  Assessor,  Benjamin  Warner, 

18  5  6,  Samuel  S.  Rosenkrans, 
Commissioner  of  Highways;  Sepham 
Flint,  Assessor. 

1857,  Samuel  S.  Rosenkrans, 
Commissioner  of  Highways;  Jesse 
Edmond,  Assessor. 

1858,  Amos  Stone,  Commissioner 
of  Highways;  John  Kellogg,  Assess- 
or, Abram  Waugh,  vacancy. 

1859,  H.  N.  Tousey  Commissioner 
of  Highways;  Gardner  Waite,  As- 

1860,  H.  N.  Tousey,  Commissioner 
of  Highvvays;  William  Rynders,  As- 
sessor; C.  V.  K.  Woodworth,  vacan- 

1861,  Amos  Stone,  Commissioner 
of  Highways;  James  B.  Slayton,  As- 

1862,  Isaac  B.  Hoagland,  Com- 
missioner of  Highways;  Jonathan  C. 


Parks,  Assessor. 

1863,  Jerome  P.  Sutherland,  Com- 
missioner of  Highways;  Jesse  Ed- 
mond,  Assessor. 

1864,  Daniel  Raymond,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  Stephen  0, 
Phillips,  Assessor. 

1865,  S.  F.  Woodworth,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  Orlando  Wet- 
more,  Assessors. 

18  66,  Bryan  A.  Tyler,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  William  H. 
Smith,  Assessor. 

1867,  Ira  M.  Tripp,  Commission- 
er of  Highways;  William  H.  Smith, 

1868,  Wheeler  Clayson,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  Ashel  Tyler, 

1869,  Eli  Aspinwall,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  Ashel  Tyler, 
Gorge  W.  Drake,  Assessors. 

1870,  Ira  M.  Tripp,  Commissioner 
of  Highways;  James  B  Slayton,  As- 

1871,  S.  F.  Woodworth,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  Hiram  Rynders. 

1872,  Philo  Knickerbocker,  Com- 
missioner of  Highways;  Samuel  F. 
Woodworth,  Assessors 

187  3,  Grattan  H.  Wallace,  Com- 
missioner of  Highways;  James  B. 
Slayton,  Assessor. 

187  4,  Ira  M.  Tripp,  Commissioner 
of  Highways;  Abner  Gardner,  As- 

1875,  Hiram  W.  Hatch,  Comrnis- 
soner  of  Highways;  John  Miller,  As- 

1876,  Pliny  F.  Horr,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  M.  J.  Tyler, 
Assessor,  W.  H.   Smith,  vacancy. 

1877,  Byron  A.  Tyler,  Commis- 
sioner; Milan  J.  Tyler,  Assessor. 

1878,  Henry  S.  Clayson,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  W.  W.  Jackson, 

18  79,  Harvey  F.  Johnson,  Com- 
missioner of  Highways;   George  Bol- 

ster, Assessor. 

1880,  Jacob  Wagner,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  Harvey  Lowell, 

1881,  Samuel  M.  Parks,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  Jesse  Edmond, 

1882,  Philip  Folts,  Commissioner 
of  Highways;  Ezekiel  Brown,  As- 

1883,  Noyes  K.  Fowler,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  O.  W.  Hoxter, 

1884,  John  Larrowe,  Commission- 
er of  Highways;  James  P.  Clark,  As- 

1885,  Dwight  Weld,  Commissioner 
of  Highways;  W.  W.  Jackson,  As< 

188 6,  Henry  Folts,  Commissioner 
of  Highways;  Hollis  H.  Tyler,  As- 

1887,  Oliver  Hoxter,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  Philip  Folts, 

1888,  Eugene  E.  Stetson,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  W.  W.  Jackson, 

1889,  Frank  C.  Fowler,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  Hollis  H.  Tyler, 

1890,  Murry  Tripp,  Commission- 
er of  Highways;  Philip  Folts,  As- 

1891,  Stephen  T.  Stanton,  Com- 
missioner of  Highways;  George 
Fronk,  Assessor. 

1892,  Lorenzo  M.  Jones,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  Darwin  Marsh, 

1893,  Rice  T.  Moulton,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  Henry  W. 
Schv/ingel,  Assessor. 

1894,  Martin  H.  Wilcox,  Com- 
missioner of  Highways;  William 
Cragg,  Assessor. 

1895,  Martin  H.  Wilcox,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  William  H. 
Hammond,  Assessor. 

189  6,  William  L.   Rowe,  Commis- 


sioner  of  Highways;  W.  W.  Jackson, 

1897,  William  L.  Rowe,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  William  Cragg, 

1898,  Humphrey  Courtney,  Com- 
missioner of  Highways;  Beach 
Drake,  Assessor. 

1899,  Humphrey  Courtney,  Com- 
missioner of  Highways;  John  C. 
Mattice,  Assessor. 

1900,  Humphrey  Courtney,  Com- 
missioner of  Highways;  Jacob  Neu, 

1901-1902,  Martin  H.  Wilcox, 
Commissioner  of  Highways;  Beach 
Drake,  W.  W.  Jackson,  William 
Cragg,  Assessors. 

1903-1904,  John  G.  Fritting,  Com- 
missioner of  Highways;  W.  W.  Jack- 
son, Frank  Rex,  Assessors. 

1905-1906,  John  G.  Fritting,  Com- 
missioner of  Highways;  W.  W.  Jack- 
son, Frank  Rex,  William  Cragg,  As- 

1907-08-09,  Frank  Rex,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  William  Cragg, 
William  J.  Faulkner,  Henry  Field, 

1909-10,  H.  A.  Neufang  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways;  William  Cragg, 
William  J.  Faulkner,  Henry  Field, 

1911-14,  John  G.  Fritting,  Com- 
missioner of  Highways;  William 
Cragg,  William  J.  Faulkner,  Henry 
Field,  Assessors. 


I  now  come  to  the  actions  of  the 
town  in  reference  to  Town  Bounties 
during  the  Civil  War.  That  time  that 
tried  the  best  and  stoutest  hearts  as 
to  what  was  best  to  do.  That  time 
when  men  were  called  upon  not  only 
of  their  means — but  of  their  sons — 
aye  of  themselves,  when  "It  is  sweet 
and  glorious  for  one's  country  to 
die",  became  more  than  a  beautiful 
sentiment — but  meant  lonely  fire- 
sides, less  help,     struggles  for     life. 

No,  that  was  small.  It  meant  more 
taxes,  the  wife  at  the  helm.  Per- 
haps and  too  often,  the  mother  and 
lover  at  the  bier. 

In  December,  1863,  the  following 
act  was  passed  by  the  Board  of  Su- 
pervisors. I  give  it  in  full  as  it  is 
the  basis  for  other  acts: 

"Resolved,  that  the  county  of 
Steuben  will  pay  $3  00  to  each  and 
every  person  who  has  voluuteered 
since  its  last  call  of  the  Fresident 
for  300,000  men  made  the  17th  day 
of  October,  1863,  or  who  shall  here- 
after volunteer  into  the  service  of 
the  United  States  and  be  credited  to 
their  respective  towns  of  this  county 
until  the  quotas  of  the  respective 
towns  under  the  last  call  for  volun- 
teers be  filled. 

"Resolved,  that  the  treasurer  of 
Steuoen  County  be  directed  to  issue 
negotiable  bonds  of  the  county  in 
amount  not  exceeding  a  sum  sufl^ic- 
ient  to  pay  $300  to  each  volunteer  to 
the  full  numbers  of  the  quota  of  the 
county,  under  the  last  call,  and  shall 
deliver  such  bonds  to  the  Supervisors 
of  the  respective  towns  in  sufficient 
amounts  to  enable  them  to  pay  the 
sum  of  $300  to  each  volunteer  from 
that  from  that  town  up  to  the  num- 
ber of  the  quota  of  said  town  under 
said  call,  upon  his  filing  with  the 
treasurer  a  bond  conditioned  for  the 
faithful  performance  of  the  trust  re- 
posed in  him  by  these  resolutions  of 
such  amount  as  the  treasurer  shall 
require  with  sufficient  sureties,  and 
in  case  the  Supervisor  of  any  town 
shall  neglect  or  refuse  for  twenty- 
five  days  from  the  date  of  the  pass- 
age of  these  resolutions  to  file  such 
bonds  or  to  act  in  pursuance  of  these 
resolutions,  then  and  in  that  case, 
such  County  Treasuer  shall  appoint 
some  responsible  citizen  of  such 
cov/n  who  will  file  such  surety  to  act 
in  place  of  said  Supervisor  in  per- 
forming the  duties  required  by  these 


resolutions  and  shall  deliver  to  him 
such  bonds  in  the  same  manner  as  to 
the  Supervisor  when  acting. 

Other  resolutions  not  copied. 

The  town  held  seven  town  meet- 
ings between  December,  1863  and 
December,  186  4,  and  on  only  one  oc- 
casion that  of  offering  $1000  to 
volunteers  did  the  town  vote,  nay. 

I  quote  these  meetings: 

At  a  special  town  meeting  held  on 
December  29,  186  3,  the  above  reso- 
lutions were  adopted  by  the  town  of 
Cohocton  by  a  vote  of  197  to  27. 

At  a  special  town  meeting  held  on 
March  8,  1864,  in  pursuance  to  a 
resolution  passed  by  the  Board  of 
Supervisors,  February  25,  1864,  as 
to  paying  $300  to  each  and  every 
person  who  has  been  mustered  into 
the  service  of  the  United  States  since 
October,  1863,  or  who  shall  hereafter 
volunteer  into  the  service  and  be 
credited  to  the  respective  towns  un- 
til the  quotas  of  said  towns  of  the 
county  under  the  call  of  the  Presi- 
dent of  the  United  States  for  500,000 
made  February  1,  1864,  shall  be  fil- 

"Resolved,  that  the  resolutions 
shall  not  apply  or  be  binding  upon 
any  town  except  upon  a  vote  of  a 
majority  of  the  electors  of  such  town 
present  and  voting  at  a  town  *  meet- 
ing at  which  the  question  shall  be 

Our  Supervisor,  David  H.  Wilcox, 
favored  and  voted  for  the  resolution. 

The  vote  of  town  at  special  meet- 
ing March  8,  1864,  was  144  to  3  for 
the  adoption  by  Cohocton. 

On  June  6,  1864,  at  a  meeting  of 
the  Town  Board  of  Cohocton,  it  was 
voted,  "That  if  it  shall  be  found  im- 
possible after  due  diligence  and  vig- 
orous effort  to  fill  the  deficiency  in 
the  quota  of  said  town  under  the  last 
call  of  the  President  for  200,000  men 
with  volunteers  obtained  at  an  ex- 
pense to  said  town  of     $300     before 

the  12th  day  of  June,  1864.  Then 
and  in  that  case  the  Supervisor  of 
said  town  of  Cohocton  may  and  shall 
pay  to  the  Collector  of  Internal 
Revenue  in  and  for  this  district  the 
sum  of  $300  of  the  money  provided 
for  volunteer  bounty  for  each  and 
every  person  for  which  there  shall  be 
a  deficiency  under  said  quota  for  the 
procuration  of  a  volunteer  or  substi- 


David  H.  Wilcox,  Supervisor. 
James  F.  Wood, 
Thomas  S.  Crosby, 

E.  S.  Carpenter, 

Town   Clerk. 

The  Board  of  Supervisors  on  July 
29,  1864,  passed  another  resolution 
to  pay  $200  additional  which  the 
town,  at  a  special  meeting,  held  on 
August  3,  1864,  adopted  for  Cohoc- 
ton, for,  105;  19  against. 

The  fourth  special  town  meeting 
held  that  year  was  August  23,  1864, 
to  ratify  the  resolution  of  the  Board 
of  Supervisors  held  August  17,  1864, 
authorizing  an  additional  bounty  of 
$100  to  all  volunteers  credited  to  the 
town  under  the  last  call  of  the  Presi- 
dent for  500,000  more  men  made 
July  18,  1864.     For,  62;  against,  6. 

The  fifth  special  town  meeting  was 
held  September  18,  1864,  on  the  fol- 

"Resolved,  that  the  Board  of  said 
town  be  authorized  to  issue  the 
bonds  of  said  town  bearing  annual 
interest  to  pay  said  bounties  this  day 
provided  for  volunteers  and  the 
bonds  issued  by  the  Town  Board  be 
divided  into  three  classes.  The  first 
class  to  be  made  payable  on  the  1st 
day  of  February,  1865;  2d  class  on 
the  1st  day  of  February,  1866;  the 
3d  class  on  the  1st  day  of  February, 

"Resolved,  that  the  town  of  Co- 
hocton shall  raise  by  tax  the  sum  of 


six  thousand  ($6000)  for  each 
man  who  shall  volunteer  under  the 
last  call  of  the  President  for  500,- 
000  more  men  made  July  18,1864,  to 
fill  the  said  quota  of  the  said  town  of 
Cohocton,  N.  Y..  being  ($1000)  one 
thousand  dollars  each." 

I  give  these  resolutions  as  written 
in  the  town  records,  although  it 
looks  as  if  the  first  should  be  last 
and  the  second  be  first.  They  were 
the  only  ones  voted  down  during 
the  bounty  question  actions.  For, 
147;  against,  155. 

The  sixth  special  town  meeting  for 
1864,  was  held  September  19,  1864. 
The  whole  number  of  votes  given  for 
and  against  the  bounty  as  per  reso- 
lutions offered  and  public  notice,  viz- 

To  vote  for  or  against  a  bounty 
to  each  person  who  shall  or  has  vol- 
unteered into  the  military  service  of 
the  United  States  to  the  credit  of  the 
town  of  Cohocton  under  the  call  of 
the  President  for  500,000  more  men 
made  July  18,  1864,  as  follows: 

Five  hundred  dollars  to  each  per- 
son who  shall  have  volunteered  on 
and  after  the  1st  day  of  September, 
186  4,  and  $200  to  each  person  who 
volunteered  as  aforesaid  previous  to 
the  1st  day  of  September,  18  64, 
which  $500  may  be  used  by  any  per 
son  to  procure  a  substitue  to  the 
credit  of  said  town,  all  of  which  said 
bounty  shall  be  in  addition  to  all 
bounties  now  provided,  but  no  more 
bounties  than  that  already  provided 
to  be  paid  to  volunteers  who  entered 
previous  to  September  1,  1864,  un- 
less the  quota  of  the  town  was  375. 
For,   229;   against,   146. 

At  a  meeting  of  the  Town  Board 
of  Cohocton,  September  24,  1864: 

"Resolved,  that  the  Supervisor  of 
the  town  of  Cohocton,  N.  Y.,  have 
discretionary  power  of  apropriating 
a  sufficient  sum  of  money  for  the  re- 
lief of  the  families  of  volunteers  who 
are  credited  tq  the  town  of  Cohocton 

and  are  now  in  the  service  of  the 
United  States  of  America,  to  supply 
their  present  pressing  wants  accord- 
ing to  the  provisions  of  chapter  8  of 
Lav;s  of  New  York  passed  February 
9,  1S64. 

D.  H.  Wilcox,  Supervisor. 
W.  W.  Waite, 
Thomas  S.   Crosby, 
James  F.  Wood, 
Justices  of  the  Peace. 
E.   S.   Carpenter, 

Town  Clerk. 
Thus  it  will  be  seen  that  the  town 
met  these  trying  times  with  a  spirit 
of  liberality  and  encouragement.  So 
the  town,  bravely  passed  one  of  the 
trying  years  of  its  history.  Names  of 
those  who  enlisted  given  at  close  of 
history.  About  230  went  out  from 
this  town. 

Cohocton  has  but  one  incorporated 
village  within  its  limits  at  the  pres- 
ent time.  Atlanta  and  North  Cohoc- 
ton are  both  thriving  settlements 
in  the  northern  part  of  the  town. 

At  a  meeting  held  at  the  law  office 
of  Orange  S.  Searl,  Tuesday  evening, 
March  24,  1891,  for  the  purpose  of 
taking  action  on  the  incorporation  of 
the  village  of  Cohocton,  Stephen  D. 
Shattuck  was  chosen  chairman,  and 
Andrew  E.  Shults,  secretary.  On 
motion  the  following  committee  was 
appointed  to  make  a  survey  and  map 
or  territory  intended  to  be  included 
in  the  incorporation: 

J.  L.  Barthelme,  James  Fox, 
Henry  Maichle,  James  M.  Reynolds, 
Hiram  Wygant,  W.  J.  Shults,  Valen- 
tine Graser,  only  one  of  whom, 
Henry  Maichle,  is  residing  here.  All 
others  dead. 

At  a  meeting  held  April  9,  1891, 
the  committee  on  survey  and  map 
reported.  Report  accepted  and  com- 
mittee discharged.  The  following 
were  appointed  on  census  and  to 
have  map  and  census     posted  as  re- 


quired  by  law,  and  also  to  issue  the 
proper  notice  to  the  voters  on  the 
proposed  incorporation: 

John  F.  Shults,  John  T.  Lichius, 
J.  M.  Reynolds,  W.  W.  Jackson, 
James  Fox,  W.  J.  Shults  and  Chas. 

This  committee  reported,  making 
notice  and  call  for  election  to  be  held 
in  rooms  over  the  Fox  drug  store, 
now  back  of  M.  A.  McDowell's  law 
office,  on  Tuesday,  the  14th  day  of 
July,  1891,  between  the  hours  of  10 
a.  m.  and  3  p.  m.,  to  determine 
whether  the  proposed  territory  shall 
be  incorporated  and  be  the  village 
corporation  of  Cohocton.  This  was 
signed  by  thirty-two  different  citi- 
zens within  the  proposed  territory. 
According,  on  July  14,  1891,  the 
election  was  held,  Albert  H.  Wilcox, 
Supervisor  of  the  town,  and  Chas.  E. 
Crosby,  Town  Clerk  of  the  town,  act- 
ing as  inspectors  of  election.  The 
whole  number  of  votes  case  was  230. 
For  corporation  141;  against,  89,  be- 
ing a  majority  of  52  for  incorpora- 

The  first  village  election  was 
held  August  18,  18  91,  and  the  offi- 
cers elected  were:  James  M.  Rey- 
nolds, President;  James  Fox,  An- 
drew E.  Shults,  Frank  T.  Baker, 

William  B.  Adair,  Treasurer. 

Charles  W.  Godfrey,  Collecctor. 

The  Board  appointed  Dr.  Ira  L. 
Goff,  Clerk. 

John  T.  Lichius,  Street  Commis- 
sioner; William  H.  Adair  and  Henry 
C.  Hart,  Police  Constables. 

The  water  tax  was  voted  Septem- 
ber 7,  1893.  Bonds  for  $22,500 
were  issued  and  the  water  system 
was  laid  in  the  fall  of  1893,  by  Sykes 
Brothers  of  Buffalo.  The  tax  for  the 
Engine  House  and  Lockup  was  voted 
and  the  building  was  built  in  the 
winter  of  1893-18  94. 

The       Presidents,     Trustees     and 

Clerks  since  incorporation  have  been 
as  follows: 

1891-1892,  President,  James  M. 
Reynolds;  Trustees,  James  Fox,  An- 
drew E.  Shults,  Frank  T.  Baker; 
Clerk,  Dr.  Ira  L.  Goff. 

1893,  Andrew  E.  Shults,  Presi- 
dent; Trustees,  W.  W.  Jackson,  one 
year;  Theodore  R.  Harris,  two  years, 
Charles  Oliver,  two  years;  Clerk,  Dr. 
Ira  L.  Goff. 

1894,  William  E.  Adair,  President; 
Jacob  L.  Barthelme,  Trustee;  Dr.  Ira 
L.  Goff,  Clerk. 

1895,  William  E,  Adair,  Presi- 
dent; Thomas  B.  Fowler  and  Web- 
ster Edmunds,  Trustees;  Dr.  Ira  L. 
Goff,  Clerk. 

1896,  C.  W.  Stanton,  President; 
Ard  O.  Dewey,  Trustee;  J.  Leonard 
Waugh,  Clerk. 

1897,  Peter  J.  Rocker,  President; 
E.  B.  Slayton,  W.  J.  Becker,  Trus- 
tees; Edwin  S.  Brown,  Clerk. 

1898,  Peter  J.  Rocker,  President; 

E.  B.  Slayton,     Henry  Finch,     Trus- 
tees; Edwin  S.  Brown,  Clerk. 

1899-1900,  Peter  J.  Rocker,  Presi- 
dent, E.  B.  Slayton,  Henry  Finch, 
Trustees;  Edwin  S.  Brown,  Clerk. 

19  01,  Manley  A.  McDowell,  Presi- 
dent; E.  B.  Slayton,  C.  J.  Mehlen- 
bacher,  Trustees;  Webster  Ed- 
munds, Clerk. 

1902,  Andrew  E.  Shults,  Presi- 
dent; F.  A.  Tobias,  Trustee;  Edwin 
S.  Brown,  Clerk. 

1903,  George  E.  Wagner,  re- 
signed, C.  W.  Stanton,  President; 
J.  L.  Barthelme,  Trustee;  Edwin  S. 
Brown,  Clerk. 

1904,  C.  W.  Stanton,  President; 
C.  C.  Newcomb,  Trustee;  Edwin  S. 
Brown,  Clerk. 

1905,  A.  C.     Westfall,     President; 

F.  W.  Snyder,     Trustee;     Edwin     S. 
Brown,  Cle"k. 

19  0  6,  A.  C.  Westfall,  President; 
F.  W.  Snyder,  Trustee;  Edwin  S. 
Brown,  Clerk.  , 


1907.  Fred  W.  Snyder,  President; 
C.  C.  Newcomb,  Manley  A.  McDowell, 
Trustees;  Edwin  S.  Brown,  Clerk. 

1908-1909, Fred  W.  Snyder,  Presi- 
dent; C.  C.  Newcomb.  Manley  A. 
McDowell,  Trustees;  M.  E.  Weld, 

1910,  Andrew  L.  Shults,  Presi- 
dent; Manley  A.  McDowell,  S.  D. 
Parmenter,  Trustees;  A.  McWatters, 


In  January,  1861,  William  Wirt 
Warner  with  Laura  E.  Weld  as  as- 
sociate editor,  started  a  little  paper 
called  the  Cohocton  Journal.  It  was 
published  for  three  months,  so  its 
valedictory  says.  As  Mr.  Warner 
took  leave  on  closing  out,  he  soon 
after  went  west.  This  paper  was 
published  on  the  present  (McDowell) 
Zeh  farm. 

Nothing  further  was  done  until  in 
April,  1870,  when  H.  B.  Newell  start- 
ed a  paper  at  Cohocton  called  the 
Cohocton  Advertiser,  so  the  paper 
says.     Histories  say  Herald. 

A  short  time  after  he  sold  to 
James  C.  Hewitt  and  the  name  was 
changed   to   the   Cohocton   Tribune. 

May  29,  187  3,  William  A.  Carpen- 
ter, when  but  15  years  old,  son  of 
Ezra  S.  Carpenter,  commenced  the 
publication  of  the  Cohocton  Times  at 
North  Cohocton.  In  18  74,  he  moved 
to  Cohocton,  having  purchased  the 
good  will  and  material  of  the  Cohoc- 
ton Tribune  of  Mr.  Hewitt,  and  the 
paper  became  the  Cohocon  Vallej 
Times — Carpenter  and  Fenton  then 
proprietors.  This  was  purchased  in 
187  8,  by  Edgar  A.  Higgins,  who,  in 
1889,  sold  to  Stephen  D.  Shattuck. 
who  continued  its  publication  until 
his  death,  August,  1901.  It  was  car- 
ried on  by  his  daughter,  Mrs.  Emma 
G.  Searl,  until  October,  1902. 

The  Atlanta  News  was  founded  at 
Atlanta  July  4,  1892,  by  Hyatt  C 
Hatch,  who  i^i  October,  1892,  sold  to 

V.  L.  and  M.  R.  Tripp,  and  the  name 
changed  to  the  Index. 

In  1893,  it  was  moved  to  Cohocton 
and  continued  unil  October,  1902, 
Avhen  V.  L.  Tripp,  the  firm  having 
bean  dissolved,  purchased  the  good 
will  and  material  of  the  Cohocton 
Valley  Times  of  Mrs.  Searl,  moved  it 
to  his  office  in  the  Slayton  Block  and 
has  since  continued  its  publication, 
under  the  name  of  The  Cohocton 
Times-Index.  In  1905,  it  was  mov- 
ed to  the  "Beehive"  building  built 
about  1828,  by  Paul  C.  Cook,  which 
has  an  eventful  history — now^  owned 
by  V.  L.  Tripp. 

Once  the  western  border  of  the 
park,  where  in  early  days,  took  place 
the  early  training.  This  park  in- 
cluded all  the  land  east  of  the  "Bee- 
hive", and  to  the  corner  and  down 
South  Main  street  to  the  Parmenter 
reoidence.  In  this  building.  Liberty 
Lodge,  No.  510,  was  organized  and 
held  its  meetings  from  April,  1861  to 
1872,  eleven  years.  Prom  this  old 
building  now  go  forth  items  of  joy 
and  sorrow,  marriage  and  death. 
Some  of  your  good  deeds,  possibly 
some  of  your  bad. 

Benj.  A.  Osborne  in  July,  18  97, 
started  the  Steuben  Times  at  Atlan- 
ta. The  2  9th  number  was  issued 
P"'ebruary  11,  1898,  and  the  office  was 
within  a  few  days  destroyed  by  fire, 
and  the  good  will  and  list  purchased 
by  V.  L.  Tripp. 

Paul  C.  Cook,  Member  of  Assem- 
bly, 1827-1837. 

Richard  Brower,  Member  of  As- 
sembly,  1840. 

Stephen  D.  Shattuck,  Member  of 
Assembly,  1873-1.8  74. 

Orange  S.  Searl,  Member  of  As- 
sembly,  1881-1882. 

Hyatt  C.  Hatch,  Member  of  Assem- 
bly, 1898-1901. 

Ira  L.  Goff,  Coroner,  1880-1882. 

Edgar  A.  Higgins,     School     Com- 


missioner,  1882-1884. 

Louis  H.  Barnum,  School  Commis- 
sioner,  1885-1887. 

George  H.  Guinnip,     School     Com- 
missioner, 1876-1881,  but  he  was  not 
a  resident  of  the  town  at  the  time. 

It  was  not  until  1807,  that  we 
have  any  record — that  a  sermon  was 
preached  in  the  town  of  Cohocton  or 
in  any  of  its  present  or  former  limits. 
In  that  year  Elijah  Parker  and 
Stephen  Crawford,  New  England 
Congregationalists,  came  into  town 
with  their  families  and  at  once  laid 
plans  for  religious  services. 

In  1808,  the  inhabitants  met  to- 
gether and  appointed  Elijah  Parker 
and  Stephen  Crawford  to  lead  in 
public  meeting. 

In  May,  1809,  these  few  Christians 
were  visited  by  Rev.  Aaron  C.  Collins 
when  about  ten  persons  professed  to 
join  in  church  fellowship  and  in 
June  they  were  visited  by  Rev.  Abi- 
gal  Warren  with  whom  they  agreed, 
he  should  preach  for  them  and  labor 
among  them  for  the  period  of  one 
year.  The  number  was  tlieu  twen- 

On  October  8,  1809,  they  were  or- 
ganized into  the  First  Congregation- 
al church  of  Cohocton. 

The  original  nine  members  were: 

John  Slack,  Jerusha  Slack,  Martha 
Parker,  Elijah  Parker,  Mehitable 
Parker,  Stephen  Crawfotd,  Ruth 
Crawford,  Obadiah  Woodward,  Sybil 

Elijah  Parker  was  elected  the  first 

Horace  Fowler,  father  of  the 
Fowler  Brothers,  Phrenologists  came 
in  1810,  and  was  made  a  Deacon  in 

There  was  no  church  edifice  for 
about  twenty  years.  The  school 
house  and  the  residences  of  Horace 
Fowler,  and  Stephen  Crawford,  Hor- 

ace Fowler's  most  of  the  time,  which 
was  on  the  grounds  where  the  pres- 
ent residence  of  Charles  Larrowe  is, 
was  used. 

The  officiating  ministers  of  that 
period  included  Rev.  Robert  Hub- 
bard, Rev.  Aaron  C.  Collins,  Rev. 
Joseph  Crawford,  1823-1829,  Rev. 
Stephen  Clancy,  1830,  Rev.  Lucius 
W.  Billington. 

Pardon  a  digression,  but  Rev. 
John  Niles  of  Bath,  Rev.  David  Hig- 
gins  of  Bath,  Rev.  James  H.  Hotch- 
kin  of  Prattsburg,  Rev.  Robert  Hub- 
bard of  Angelica,  the  pinoeers  of 
Steuben  and  Allegany  counties,  all 
began  their  ministry  in  the  Con- 
gregational church.  Prattsburg 
church  v/as  organized  as  a  Congrega- 
tional church  in  1804.  Bath  church 
in  1806,  as  a  Congregational  church. 
The  third  oldest  church,  Cohocton, 
was  as  I  have  said,  organized  as  a 
Congregational  church,  was  received 
into  Bath  Presbytery  in  1820,  on  the 
accommodating  plan  and  did  not  be- 
come thoroughly  Presbyterian  until 
18  50.  Some  say  it  nearly  went 
back  later,  but  since  reorganization 
in  1870,  has  had  no  weak  knees. 

Horace  Fowler  and  Constant  Cook 
in  1829,  were  elected  trustees  and  a 
church  built  on  lands  of  Horace 
Fowler,  just  south  of  the  present 
residence  of  Samuel  Hecox  on  South 
Main  street. 

This  building  was  dedicated  as  a 
house  of  worship,  February  3,  1830. 
Sermon  by  Rev.  Robert  Hubbard 
from  Haggar  2-9.  He  was  for  many 
years,  1812-1826,  pastor  at  Angelica 
and  Almond,  but  his  parish  was  the 
whole  of  Allegany  and  western  por- 
tion of  Steuben  counties. 

The  church  was,  as  I  have  remark- 
ed, under  union  plan  Congregational 
in  government,  yet  reporting  to  Pres- 

From  1832  to  1868,  were  rather 
discouraging  years  for  the  church. 


From  1833  to  1850,  the  records 
were  lost  or  more  probably  never 

But  I  am  able  to  say  that  Rev. 
Stalham  Clary  supplied  for  a  while. 
Rev.  Asa  Adams,  who  afterwards  left 
the  ministry  from  1846  to  1851. 
Rev.  Joseph  Strough  1851,  until  his 
death,  1854.  Rev.  W.  L.  Andrews 
from  February,  1855  to  January 

The  following  also  served  as 
ministers  in  the  Presbyterian 

Rev.  A.  T.  Wood  from  January, 
1856  to  October  1857;  Rev.  J.  Wood- 
worth  from  January  1858  to  May 
1860.  From  1861  to  1871,  the  pul- 
pit was  supplied  by  Rev.  M.  B.  Gels- 
ton,  now  dead. 

The  Society,  about  the  time  the 
church  was  built,  built  and  owned  a 
manse,  which  was  sold  to  M.  S.  Har- 
ris in  1865,  occupied  many  years  by 
Mrs.  Ann  Polmanteer,  and  is  now 
owned  by  George  C.  Rocker.  In 
1870,  the  Society  sold  the  church 
building  which  stood  on  South  Main 
street  to  Frank  Draper  who  sold  it  to 
Albertus  Larrowe,  who  moved  it 
down  South  Main  street  lower  end 
and  converted  it  into  a  dwelling 
house  and  it  was  so  used  for  a  while 
and  burned  in  1886. 

In  1850,  the  church  became  fully 
Prsbyterian  and  elected  Abram 
Waugh,  Dennis  Connor  and  Abram 
Terry,  Elders. 

In  1853  it  got  uneasy  and  swung 
back  to  Congregationalism,  but  this 
did  not  suit,  and  October  21,  1854,  it 
finally  settled  down  under  the  Pres- 
byterian form  of  government  and  re- 
elected Abram  Waugh,  and  also 
elected  Alfred  Ingraham  and  Alfred 
Slack,  Elders,  and  Calvin  Blood  and 
Austin  H.  Bacon,  Deacons. 

Now  comes  the  erection  of  the 
present  church  edifice  on  the  corner 
of  Maple  Avenue  and  Church  Street, 

mainly  through  the  efforts  of  the 
Ladies'  Society  and  to  funds  received 
from  the  sale  of  the  old  property. 

This  then  new  church  was  dedicat- 
ed at  10  a.  m.,  November  14,  1872. 
Sermon  by  Rev.  Dr.  Wm.  E.  Knox, 
pastor  of  the  First  Presbyterian 
church  of  Elmira.  In  the  afternoon 
of  that  day,  Rev.  Charles  B.  Austin 
was  installed  the  first  regular  pastor 
of  the  church.  Sermon  by  Rev.  W.  A. 
Niles  of  Hornellsville.  February  27, 
1876,  Mr.  Austin  preached  his  fare- 
well sermon  and  soon  after  moved 
to  New  York  Mills  where  he  had  ac- 
cepted a  call  to  be  pastor. 

Various  supplies  officiated  until 
September  1,  1878,  when  Rev.  John 
Waugh  entered  upon  his  labors  and 
upon  November  8,  1878,  was  in- 
stalled the  second  pastor  of  the 
church  and  has  by  far  the  longest 
record  as  pastor  in  its  history.  He 
closd  his  labors  September  18  93, 
having  celebrated  the  50th  anniver- 
sary of  his  ministry  here  in  July, 

He  was  followed  October  1,  18  93, 
by  Rev.  Frank  S.  Swan,  who  was 
not  installed  pastor,  but  served  the 
church  faithfully  until  January  26, 
1902,  when  he  accepted  a  call  to  Al- 
mond. Rev.  J.  Forbes  Robinson 
commenced  his  labors  here  the  next 
Sabbath,  February  2,  1902,  and  was 
installed  as  the  third  pastor  Feby. 
25,  1902j^ 

Sermon  by  Rev.  Arthur  J.  Waugh 
of  Phelps.  Mr.  Robinson  closed  his 
pastorate  November  20,  1904,  and 
moved  to  Hamburg.  Rev.  Samuel  W. 
Pratt  became  the  supply  of  the  pulpit 
November  27,  1904,  and  continued 
until  July  30,  1906. 

Rev.  E.  George  Sarkeys  became 
stated  supply  September  9,  1906,  and 
continued  until  July,  1907,  when  he 
returned  to  Tripoli,  Syria. 

In  November,  1907,  Mr.  Robinson 


having  moved  back  to  Cohocton  be- 
came the  supply. 

Rev.  W.  Francis  Berger  commenc- 
ed his  pastorate  September  5  1909, 
and  was  installed  the  fourth  pastor 
October  19,  1909. 

The  present  manse  was  built  in 
1879,  mainly  through  the  efforts  of 
Thomas  Warner  and  Mrs.  Mary 
Rosenkrans.  It  has  a  fine  location  on 
North  Main  street  and  is  a  large 
commodious  house. 

In  1895,  mainly  through  the  ef- 
forts of  Edgar  A.  Higgins,  a  fine 
chapel  was  built  on  the  south  end  of 
the  church.  A  fine  piano  and  fur- 
niture purchased. 

Besides  Elijah  Parker  and  Horace 
Fowler,  the  following  were  Deacons 
under  the  Congregational  domain, 
Stephen  Crawford,  Allen  Haight, 
Calvin  Blood  and     Alphonso  Bacon. 

Besides  Abram  Waugh,  Dennis 
Connor,  Abram  Terry,  Alfred  In- 
graham,  Alexander  A.  Slack,  Elders. 
Since  then  he  Elders  under  the  Pres- 
byterian domain  and  year  of  election 
have  been:  1855,  Calvin  Blood; 
1856,  Calvin  V.  K.  Woodworth; 
1859,  Charles  W.  Bronson  and  Mel- 
vin  H.  Davis;  1864,  Austin  H.  Ba- 
con; 18G9,  Phillip  C.  Hoag;  1881, 
Samuel  F.  Woodworth,  and  Dr. 
Thomas  B.  Fowler;  1879,  Clifford  M. 
Crouch  and  Samuel  J.  Depew;  1902, 
Edwin  S.  Brown  and  J.  Leonard 
Waugh;  19  08,  W.  Healy  Clark  and 
Bert  C.  Brown. 

1856-1858,  J  Woodworth. 

1S60-1S69,  M.  B.  Gelston,  Naples 

November,      18  72      to      February, 
187  6,  Charles  B.  Austin,  first  pastor. 
July  1878  to  September  1893,  Rev. 
John  Waugh,  second  pastor. 

October  1893  to  January,  19  02, 
Rev.  Frank  S.  Swan. 

January,  1902,  to  November,  1904, 
Rev.  Jay  Forbes  Robinson,  third  pas- 

November,  1904  to  July,  1906, 
Rev.  Samul  W.  Pratt. 

Septmber,  1906  to  July,  1907, 
Rev.  George  E.  Sarkeys. 

November,  1907  to  July  1909,  Rev. 
Jay  Forbes  Robinson. 

Septmeber,  1909  to  May,  1912, 
Rev.  Francis  Berger,  fourth  pastor. 

September,  1912,  Rev.  S.  Horace 
Beshgetour,  fifth  pastor. 

To  1825,  the  supplies  were:  Rev. 
H.  C.  Collins,  Daniel  Nash,  Enoch 
Whipple,  Mr  Ransom,  William 
Stone,  Noah  Smith,  Joseph  Craw- 
ford, Stalham  Carey. 

To  1830:  Lucius  W.  Billington, 
Jeremiah  Pomeroy,  James  H.  Hotch- 
kin,  Sidney  S.  Brown. 

Records  lost  from  1835  to     1850. 
1843  to  1847,  Stalham  Carey,  sup- 

1850  to  1856,  Joseph  Strough 
1854  to  1856,  Rev.  A.  T.  Wood. 
A  Ladies'  Missionary  Society  was 
organized  in  1878  with  Mrs  John 
Waugh,  President;  Mrs.  M.  W.  Har- 
ris, Vice  President;  Mrs.  Thomas 
Warner,  Secretary;  Mrs.  Dr.  Sax- 
ton,  Treasurer. 

The  Ladies'  Aid  Society  has  been 
a  strong  factor  in  the  work  of  the 
church  and  many  dollars  and  many 
improvements  have  found  their  way 
into  its  v/ork. 

The  new  church,  the  extensive  re- 
pairs of  1889,  when  the  hard  wood 
finish  was  put  on     the  inside  of  the 
j  building,  and  plastered  walls,  a  thing 
of  the  past,  the  two  former     carpets, 
I  the  present  one  being  the  gift  of  Mr. 
I  and  Mrs.  W.  H.  Clark     are     part     of 
i  their  willing  efforts. 
I       I  regret  to  say  that  forgetting  the 
I  coming  of     histories,     the     minutes 
i  that  were  kept  of  the  early  Mission- 
I  ary  Society  and  the  Ladies'  Aid  were 
consigned  to  the     flames     at     hous- 
'  cleaning  time  and  up  went  in  smoke 
j  the     records  and     name  of     many     a 
I  faithful  worker  and  clearer  of  debt. 



(Facts  by  Rev.  R.  E.  Brettle) 

The  Methodist  Itinerent  must  have 
appeared  ia  Cohoctou  at  an  early 
date,  though  we  have  no  definite 
record  of  the  first  service  held  by 
them  in  this  place. 

Some  of  the  earlier  services  were 
held  by  them  in  a  barn  on  Lavreace 
VanWormr's  place  (now  J.  D.  Flint 
farm).  By  1S29,  a  class  of  eighteen 
members  was  formed  and  on  Feby 
24,  1S29,  the  Society  was  legally  in- 
corporated. Cyi  .:3  Strong  and  Syl- 
vanus  Calkins  presided  at  the 
meeting  at  which  the  following 
were  elected  trustees:  David  Lusk, 
Isaac  S.  Kidder,  Ebenezer  Connor, 
Paul  C.  Cook  and  Cornelius  Crouch. 

In  1830,  a  subscription  was  cir- 
culated for  funds  with  which  to 
build  a  church.  The  subscriptions 
were  made,  it  seems  with  the  condi- 
tion that  "Said  meeting  house  if 
built  is  to  be  free  for  all  authorized 
preachers  of  the  gospel  to  preach  in 
when  not  wanted,  to  be  occupied  by 
the  Methodist  Society." 

The  deed  of  the  church  lot  is  to 
the  trustees  of  the  First  Methodist 
Episcopal  church  society  of  the  town 
of"  Cohocton  and  their  successors  in 
oflfice  and  to  no  others. 

Evidently  the  lot  was  not  bought 
subject  to  the  conditions  under 
which  the  funds  to  build  the  church 
were  collected. 

The  meetings  of  the  young  society 
were  held  chiefly  at  the  home  of  Ca- 
leb Crouch  (on  present  Warner 
hous  lot),  until  the  completion  of  the 
church  some  time  in  1831,  probably 
the  new  house  of  worship  was  dedi- 
cated on  March  10,  1832.  Rev. 
Samuel  Bibbins  presided  at  the  first 
annual  meeting,  which  is  recorded 
after  incorporation.  He  is  the  first 
minister      mentioned      in   the      local 

records  which  are     somewhat     frag- 

The  first  annual  meeting  recorded 
as  held  in  the  meeting  house  was 
held  April  26,  1836,  Paul  C.  Cook 

From  1839  to  1845,  there  are  no 
records  of  annual  meetings,  though 
doubtless,  the  society  continued  to 
exist  through  this  period.  A  reor- 
ganization was  effected  January  13, 

Until  1873,  the  society  was  a  part 
of  the  "Cohocton  charge",  which  in- 
cluded as  late  as  1871,  three  other 
churches,  the  North  Cohocton  church 
being  among  the  number. 

In  1873,  a  change  was  made  and 
this  church  was  set  apart  by  itself 
and  called  "Liberty  charge"  to  v/hich 
the  society  at  Loon  Lake  was  at- 
tached as  an  out  appointment.  This 
arrangement  remained  in  force  until 
1877,  when  Wallace  was  substituted 
for  Loon  Lake. 

A  change  was  again  made  in  187S 
and  the  present  arrrangement  went 
into  effect,  Lent  Hill  church  takes 
the  place  oi:  Wallace. 

Among  the  earlier  pastors,  the? 
name  of  Father  Story  is  mentioned. 
We  also  find  that  Revs.  Beers, 
Parker,  Mandaville,  Curtis,  Knapp 
and  Spinks  prior  to  1871. 

The  following  is  a  complete  list 
of  the  pastors  who  have  served  this 
charge  and  dates  of  their  incum- 
bency prior  to  1871.  The  dates  read 
from  October  to  October  of  years 

J.   B.   Countryman,   1871-1872. 

Henry   Vosburg,    1872-1874. 

William  Wardell,  1874-1875 

Daniel  W.  Gates,  1875-1878. 

Andrew  Purdy,  1878-1881. 

Henry  Vosburg,   1881-1882. 

James  D.  Requa,  1882-1883. 

E.  G.  W.  Hall,  1883-1885 
.   James  B.  Peck,  1885-1886. 

Homer  B.  Mason,   1886-1888. 


George  S.   Spencer,    1888-1891. 
Benjamin  F.  Hitchcock,  1891-1894. 

Thomas  F.  Parker,  1894-1895. 

Carlos  G.   Lowell,   1895-1896. 

Andrew  W.  Decker,  189  6-1897. 

Thomas  C.  Bell,  1897-1898. 

Harvy  J.  Owen,  1898-1900. 

Chas.  R.  Morrow,  1900-1902. 

Robert  E.  Brettle,  1902-1905. 

John  W.  Torkington,   1905-1908. 

lira  K.  Libby,  1908-1909. 

Rev.  E.  A.  Anderson,  1909-1910. 

Rev.  F.  H.  Dickerson,  1910-1911. 

Rev.   D.   L.   Pitts,   1911-1912 

Rev.  Chas.  Collins,  1912-1913. 

Rev.  Wm.  T.  Harrington,  1913. 

The  church  edifice  was  remodeled 
and  enlarged  in  1872,  at  a  cost  of 
$2,000.  The  year  previous  about  15 
rods  of  land  had  been  purchased 
north  of  the  old  church  to  furnish 
room  for  additional  sheds. 

Some  eighteen  years  ago  the  Socie- 
ty purchased  of  John  B.  Wirth  his 
new  house  on  Wheeler  street  for  a 
parsonage  and  it  has  since  been  oc- 
cupied as  such. 

During  the  spring  of  1905,  the  last 

remaining  debt  upon  that     building 

had  been  paid,  funds     being     raised 

therefor,  by  the  Ladies'  Aid  Society, 

Epworth  League  and  by  subscription, 

and  the  Society  now     rejoices     in  a 

free  elegant  home  for  its  pastor. 



(By  Mrs.  C.  W.  Stanton) 

Fifty  years  ago  this  Society  was 
organized,  1854.  Its  original  fea- 
tures, objects  and  aims,  can  perhaps 
be  best  renewed  by  quoting  from  our 
book  of  records  some  of  its  rules  and 
proceedings  which  were  made  and 
recorded  at  the  time.  Upon  the  first 
pages  we  find  as  follows: 

"At  a  meeting  v/hich  was  called 
for  purpose  of  organizing  a  benev- 
olent Society,  Rev.  John  Knapp  was 
appointed  chairman  of  the  meeting 
and  V.  VanWormer,  Secretary. 

The  meeting  moved  and  voted  that 
the  Society  should  be  named  the 
Female  Benevolent  Circle  of  the 
M.  E.  church  at  Liberty. 

The  Circle  moved  and  voted  that 
the  regular  meetings  be  held  once  a 

Voted  by  the  Circle  that  the 
gentleman  should  pay  one  shilling 
{i2y2  cents)  and  the  ladies  should 
pay  six  pense  at  each  meeting,  and 
the  meetings  should  be  opened  by 

The  Circle  voted  that  the  annual 
contributions  of  each  member  be 
two  shillings.  Voted  that  the  chair- 
man appoint  a  committee  to  draft 
a  constitution,  and  Rev.  J.  Knapp, 
A.  M.  Spooner,  Mary  E.  Spooner  and 
Julia  Barton  were  appointed  such 

The  meeting  adjourned  to  Decem- 
ber 16,  18  5  4.  Pursuant  to  adjourn- 
ment the  Circle  met  and  adopted 
the  constitution  and  by-laws  and 
the  following  officers  were  elected: 

President,  Susan  M.  Draper. 
Vice  President,  Lucretia  Rathbone. 

Secretary,  Julia  A.  Barton. 
Treasurer,  Mrs.  Anna  VanWormer. 

Managers,  M.  E.  Spooner,  H.  M. 
Spooner,  Ann  M.  Wheeler,  Cynthia 
Hagadorn,  Anna  VanWormer  and 
Minerva  Huff. 

It  was  voted  that  the  first  regular 
meeting  of  the  Circle  be  on  the  first 
Tuesday  in  January,  1855,  at  V. 
VanWormer's.     Received  in  cash  $7. 

The  names  of  the  original  mem- 
bers were:  Rev.  J.  Knapp,  Mrs.  J. 
Knapp,  Valentine  VanWormer,  Mrs. 
(V)  Anna  VanWormer,  Mrs. 
(James)  Susan  Draper,  Melissa  El- 
dred,  Mrs.  Huff,  Mrs.  Whiting,  Hes- 
ter Peck,  Ann  VanWormer,  after- 
wards Mrs.  Polmanteer,  Julia  A.Bar- 
ton, afterwards  Mrs.  Rathbone, 
Cynthia  Hagadorn,  Mrs.  Ann  M. 
Wheeler  (Mrs.  N.  J.),  Evelyn  Hall, 
afterwards  Mrs.     Hendryx,     Lucretia 


Rathbone,  Mrs.  VanHouten,  James 
Farnsworth,  N.  J.  Wheeler,  Zilphia 
VanWormer  (Mrs.  Mattison  of 
Michigan),  Edwin  A.  Draper,  T. 
Hoag,  James  H.  Barton,  Wallace 
Hendryx,  S.  H.  Hagadorn,  Hubbard 
S.  Rathbun,  B.  S.  Johnson,  Stillman 
Fisher,  Chas.  Hagadorn,  A.  M. 
Spooner,  Mrs.  A.  M.  Spooner,  Char- 
lotte Hendryx,  Helen  M.  Davis  (Mrs. 
Rosenkrans  of  Wayland),  Adella 
Spooner  (now  Mrs.  Way),  A.  J. 
Brown,  J.  D.  Hendryx,  Helen  Rath- 
bone  (Mrs.  Higgins),  L.  D.  Connor, 
Daniel  Ward,  Luther  Eldred,  J.  F. 
Edmunds,  Thom..  ^  Narcomb,  Mary 
Horr,  Mrs.  Myers,  Wm.  St.  John,  Jas. 
Draper,  Austin  Hall,  Ann  W.  Chase. 

Thus  you  see  that  during  the  50 
years  that  have  passed  away  since 
the  Society  was  organized  by  far  in 
fact,  with  three  or  four  exceptions, 
the  original  forty-nine,  have  finished 
their  earthly  course  and  gone  home 
to  their  reward,  and  of  five  now  liv- 
ing, only  two  are  members  now. 

The  name  Female  Benevolent 
Society  was  changed  to  the  Ladies' 
Aid  Society  on  November  19th,  1867. 
The  constitution  and  by-laws  which 
were  reported  and  adopted  at  that 
time  is  not  only  a  good  business 
document,  but  also  bases  the  Society 
on  benevolence  and  doing  good. 

Those  laws  of  our  predecessors  did 
not,  however,  encourage  excessive 
luxury,  but  strictly  prohibited  the 
furnishing  of  tea  and  coffee  or  of 
more  than  one  kind  of  cake  at  the 
refreshment  tables. 

But  the  changes  and  experiences  of 
latter  years  have  tended  to  some- 
what modify  the  severity  of  this 
provision  and  it  is  no  longer  enforc- 

One  of  the  other  wise  provisions 
laid  down  in  these  original  laws 
obligates  all  members  to  respect  each 
other's  characters  and  feelings  in  our 
words  and  conduct  both  in  the  Circle 

and  out  of  it. 

As  this  is  a  female  Society  it  is  of 
course,  unnecessary  to  say  that  this 
particular  rule  has  always  been 
stictly  observed. 

Although  so  few  of  our  original 
members  now  remain,  yet  the  va- 
cancies caused  by  death  and  change 
of  residence,  have  been  filled  by  new 
residents  and  new  recruits  and  our 
membership  has  always  been  kept 
up,  and  has  not  been  confined  to  any 

Some  other  sections  of  our  origi- 
nal by-laws  directed  that  the  meet- 
ings continue  from  seven  until  ten 
o'clock  p.  m.,  and  that  the  leading 
object  shall  be  to  promote  as  far  as 
possible  the  cause  of  benevolence  at 
home  and  abroad.  The  meetings 
have  been  habitually  attended  by 
persons  of  all  ages,  and  all  forms  of 
religious  belief,  and  as  one  active 
worker  after  another  has  disap- 
peared from  our  midst,  others  have 
grown  up  or  come  among  us  to  take 
their  places.  As  a  result  of  their 
labors,  $6127.3  7  has  been  raised  and 
has  been  expended  in  doing  good. 

According  to  the  dictates  of  jus- 
tice, prosperity  and  benevolence,  and 
it  has  been  from  the  friends  of  the 
Society  and  the  labors  of  its  mem- 
bers, that  the  rents  have  been  met, 
the  church  building  furnished  and 
our  treasury  has  often  proved  the 
reserve  fund  from  which  many  a 
serious  difficulty  in  the  way  of  the 
church  has  been  tided  over. 

The  ladies  have  always  given  their 
labors  and  supplied  refreshments 
with  bountiful  hands.  The  Society 
has  always  been  social  in  its  charac- 
ter, and  many  and  long  are  the 
friendships  which  have  grown  up 
and  been  maintained  in  and  through 
its  influence.  Many  children  and 
young  people  have  formed  and  re- 
tained good  habits  for  life  through 
its  influences. 


In  receiving  and  reviewing  the 
situation  and  the  work  which  has 
been  accomplished  we  become  more 
fairly  convinced  that  the  origina- 
tors of  this  Society,  "Builded  better 
then  than  they  knew".  Now  let  us 
brethren  and  sisters,  to  continue  and 
perpetuate  the  good  work  already 
so  well  begun  that  when  another 
hfty  years  have  passed  and  when  so 
few  shall  be  there  in  attendance,  the 
remembrance  of  many  pleasant  and 
profitable  works,  associations  and  in- 
fluences through  the  intervening 
years  will  call  together  many  people 
who  will  thank  us  as  we,  now  thank 
those  who  have  gone  before  us  and 
show  that  our  labors  have  continu- 
ed to  bear  good  fruit. 

E.  V.  S. 

In  1831,  a  class  was  organized 
which  resulted  in  the  formation  of  a 
Society  known  as  the  First  'Jnion 
Society  of  Cohocton  and  PraLtjburg. 
For  a  time  they  worshipped  in  a  log 
school  house  that  stood  on  the  cor- 
ner nearly  opposite  the  present 
church  building,  which  was  erected 
in  183  4.  Its  first  trustees  were: 
Philip  Hatch,  Hiram  Ketch,  Darius 
Field,  Robert  Stanton,  E.  Holcomb 
and  J.  D.  Smith,  with  Hiram  Ketch 
as  class  leader. 

This  charge  for  a  time  belonged 
to  the  Cohocton  charge  which  then 
iu'jluded  North  Cohocton,  Cohocton. 
Lent  Hill  and  Loon  Lake  churches. 

In  18  73,  the  Lent  Hill  church  was 
attached  to  the  North  Cohocton 
charge.  Up  to  1878,  since  which  time 
it  has  belonged  to  the  Cohocton 
charge,  and  regular  services  are  held 
there  each  Sabbath  under  the  charge 
of  the  Cohocton  pastor  at  two  p.  m. 
At  other  hours  on  the  Sabbath  day 
there  is  preaching  of  the  Wesleyan 
and  at  times  others  from  different 

The  Society     has     a     fair     church 

building  on  a  sightly  place  on  Lent 



The  original  members  of  St.  Paul's 
Lutheran  church  formerly  belonged 
to  the  Lutheran  church  at  Perkins- 
ville.  On  account  of  the  distance 
which  they  had  to  go  to  attend  wor- 
ship it  was  decided  to  establish  a 
church  at  Cohocton,  which  was  done 
in  1860,  under  the  ministry  of  Rev. 
Mr.  Strobel. 

The  original  members  were  Jacob 
Neu,  Theobold  Neufang,  Franz  Sick, 
Fred  Zimmer,  Jr.,  Phillip  Sick,  3d. 
Fred  Zimmer,  Sr.,  Adam  Neu,  Philip 
Zimmer,  Adam  Drum,  J.  A.  Schwin- 
gel,  Carl  Volz,  Peter  Ebersold,  Fred- 
erick Neu,  Jacob  Zimmer,  George 
Wagner,  John  P.  Groff,  John  Paul, 
J.  N.  Drum,  Philip  Voltz,  John  Voltz, 
Jacob  Voltz,  Carl  Fishner,  Christian 
Klein,  Frederick  Wittig,  Christian 
Drum,  Christian  Fuchs,  George 
Voltz,  John  Benschneider,  Frederick 
Land,  Jacob  Schwitzer,  Jacob  Sick, 
Harriet  Ebersold,  George  Voltz,  Jr., 
Jacob  Drum,  Frederick  Kerserman, 
George  Shoultice,  John  Beechner, 
Philip  Bartz,  Philip  Sick,  2d. 

The  original  church  building 
erected  in  the  early  history  of  the 
church  was  30x40.  Since  then  an 
enlargement  of  sixteen  feet  has  been 
added  to  the  rear  of  the  church  and 
but  a  few  years  ago  extensive  im- 
provements were  made. 

In  1869,  came  a  division,  a  portion 
of  the  members  going  to  form  Zion's 
Lutheran  church. 

The  following  ministers  have  serv- 
ed the  church  in  the  order  named: 

Rev,  Hascal,  Rev.  Edward  Werner, 
Rev.   M.  Dunning,  Rev.  P.  Spindly. 

Rev.  Edward  Barnam,  June  18  69- 
December  1869. 

Rev.  August  Weisel  March  1870- 
May  1872. 

Rev.  Hin.bler  June  187o-Decem- 
ber  1873. 


Rev.  Herr  January  1874-October 

Rev.  E.  J.  Sander  February  1880- 
May  1886. 

Rev.  H.  Nauss  May  1886- 
June  1893. 

Rev.  J.  L.  PfeifEer  October  189  3- 
(died)  November  189  6. 

Rev.  H.  Koch  August  1896-August 

Rev.  W.  F.  Malte  November  1900. 

The  church  is  in  a  flourishing  con- 
dition and  maintains  a  school  taught 
by  the  pastor.  It  has  a  fine  parson- 
age near  the  church. 


This  Society  was  organized  in 
1869,  by  those  who  separated  from 
St.  Paul's  Society  that  year. 

The  church  building  is  a  30x50 
main,  with  a  school  room  attached 
18x30  and  stands  in  the  south  wes- 
tern portion  of  the  village.  Rev. 
Beauregard  was  the  first  pastor  of 
the  Society  under  whom  the  church 
building  was  erected  and  dedicated 
•January  2,  1871.  Since  then  the  pas- 
tors and  service  have  been: 

Rev.  Otto  Tele  1869-1873. 

Rev.  Koemer  1873-1874. 

Rev.  Hourlin   1874-1875. 

Rev.  Jacob  Buckstahler  1875- 
October  1877. 

Rev.  Jacob  Steinheizer  1877- 

Rev.  Louis  Guber  December  1878- 
December  187  9. 

Rev.  John  Schaefer  July  1879-May 

Rev.  T.  H.  Becker  June  1880-Feb- 
ruary  1886. 

Rev.  J.  Roesch  May  1886-March 

Rev.  Otto  P'osselt  September  1891- 
May  1893. 

Rev.  W.  E.  Rommel  August  1895- 

Rev.  Leo  Gross  1898-1900. 

Rev.  Josph  Rechsteiner  October 
1900-August  1902. 

Rev.  Henry  Hansen  October  1902- 
March   1908. 

Rev.  C.  F.  Tieman  November 

The  first  officers  of  the  Society 
were  Godfrey  Dantz, Chairman;  Com- 
rad  Mehlenbacher,  David  Fleishman, 
George  Bolster,  Daniel  Sick,  Elders; 
John  Fritting,  Secretary;  Godfrey 
Fleishman,   Treasurer. 

The  officers  of  the  church  August, 
1905,  were  Louis  Mehlenbacher, 
John  Strobel,  Jacob  Harvey,  Elders; 
H.  W.  Schwingel,  Fred  Rowe,  Chris. 
Miller,  John  Schwingel,  Fred  Pries, 
Christian  Strobel,  Trustees;  Chris. 
Miller,  Treasurer;  Fred  Pries,  Secre- 

H.  W.  Schwingel,  John  Schwingel 
and  Christian  Strobel,  Collectors. 

The  membership  at  first  was  58.  It 
is  now  over  70. 

The  Society  has  a  parsonage  near 
the  church. 

The  Ladies'  Aid  Society  was  or- 
ganized January  8,  1880,  by  Rev.  J. 
Schaefer  with  the  following  officers: 

Mrs.  Bergman,  President. 

Mrs.  George  Bolster,  Vice  Presi- 

Mrs.  Strob-3l,  Secretary. 

There  were  twenty-three  members, 
many  of  whom  are  dead.  At  the 
present  time  the  membersnp  is 
about  the  same. 

In  1905,  the  officers  were: 

Mrs.  Rose  Wittig,  President. 

Mrs.  Christina  Radance,  Vice 

Mrs   H.   Hansen,   Secretary. 

Mrs.  Mary  Pries,  Treasurer. 
(Mrs.  Albert  H.  Wilcox) 

As  to  the  earliest  services  held  by 
the  Universalist  Society,  Rev.  A.  H. 
Curtis  writes:  November  25,  1830. 
as  follows: 

"At  Cohocton  (Liberty  Corners) 
our  regular  congregations  are  large 


and  attentive.  I  commenced  labor- 
ing among  them  about  the  first  day 
of  May  last.  Universalism  is  a  new 
thing  here.  I  believe  that  not  more 
than  two  or  three  discourses  had 
ever  been  delivered  here  by  ministers 
of  our  faith  until  the  commencement 
of  my  labors  among  them.  I  think 
God  has  lighted  a  candle  here  which 
the  people  are  determined  not  to 
conceal  under  a  bushel.  A  spirit  of 
free  inquii'y  prevails  to  a  great  ex- 
tent and  I  firmly  believe  the  time  is 
not  far  distant  when  they  shall  be- 
come conspicuous  as  a  Christian 

Be  it  remembered  that  at  a  meet- 
ing of  the  Universalist  Society  held 
at  the  school  house  in  School  District 
No.  5,  in  the  town  of  Cohocton  on 
the  28th  day  of  January,  1833,  pur- 
suant to  public  notice  and  according 
to  the  statute  incorporating  roMgious 
societies  in  such  case  made  ji.n  i  pro- 
vided, Caleb  Crouch  and  Peter 
Haight  were  duly  nominated  and 
elected  to  preside  at  such  meeting 
and  to  certify  and  return  the  pro- 
ceedings therof  to  the  Clerk  of  said 

That  at  said  meeting  it  v/as  unani- 
mously resolved  and  agreed  that  said 
Society  should  forever  thereafter  be 
known  as  the  First  Universalist 
Society  of  the  town  of  Cohocton. 

That  the  following  persons  were 
then  and  there  duly  elected  trustees 
of  said  Society,  to  wit: 

Daniel  H.  Davis,  Br;nona  Danks 
Caleb  Crouch,  Paul  C.  Cook,  Eleazer 
Tucker  and  Levi  Smith,  and  that  said 
trustees  and  their  successors  shall 
forever  hereafter  be  known  and 
called  by  the  name  of  the  Trustees  of 
the  First  Universalist  Sosiety  of  Co- 
hocton. In  witness  whereof  we  have 
set  our  hands  and  seals  the  day  and 
year  above  written. 

Peter  Haight. 
Caleb  Crouch, 

They  were  among  the  earlier  set- 
tlers of  Cohocton  and  with  many 
more  of  the  most  respectable  and  in- 
fluential citizens  were  firm  believers 
in  the  doctrine  of  the  final  salvation 
of  all  men. 

Such  men  as  Peter  Haight,  Levi 
Smith,  Simeon  Holmes,  Eleazer 
Tucker,  Benjamin  Warner,  Lucius 
Shattuck,  David  Parmenter,  John 
Larrcwe.  Darius  Crosby  and  many 
others  were  of  the  class. 

Although  they  did  not  organize  as 
a  church  they  often  held  meetings 
and  had  preaching  either  at  their 
own  houses  or  at  some  school  house 
in  town  until  after  the  M.  B.  church 
was  built  by  the  united  efforts  of  all 
denominations  with  the  understand- 
ing that  it  shoud  be  free  to  all.  They 
worshipped  there  until  1858,  when 
one  Sunday  afternoon  upon  going  to 
the  church  to  hold  meetings  as  usual 
they  found  themselves  shut  out,  the 
door  being  locked,  and  no  one  know- 
ing where  the  key  could  be  found 
they  had  to  adjourn  their  services 
for  this  time.  This  was  the  begin- 
ning of  the  feeling  which  resulted 
finally  in  the  building  of  the  First 
Universalist  church  of  Cohocton. 

A  meeting  was  held  September  19, 
18  59,  at  which  David  H.  Wilcox  was 
made  chairman.  At  this  meeting 
Franklin  Larrowe,  Amos  W.  Chase 
and  David  H.  Wilcox  were  elected 
trustees  and  a  regular  church  or- 
ganization formed  as  required  by 
statute.  A  subscription  was  circu- 
lated and  money  enough  subscribed 
to  warrant  the  commencement  of 
erecting  a  church  at  once.  Among 
the  most  liberal  in  giving  for  this 
purpose  we  find  such  men  as  John 
Larrowe  and  his  sons,  Franklin  and 
Albertus,  F.  N.  Drake,  N.  J.  Wheeler, 
u.  H.  Wilcox,  E.  A.  Parmenter,  T.  S. 
Crosby,  I.  M.  Tripp,  Benjamin  War- 
ner, A.  W.  Chase,  P.F.  Horr,  Stephen 
Philips,   John   Kellogg,    C    O.    Smith, 


G.  E.  W.  Herbert,  L.  D.  Shattuck, 
Austin  Hall,  Israel  Hoagland  and 

The  church  was  commenced  in 
1860,  but  was  not  completed  until 
September  1863.  It  is  located  on 
Maple  Avenue,  is  a  fine  building  and 
cost  about  $3000.  The  dedication 
sermon  was  preached  by  Rev.  J.  M. 
Austin  of  Auburn,  N  Y.  Soon  after 
the  erection  of  the  church  the  Socie- 
ty engaged  the  services  of  Rev.  J.  H. 
Tuller,  who  remained  with  them 
about  two  years  Then  Rev.  Mr. 
Cheney  and  Rev.  O.  B.  Clark  were 
also  settled  pastors.  But  the  old 
church  book  being  lost  there  is  no 
way  of  knowing  the  length  of  time  of 
their  stay,  or  names  of  others  that 
held  services  here  after  which  they 
had  no  settled  pastor  and  only  oc- 
casional services  until  the  year  1891, 
Rev.  B.  B.  Fairchild  settled  here 
and  remained  for  three  years,  the 
first  to  settle  here  on  opening  the 
church  after  being  closed  for  many 
years.  It  was  his  first  charge  after 
graduating  from  the  Theological 
School  of  the  St.  Lawrence  Universi- 
ty at  Canton,  N.  Y.  He  was  ordained 
in  this  church.  Rev.  I.  M.  Atwood 
preached  the  ordination  sermon  from 
James  5-20. 

A  Sunday  School  was  started 
with  a  good  attendance,  also  a 
Young  People's  Christian  Union,  and 
a  Ladies'  Aid  Society,  which  was  a 
great  help  to  the  Society  financially. 

In  December,  189  3,  Rev.  Herbert 
P.  Morrell  settled  here  until  the  year 
1896.  In  June  1897,  Rev.  Charles 
F.Bushnell  was  engaged  and  remain- 
ed until  May  1899.  Then  after  a  few 
months  Rev.  Isaac  K.  Richardson 
was  engaged  and  stayed  about  three 

July  1,  1904,  Rev.  Clara  E.  Mor- 
gan came  and  was  pastor,  preaching 
every  other  Sabbath  evening,  when 
she  accepted  a     call  to  Perry,     N.  Y. 

Her  morning  service  the  day  here 
was  at  So.  Dansville.  The  alternate 
Sabbath  she  preached  at  Conesus. 
She  was  a  resident  of  Cohocton  dur- 
ing her  pastorate  here  and  the  Socie- 
ty deeply  regretted  her  departure. 
She  had  good  congregations  and  did 
good  work  here.  She  had  the  help 
of  M.  Louise  Blanchard,  the  lady 
who  lived  with  her,  who  was  a  fine 
musician  and  singer.  The  church 
has  since  been  closed. 

In  talking  with  a  prominent  mem- 
ber of  the  Universalist  Society,  he 
said:  "Our  Society  has  a  fine  church, 
well  finished  and  furnished,  free 
from  debt.  We  are  happy  to  furnish 
a  respectable  place  for  worship  to 
any  who  believe  in  God — the  Maker 
and  Ruler  of  all  things  for  the  doors 
of  the  church  are  always  open  cheer- 
fully to  their  Brethren  in  Christ,  no 
matter  by  what  name." 

During  the  years  1872  and  187  3, 
the  Presbyterian  Society  being  with- 
out a  house  of  worship,  they  had  the 
free  use  of  the  Universalist  church 
until  their  present  church  was  com- 
pleted and  again  in  1878-187  9,  also 
in  1889,  during  repairs  on  their 
church  building. 

(Rev.  S.  B.  Englerth) 

Before  the  year  1860,  the  few 
Catholics  who  settled  in  and  around 
Cohocton  (Liberty)  went  to  church 
to  Perkinsville  (that  church  having 
been  built  in  1850.  The  long  dis- 
tance and  rough  roads  however,  of- 
tentimes compelled  people  to  remain 
at  home  away  from  divine  service 
and  the  holy  sacrifice  of  the  mass — 
who  would  gladly  have  gone.  It  was 
a  heroic  act  on  the  part  of  many  to 
walk  several  miles  to  church  on  Sun- 
days, for  it  was  a  common  occur- 
ance  to  see  women  back  and  forth 
between  Cohocton  and  Perkinsville, 
and  there  are  those  living  today  who 
I  either  did  themselves     or  saw  others 


pushing  baby  carriages  with  one  or 
two  passengers  in  them  from  here  to 

Certainly  worthy  examples  to  en- 
courage the  present  generation  ever 
to  make  sacrifices  for  the  honor  and 
glory  of  God.  It  is  known  that  many 
walked  from  ten  to  twenty  miles  to 

It  was  in  1860  that  the  Catholics 
here  received  permission  from  the 
Rev.  Bishop  Timon  of  Buffalo  to 
erect  a  church  at  Liberty  (now  Cos- 
hocton), and  the  Rev.  Michael  Steger 
of  Dansville,  N.  Y.,  was  appointed  to 
undertake  the  seemingly  difficult 
task.  For  the  first  time  he  celebrat- 
ed the  holy  sacrifice  of  the  mass  in 
the  home  of  Urban  (John)  Gehrig 
and  in  18G1,  built  the  first  frame 
structure  which  was  34x48  at  a  cost 
of  about  $1400,  and  for  the  erection 
of  which  the  few  Catholics  living  in 
this  vicinity  and  the  non-Cat'iolics 
contributed  most  generously,  aj,  the 
records  show.  We  would  gladly 
publish  the  list  but  space  does  not 
permit,  and  we  hope  to  do  so  on  an- 
other occasion. 

In  October  1861  the  first  public 
worship  was  held  in  the  new  edifice 
by  Rev.  Steger,  who  then  lived  in 
Bath,  having  gone  there  from  Dans- 
ville. On  the  6th  of  May,  1863,  the 
Rev.  Bishop  Timon  administered  the 
sacrament  of  Confirmation  for  the 
first  time  and  gave  the  church  its 
present  name  in  honor  of  St.  Pius, 
the  Fifth. 

The  first  Board  of  Trustees  con- 
sisted of  Conrad  Shults,  Urban 
Gehrig,  J.  Theodore  Lichius. 

The  parsonage  was  built  in  1880. 
Rev.  Finger  was  the  first  resident 
pastor.  By  reason  of  the  increase  of 
Catholics  the  church  was  enlarged 
in  1883,  and  in  the  same  year  the 
first  bell,  which  did  service  nineteen 
years,  was  donated  to  the  church  by 
Mrs.  Mary  A.  Shults. 

The  members  of  St.  Pius'  church 
being  desirous  to  have  a  little  school 
in  which  their  children  could  receive 
religious  instruction  built  a  school 
house  near  the  church  in  1889.  The 
school  was  conducted  by  some 
sisters  of  St.  Joseph  from  Buffalo 
and  later  on  by  a  lay  teacher,  but 
owing  to  the  scarcity  of  children,  it 
was  discontinued  in  1898. 

In  December  1894,  the  church  was 
free  from  indebtedness  when  a  final 
payment  of  $527.75  was  made  on 
the  mortgage  held  against  the 

In  November,  1896,  the  sum  of 
$1500  was  borrowed  to  pay  for  im- 
provements made  during  that  year. 
This  sum  was  paid  in  full  April  1904, 
by  a  payment  of  $513.87. 

In  June  1902  the  new  bell  pur- 
chased from  the  Meneely  Bell  Co.,  of 
Troy,  was  blessed  by  the  Right  Rev. 
Bishop  McQuaid  and  placed  in  the 
tower.  This  bell  weighs  a  little  over 
900  pounds  and  cost  $350,  which 
amount  was  raised  by  subscription. 

In  the  latter  part  of  the  year,  1896 
the  counties  of  Steuben,  Schuyler, 
Chemung  and  Tioga  were  added  to 
the  diocese  of  Rochester,  and  since 
that  time  is  under  the  jurisdiction  of 
the  Bishop  of  Rochester. 

He  administerd  the  sacrament  of 
Confirmation  here  for  the  first  time 
June  19,  1898. 

The  following  are  the  priests  who 
have  served  the  church  as  pastors: 

Rev.  Michael  Steger,  June  1860- 
June  1864.   . 

Rev.  F.  R.  Mazarel  June  1864- 
January  1868. 

Rev.  L.  Vanderpool  January  1868- 
January  1869. 

Rev.  M.  J.  Darcy  January  1869- 
August  1872. 

Rev.  Sebastian  B.  Gruber  August 
1872-July  1873. 

Rev.  Aloyosius  Bachman  July 
1873-May  1874. 


Rev.  J.  Nibling  May  1874-March 

Rev.  A.  Geisenroff  March  1875- 
June  1878. 

Rev.  Joseph  Finger  June  1878- 
August  1881. 

Rev.  George  Zaicher  August  18  61- 
September  1885. 

Rev.  G.  H.  Gysen  September  1885- 
July  1886. 

Rev.  Joseph  Fisher  July  18  8  6- 
Geptember  1888. 

Rev.  A.  Geyer  September  1888- 
November  1891. 

Rev.  M.  Krischel  November  1891- 
July  1897. 

Rev.  John  F.  Bopple  July  18  97- 
June  1901. 

Rev.  Sebastian  B.  Englerth  June 
19  01- January  1907. 

Rev.  P.  A.  Erras  January  1907- 
June  1908. 

Rev.  F.  Scheid  June  1908. 



(By  Rev.  R.  E.  Wilson) 

This  church  was  organized  in 
1893.  The  building  was  erected 
and  dedicated  in  1894.  The  organi- 
zation of  the  class  and  the  prepara- 
tion for  building  was  under  the 
leadership  of  Rev.  S.  E.  Koantz,  the 
pastor.  The  completion  of  the  build- 
ing and  its  dedication  the  following 
year  (1894)  was  under  the  pastorate 
of  Rev.  J.  W.  Thompson 

The  first  trustees  were  W.  H. 
Boardman,  Frank  Harwood,  Leon 
Mattoon,  Cornelius  Calleghan,  E.  L. 
Fairbrother  and  Bion  E.  Slayton. 

From  the  dedication  the  following 
is  a  list  of  pastorates  and   dates   of 


I.     K. 


March     1895-July 


R.  E. 


July     18  9  5-March 


C.  W. 


March     18  9  7- July 


H.  C.  Guthrie  July  19  00-March 

R.  E.  Wilson  March  1904. 

The  pastors  here  also  preach  at 
the  South  church,  Loon  Lake,  built 
for   a   Union   church. 

The  South  Loon  Lake  church  has 
been  served  by  the  pastors  of  the 
United  Evangelical  church  since 

(By  Dr.  A.  L.  Gilbert) 

The  Methodist  Episcopal  church  of 
North  Cohocton  seems  to  have  been 
a  pioneer  in  this  section  and  the  first 
class  was  formed  in  1816,  by  Chester 
Y.  Adgate  and  Mica  Segan.  Those 
uniting  at  that  time  were  Eleazer 
Dewey  and  wife,  James  Moulton, 
Mary  Moulton,  Abigal  Moulton, 
Timothy  Dewey  and  wife.  David 
Lusk  and  Caleb  Boss  and  wife. 

From  this  time  it  appears  that 
meetings  were  held  at  stated  seasons 
weekly  and  with  preaching  every 
two,  four  or  six  weeks,  usually  at  the 
River  school  house  situated  at  the 
north  east  corner  of  the  four  corners 
just  east  of  the  river  bridge.  In  af- 
ter years  prayer  meetings  with  an 
occasional  preaching  service  were 
held  at  the  Parks  (now  Moulton) 
sciiool  house  one  mile  west  of  North 

Meetings  were  also  held  at  the 
County  Line  one  and  one-fourth 
miles  and  Quaker  meetings  in  the 
Raymond  district  two  miles  south  of 
North  Cohocton  (District  No.  4.) 

As  there  was  no  church  building, 
quarterly  meetings  were  held  in 
barns  and  in  the  woods,  people  com- 
ing from  many  miles  around  to  re- 
main over  the  Sabbath,  subjecting 
themselves  and  their  entertainers  to 
great  inconveniences  and  discomfort 
but  cheerfully  endured  on  both  sides, 
that  they  might  receive  the  joy  of 
.  the  Lord. 

As  far  as  I  have  been  able  to  as- 
certain Bath  and  Dansville  circuits 
at  one  time,  and  afterwards  Cohoc- 
ton  and  Naples  circuit,  embracing  all 
tho.  surrounding  smaller  points 
where  classes  had  been  formed,  en- 
joyed the  ministry  in  the  due  order 
of  appointments  of  Revs.  Fowler, 
Arnold,  Cummings,  Pingree,  Pindar, 
Cyrus  Story,  George  Wilkinson, 
Robert  Parker,  Benager  WilUams, 
Stephen  Tromly,  William  Jones, 
Henry  Wisner,  Theodore  McElhar- 
ney,  Joseph  Ashwort,  Veramus 
Brownell,  Alkinson,  A.  C.  Haywood 
and  J.  B.  McKenney. 

Early  in  the  summer  of  1842,  a 
camp  meeting  was  held  in  the  woods 
owned  by  William  Shepard  about  one 
mile  west  of  North  Cohocton.     It  was 

house  of  worship.  Rev.  Joseph 
Chapman  was  at  that  time  the 
Methodist  leader. 

On  January  26,  1846,  a  meeting 
was  held  at  the  River  school  house 
for  the  purpose  of  organizing  a 
church  society — that  could  legally  as 
a  corporate  tody  perform  church 
functions.  There  were  present.  Rev. 
Joseph  Chapman,  Henry  Morehouse, 
David  SpauMing,  Rice  Moulton, 
Richard  Moulton,  Ashel  Tyler,  Henry 
Totten  and  William  Terry.  They  pro- 
ceeded in  due  form  to  organize  a 
Methodist  Episcopal  Society  for 
North  Cohocton. 

Thre  had  been  a  simiar  organiza- 
tion before,  but  it  had  fallen  to 
pieces  through  neglct,  death  and  re- 
movals.       At  a  second  meeting  held 

in  charge  of  Rev.  William  Babcock —    July  16,  1846,  Dr.  Eleazer  Hall  and 

presiding  Elder  and  Theodore  Mc- 
Elharney  preacher  in  charge  of  the 
circuit.  I  think  at  that  tims  may 
have  embraced  Cohocton,  Loo-i  Lake, 
Lnt  Hill,  North  Cohocton,  Naples 
and  possibly  Italy. 

Soon  after  the  removal  of  William 
A.  Gilbert  and  wife  to  North  Cohoc- 
ton in  1846,  who  were  active  mem- 
bers of  the  M.  E.  church  at  Dansville, 
they  keenly  felt  the  lack  of  church 

There  had  already  been  talk  of 
building  a  church.  It  was  then  en- 
tered into  with  earnestness.  One  ob- 
stacle was  what  kind  of  a  church  it 
should  be — there  being  Methodist 
Episcopal,  Wesleyans,  Universalists, 
Presbyterians  and  Baptists,  the  M.  E 
and  Wesleyans  constituting  about 
onehalf.  The  M.  B.  among  whom 
were:  W.  A.  Gilbert,  Rice  Moul- 
ton, Ashel  Tyler,  Hiram  Spaulding 
and  Joseph  C.  Green  pressed  the 
Methodist  project  with  such  energy, 
the  Presbyterians  and  Baptists 
joined  them  and  finally  all  personal 
desires  and  prejudices  were  sub- 
ordinate to  one  purpose  of  having  a 

W.  A.  Gilbert  were  elected  trustees. 
August  27,  1846,  a  contract  was 
signed  with  Virgil  W.  Kimball  for 
building  a  church  according  to 
plans  submitted.  The  trustees  at 
that  time  being  Dr.  Eleazer  Hall, 
Ashel  Tyler,  Richard  Moulton,  Wm. 
A.  Gilbert  tind  Joseph  Crouch. 

At  the  annual  trustee  meeting 
held  at  the  store  of  Wm.  A.  Gilbert 
July  6,  1847,  Rice  Moulton  was  elect- 
ed a  trustee  in  place  of  Joseph 
Crouch  whose  term:  had  expired. 
Joseph  L.  Green  in  the  place  of 
Eleazer  Hall,  removed,  and  Samuel 
G.  Fowler  in  place  of  Richard  Moul- 
ton, removed.  The  record  is  signed 
J.  B.  McElharney  as  president  and 
W.  A.  Gilbert  as  clerk. 

The  church  was  dedicated  in  the 
summer  of  1847,  by  Rev.  Jonas 
Dodge,  Presiding  Elder. 

The  M.  E.  Society  had  preaching 
here  every  second  Sabbath  morning 
and  evening.  The  Presbyterians  had 
preaching  every  second  Sabbath 
morning,  and  the  Baptists  on  the 
evening  of  that  Sabbath.  The  Uni- 
versalist  Advents,  Unitarians,  Swed- 


enborgians  held  meetings  occasion- 
ally on  some  week  day  evening. 

As  North  Cohocton  had  no  par- 
sonage Rev.  Mr.  McKinney  lived  at 
Cohocton  charge,  as  it  was  known 
embracing  the  whole  town  until 
1S71,  North  Cohocton  and  Lent  Hill 
being  then  made  one  charge,  and  Co- 
hocton and  Loon  Lake  another.  In 
1878,  Lent  Hill  was  added  to  Cohoc- 
ton and  Ingleside  added  to  North  Co- 

The  church  has  been  thoroughly 
repaired,  sheds  added  and  is  today  a 
fine  commodious  church  building. 

Since  Mr.  McKinney  the  pastors 
and  years  of  service  counting  from 
month  of  September,  time  of  confer- 
ence are  the  dates: 

1848  Hiram  Sandlord. 

1849  John  Spinks. 

1850  James  Hall. 

18  52  William  Potter. 
1853,  Robert  Parker. 
1854  John  Knapp. 

1857,  Henry  Wisner. 

1858,  Henry  Harpst. 
1859  A.  D.  Edgar. 

1861  William  W.  Mandeville. 

1863,  Stephen  Brown. 

1865  James  Duncan. 

During  this  pastorate  twenty-two 
withdrew  frorr  the  M.  B.  church  to 
form  the  Free  Methodist  church. 

1867  Rev.  Nathan  N.  Beers. 

1868  William  Merritt. 

1869  Claudius  G.  Curtis. 
1871  J.  B.  Countryman. 
1874  J.  E.  Tiffany. 

1876  J.  E.  King. 

1877  George  W.  Terry. 
1879  Isaac  Everett. 
1882  A.  F.  Countryman. 
1885  John  H.  Martin. 
1889  Albert  Norton. 
1891David  A.  Parcells. 
1892  David  C.  Nye. 

1898  Albert  W.  Decker. 

1899  W.  Irving  Janes. 

1900  O.  A.  Retan. 
1904  Elmer  E.  Jones. 

1908  George  W.  Richmire. 

1909  Rev.  A.  O.  Taylor. 




(Mrs.  F.  A.  Wetmore) 

The  Ladies'  Aid  Society  of  the 
M.  E.  church  of  North  Cohocton  was 
organized  in  1882.  The  first  offi- 

Mrs.  Frank  A.  Wetmore,  President 
Mrs.  A.  L.  Gilbert,  Vice  President 
Mrs.  Rufus  Waite,  Secretary 
Miss  H.  M.  Moulton,  Treasurer 
We  have  endeavored  with  the  help 
of  God  to  create  a  more  social  ele- 
ment in  our  community  and  assist  in 
raising  money     for  the  current     ex- 
penses of  our  church.     We  have  al- 
ways furnished  a  comfortable  home 
for  our  pastor's  family  to  reside  in, 
it  being  well     furnished     by     yearly 
adding  to  it  such     articles  as     were 
useful.      We  have  always     paid     in- 
surance on  the  church  property.     We 
paid  largely  on  the     repairs  to     the 
church  in  1887,  and  have  newly  car- 
peted it  since  that  time. 

As  we  look  back  over  the  past 
twenty-three  years  we  feel  that  we 
have  made  advancement  in  the  way 
of  sociability  and  helping  to  fur- 
nish money  for  everj'  needful  pur- 

We  wish  to  speak  of  Mrs.  Emily  J. 
(Mrs.  A.  L.)  Gilbert,  our  deceased 
sister  who  so  ably  assisted  in  our 
work  and  who  is  sadly  missed  in  our 

The  officers  in  1905  were: 
Mrs.  Martha  Stanton,  President 
Mrs.  Eliza  Wheaton,     Vice     Presi- 

Mrs.  (Frank)  Mary  L.  Wetmore, 

Mrs.  E.  L.  Bloom,  Treasurer. 




(Mrs.  H.  C.  Hatch) 

As  Dr.  Gilbert  in  his  reminiscenses 
says:  The       Presbyterians       had 

preaching  in  the  new  M.  E.  church 
after  its  dedication  in  1847,  every 
other  Sabbath  forenoon.  Before  that 
they  had  occasional  preaching  in  the 
school  house,  with  Rev.  Mr.  Chitten- 
den for  about  a  year;  Rev.  Asa 
Adams  for  something  over  a  year. 
About  1850  these  services  were 

Not  until  April  8,  1894,  when  the 
first  church  services  of  the  present 
church  were  held  in  the  Waite  Opera 
House,  Mr.  W.  P.  Wisewell  of  Naples, 
having  secured  the  services  of  Rev. 
H.  P.  McAdams  of  Rochester,  who 
preached  from  the  text,  Rom.  10-17, 
"Faith  Cometh  by  Hearing  and 
Hearing  the  Word  of  God",  and  he 
read  the  lesson  to  us.  "How  can  they 
hear  unless  they  have  a  preacher"? 
The  words  sank  deep  into  our  hearts 
and  we  felt  that  indeed  we  must  be 
up  and  doiag  ihe  Lord's  work. 

There  were  133  present  at  thio 
meeting  and  100  of  them  were  peo- 
ple who  could  not  be  or  wem  noc 
regular  attendants  at  any  church 
service.  There  were  nearly  as  many 
present  in  the  evening,  and  it 
has  been  estimated  that  150  differ- 
ent people  were  present  during  the 
day.  A  collection  was  taken  morn- 
ing and  evening  to  defray  the  ex- 
penses which  amounted  to  a  trifle 
over  $11.00. 

At  the  close  of  the  morning  ser- 
vices the  question  was  discussed 
whether  or  not  services  should  be 
continued.  Several  remarks  v.'ere 
made  in  favor  of  so  doing.  Pledges 
were  taken  for  the  payment  of  a  cer- 
tain sum  each  Sabbath  until  July  1st, 
and  nearly  enough  was  raised  to  de- 
fray the  expenses  of  a  supply.  One 
week  before  this  service  the  canvass 

of  the  town  had  been  made  by  Mrs. 
Edith  A.  Hatch  and  Mrs.  Lucretia  D. 
Wetmore  (these  with  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Pierce,  Mrs.  Sarah  Conderman  and 
Mrs.  Judith  A.  Clayson,  who  were 
connected  with  Presbyterian 

churches  elsewhere.) 

In  almost  every  house  we  heard: 
"Oh,  we  should  be  so  glad  to  have 
regular  services  here".  One  lady 
with  tears  in  her  eyes  said:  "Oh,  I 
am  so  hungry  to  hear  a  sermon  and 
I  can  not  go  to  church,  it  is  so  far  to 
walk."  From  house  to  house  they 
went  and  the  same  answer  came 
from  Chrisitian  and  non-Christian, 
"We  need  a  church  here."  The  com- 
mittee came  home  with  a  feeling  of 
awe.  They  had  been  face  to  face  with 
God's  work  of  preparation.  The 
answer  was  so  august  and  so  ready 
from  every  heart —  "Let  us  have  the 
gospel  preached  where  we  can  as- 
semble ourselves  together". 

"Show  thou  which  way  the  wind 
blows" — and  right  heie  we  wish  to 
relate  one  incident  which  occurred  a 
short  time  before  the  canvass  was 

A  gentleman  not  then  a  Christian 
one  who  had  not  known  that  this 
project  had  been  planned,  came 
down  the  street  one  Sabbath  evening 
and  dropped  into  an  office  where  he 
saw  an  open  door,  "I  say  this  is  a 
great  way  to  live — a  man  wanders 
along  the  street  Sunday  and  stops 
wherever  he  sees  a  door  open,  we 
ought  to  have  a  church." 

On  April  22,  1894,  a  Sabbath 
School  was  organized.  Mr.  Wisewell 
of  Naples  being  present  to  help. 
Hyatt  C  Hatch  was  elected  Superin 
tendent.  There  were  fifty-five  pupils 
The  next  Sabbath  65,  the  next  80. 
During  the  winter  1894-1895,  our 
banner  Sunday  attendance  was  103. 
The  school  has  now  an  enrollment  of 

On  May  17,  1894,  the  first  regular 


prayer  meeting  was  held,  eleven  per- 
sons being  present,  led  by  Mrs.  H.  C. 
Hatch.  July  22,  1894,  a  committee 
from  Presbytery,  Rev.  H.  P.  Mc- 
Adam,  D.  D.,  Rev.  Geo.  W.  Warren  of 
Prattsburg,  Charles  Hamlin  and 
W.  P.  Wisewell  of  Naples  were  pres- 
ent and  the  church  was  organized 
with  a  membership  of  twenty-four, 
fourteen  joining  by  letter,  ten  on 
confession  of  faith.  Elders  were 
chosen  and  ordained. 

Hyatt  Hatch  for  three  years. 
J.  J.  Crouch  for  two  years.  William 
Carter  for  one  year. 

Rev.  Mr.  McAdam  with  an  occa 
sional  exchange  with  Rev.  N.  J. 
Conklin  of  Rochester,  was  the  regu- 
lar supply  until  October  1894,  when 
Rev.  S.  W.  Pratt  of  Campbell  took 
his  place. 

Rev.  Mr.  McAdam  left  among  uc 
many  warm  friends,  and  God  only 
knows  the  reward  awaiting  him  in 
Heaven  for  the  precious  seed  he 

About  November  1,  on  a  stormy 
Sabbath  afternoon,  a  Young  Peoples' 
Society  of  Christian  Endeavor  was 
organized.  Rev.  Mr.  Pratt  and  Mr. 
Wisewell  being  present.  Active  mem- 
bers 26;  Associate  8;  Junior  9. 

December  2,  189  4,  the  Society  was 
incorporated  as  the  Presbyterian 
church  of  Atlanta  and  the  following 
trustees  were  elected:  Harrison 
Briglin  and  Hiram  W.  Hach  for  three 
years;  Willis  E.  Waite  and  Edwin  H. 
Wetmore  for  two  years;  Elias  W 
Lent  for  one  year. 

The  Sabbath  School  gave  an  enter- 
tainment at  Christmas  time,  at  which 
there  were  350  people  present. 

The  year,  189  5,  was  opened  by  aii 
observance  of  the  week  of  prayer  and 
the  meetings  were  continued  about 
three  weeks  longer  and  conducted 
by  Dr.  Pratt.  Wonderful,  indeed, 
were  the  blessings  bestowed  upon  us. 
On  February  1,  thirty  were  received 

into  the  church  and  on  March      10, 
seven  more. 

On  March  7,  189  5,  the  congrega- 
tion met  and  gave  a  unanimous  call 
to  Mr.  Thomas  Kerr,  who  was  to 
graduate  the  coming  May  at  Auburn 
Theological  Seminary,  and  on  June 
6,  he  was  ordained  and  installed  the 
first  pastor. 

The  church  has  been  self-support- 
ing from  the  start. 

The  corner  stone  of  the  new  church 
building  was  laid  September  19, 
189  5,  and  the  beautiful  and  conveni- 
ent house  of  worship  dedicated  Mar. 
19,  189  6,  costing  furnished  $8000, 
all  of  which  was  paid  1  y  1905. 

George  S.  Fowler  and  William  E. 
Otto  were  ordained  Elders. 

The  Woman's  Missionary  Society 
was  organized   December  10,      1895 

Rev.  Thomas  Kerr  resigned  March 
1,  189  8,  and  Dr.  S.  W.  Pratt  again 
oecanie  the  supply  until  November  1, 

Rev.  Dr.  E.  R.  Evans  of  Canasera- 
ga,  was  called  to  the  pastorate  Nov. 
1,  18  98,  and  was  installed  November 
9,  1898,  and  still  holds  the  fort.  The 
present  membership  is  about  100. 

Rev.  W.   H.   Simmons     has     since 

been  chosen  pastor". 




(By   Mrs.   H.    C.   Hatch) 

The  Ladies'  Aid  Society  of  the  At- 
lanta Presbyterian  church  was  or- 
ganized August  15,  1894.  The  first 
President  was  Mrs.  Edwin  Wetmore; 
First  Vice  President,  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Pierce.  The  next  year  Mrs.  Pierce  was 
elected  President.  She  was  a  most 
efficient  worker  and  served  faithfully 
for  live  years.  She  was  discouraged 
by  nothing  and  worked  with  untiring 
zeal  and  devotion.  The  next  was 
Mrs.  Wm.  F.  JolleJ^  who  served  two 
and  one-half  years.  Mrs.  H.  C. 
Hatch,  the  present  President   (1905) 


has  held  the  office  since  1903. 

In  the  eleven  years  since  Its  or- 
ganization the  Sociey,  though  exist- 
ing in  a  small  village,  has  accom- 
plished wonderful  things.  The  ladies 
ga^e  $500  besides  decorating  the  in- 
terior of  the  church,  purchasing  the 
carpet  and  helping  towards  the 
salary  of  the  minister. 

In  May,  1899,  they  borrowed  $1000 
and  freed  the  church  building  from 
debt  Such  unbounded  faith  in 
themselves  has  not  been   misplaced. 

The  $1000  has  been  paid  in  full 
with  interest.  The  money  of  the 
Society  has  come  little  by  little.  No 
large  amounts  but  mostly  from  teas 
served  every  two  weeks.  Since  its 
beginning  in  August,  1894,  the  Socie- 
ty has  raised  $2,981.11,  which  has 
been  used  to  aid  the  church. 
(By  Mrs.   Lovilla   Moore 

Rev.  Anthony  N.  Moore  an.l  Hora- 
tio C.  Corey  were  the  first  preachers. 
A  class  was  organized  at  the  church 
known  as  the  County  Line  Cliurch, 
1867.  In  the  winter  of  1867,  the 
Wsleyans  having  preaching  there 
every  alternate  Sabbath,  Rev.  B.  T. 
Roberts,  who  was  also  General 
Superintendent  of  the  F.  M.  church 
in  the  United  States,  came  to  North 
Cohocton  and  with  Rev.  Levi  Wood 
and  Rev.  and  Mrs.  Cooley  organized 
the  F.  M.  church  of  North  Cohocton 
and  Atlanta.  The  charter  members 

Mrs.  Catherine  Moore,  widow  of 
Daniel  Moore,  Rev.  Anthony  N 
Moore,  her  son,  Horatio  C.  Corey 
Charlotte  Stanton,  Leonard  Wilson, 
Elisabeth  Wilson,  Retta  Allen,  Robt. 
Allen,  Mrs.  Rodney  Boone,  Mrs. 
James  Barnes,  Mrs.  Puff,  Emily 
Puff,  her  daughter,  Samuel  Corey, 
Mrs.  Samuel  Corey,  Miss  Hettie  Lit- 
tlefield,  Mrs.  Lovilla  Moore,  Myron 
Parks,   Eliza  Ann  Parks,   Myron  At- 

well,  Sally  Atwell,  Silas  Lyon,  Mary 
Lyon,  David  Cronk,  Lidda  Cronk,  be- 
sides others  on  probation. 

The  pastors  have  been: 

Rev.  J.  K.  Freeland. 

Rev.  Mr.  Edwards. 

Rev.  J.  B.  Newton. 

Rev.  A.  H.  Stilwell. 

Rev.  J.  W.  Sawyer. 

Rev.  J.  C.  Tholens. 

Rev.  O.  S.  Baker. 

Rev.  D.  W.  Clark. 

Rev.  D.  C.  Johnson. 

Rev.  Macklin. 

Rev.  F.  Dunham. 

Rev.  W.  Crowman. 

Rev.  M.  S.  Babcock. 

Rev.  J.  D.  Jenkins. 

Rev.  G.  D.  Baker. 

In  the  year,  1868,  we  bought  the 
wagon  shop  at  North  Cohocton  on 
the  site  of  the  present  Cottrell  office, 
fitted  it  up  for  preaching.  Rev.  An- 
thony N.  Moore  and  his  colleague. 
Rev.  H.  C.  Corey  preaching  for  them 
about  tv/o  years.  Services  were  af- 
terwards held  in  Wetmore  Hall  to 
accommodate  the  people.  Under  the 
Rev.  James  A.  Tholens  the  church 
was  removed  to  Atlanta  at  the  ur- 
gent request  of  the  people. 

Squire  Adams  was  at  the  head  of 
the  request. 

Rev.  Benj.  Wingett,  District  Elder, 
assisted  in  the  change. 

Squire  Adams  fitted  up  a  build- 
ing and  donated  its  use  until  the 
present  church  was  built. 

Mrs.  Fanny  Shepard.  donated  the 
lot  T.  J.  Cornish,  Martin  Ferguson 
Rev.  Eugene  N.  Jenks,  Mrs.  Loretta 
Mcore,  Rev.  and  Mrs.  John  V.  Lyon 
Mrs.  Moore's  parents,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Elias  Riker  giving  the  largest  dona- 
tion and  nearly  all  people  of  Atlanta 
and  North  Cohocton,  all  they  felt 
able  until  the  church  debt  was  paid 
and  the  building  dedicated,  free  of 

The  present  church  was  commenc- 


ed  in  the  summer  of     1887,  but    was 
not  dedicated  until  August,  1889. 


The  Wesleyan  Methodist  church 
was  organized  and  a  church  building 
erected  by  Solomon  Corey  as  a  Union 
church  at  the  County  Line  in  1863. 
It  was  erected  on  the  Cronk  estate 
and  used  for  many  years,  but  going 
by  a  short  time  ago,  I  found  the 
building  in  a  very  dilapidated  condi- 
tion and  abandoned. 

In  1881  a  lot  was  purchased  of  Dr. 
Carpenter  and  a  church  built  at 
North  Cohocton,  which  was  dedicat- 
ed January  10,  1882. 

The  pastors  have  been  Rev. 
Suffery,  who  was  a  missionary  to 
South  America  at  one  time  and  held 
a  letter  of  recommendation  from 
President  Filmore. 

Rev.  Bedford  first  in  the  new 

Rev.  William  W.  Miller  2  or  3 

Rev.  Scribner,  Sweet,  Fitch,  Bab- 
cock,  Saulsbury,  R.  F.  Dutcher,  L.  L. 

The  church  building  was  lirsi  binl': 
for  a  school  house.  A  Baptist 
Society  was  organized  in  187  6,  by 
John  A.  S'jhultz,  Monroe  Llarris  of 
Cohocton,  Wheeler  Clason,  Mr.  an'l 
Mrs.  J.  J.  Crouch  and  Mrs.  H.  W. 
Hatch,  and  the  building  given  to 
them.  Rev.  Mr.  Dean  and  others  sup- 

Upon  the  organization  of  the  Pres- 
byterian Society  in  1894,  the  build- 
ing was  given  to  them,  has  since  been 
sold  and  is  now  converted  into  a 
private  dwelling.  Many  of  those  left 
joined  the  Presbyterian  church, 
many  have  died,  some  moved  away 
and  others  are  still  lingerng  on  this 
side,  but  the  organization  has  passed 
out  of  existence. 


The  M.  E.  church  at  Loon  Lake 
was  organized  at  an  early  day  and 
services  were  held  for  a  number  of 
years  in  the  school  house. 

The  nearest  information  that  I 
have  been  able  to  get,  the  present 
M.  E.  church  was  built  about  1849, 
and  has  been  extensively  repaired 

Among  its  earlier  preachers  were: 
Rev.  Elisha  Bronsou,  Rev,  Simon 
Berge  and  Rev.  Wm.  Jones. 

Upon  the  formation  of  the  Cohoc- 
ton circuit,  it  was  attached  to  that 
circuit.  Upon  the  divisions  it  was  at- 
tached to  Cohocton  charge  up  to 
18  77,  then  it  became  part  of  the 
Wayland  charge,  and  so  remained 
until  1903.  It  is  now  a  part  of  the 
South  Dansville  charge.  The  pastor 
of  those  churches  have  been  the  pas- 
tors of  this  church.  With  places  as 
mentioned  its  pastors  have  been: 

1877,  S.  M.  Dayton. 

.l878,  S.  M.  Da}  ion. 

The  date  commencing  in  October 
each  year: 

1901,  G.  A.  Bond. 

1902,  Geo.  A.  Bond. 

1903,  Geo.  W.  Richmire. 
19  04,  Arthur  J.  Wat.son. 

1905,  Arthur  J.  Watson. 

1906,  F.  A.  Peterson. 

1907,  Guy  Lawton. 

1908,  Maurice  V.  Wright. 

Upon  the  organization  of  the  two 
companies — Cohocton  Hook  &  Lad- 
der Co.,  and  C.  H.  Stone  (Now  Inde^- 
pendent  was  organized  by  the  elec- 
tion of  the  following  officers: 

Thomas  C.   Cherubim,   President. 

Andrew  L.  Shults,  Vice  President. 

Louis  F.  Drake,  Secretary. 

Chas.  E.  Crosby,  Treasurer. 

The  first  public  appearance  of  the 

Fire  Department  was  at  the  Fourth 

of  July  celebration  in  1887,  at  which 

.  time  Hon.  J.  Sloat  Fassett  was  ora- 



The  celebration  was  held  in  the 
Larrowe  grove.  The  receipts  after 
paying  all  bills  were  $260.40.  The 
Department  was  organized  under  the 
laws  of  New  York  in  1888,  and  in 
September,  1900,  held  its  first  par- 

After  the  fire  on  the  Drake  (now 
Mattice)  farm  July  27,  1893,  James 
A.  Drake  gave  to  each  company  of 
the  Fire  Department  $50. 

The  equipment  of  the  company  at 
first  consisted  of  one  Rumsey  hand 
engine  and  hose,  one  fire  hook  and 
ladder  truck  with  equipments. 

After  the  putting  in  of  the  water 
works  in  1893,  the  hand  engine  was 
traded  for  a  large  hose  cart,  so  that 
we  now  have  the  hook  and  ladder 
truck  and  its  equipments  and  two 
hose  carts  and  hose,  one  being  kept 
at  the  Engine  House  and  the  other  at 
the  pump  station  at  the  depot. 

The  chiefs  and  assistant  chiefs  of 
the  Fire  Department  have  been: 

Chiefs,  1887-1888,  G.  E.  W.  Her- 
bert; 1888-1889,  Jas.  M.  Reynolds; 
1889-1890,  William  Perault;  1891- 
18  93,  James  M.  Reynolds;  18  9  4- 
1898,  Geo.  E.  Wagner;  1899-1900, 
John  C.  Robinson;  1901-1902,  M.  E. 
Weld;  1903,  J.  W.  Saunders. 

Assistant  Chiefs,  1887-1888,  Chas. 
W.  Godfrey;  1888-1889,  Chas.  W. 
Godfrey;  1889-1890,  C.  H.  Stone; 
1891-1893,  N.  D.  Kirkmire;  1894- 
1898,  Valentine  Graser;  1899-1900, 
M.  E.  Weld;  1901-1902,  J.  W.  Saun- 
ders; 1903,  Elmer  Sick. 


On  the  10th  day  of  December, 
1886,  an  organization  called  the  Co- 
hocton  Hook  &  Ladder  Company, 
No.  ] ,  was  formed  and  the  following 
officers  elected: 

Thomas  C.  Cherubim,  President. 

Andrew  L.  Shults,  Vice  President. 

George  P.  Snyder,  Secretary. 

Charles  E.  Crosby,  Treasurer. 


Louis  F.  Drake,  Foreman. 

E.  L.  D.  Knapp,  Assistant  Fore- 

The  charter  members  were: 

A.  L.  Shults,  John  Groff,  George 
P.  Snyder,  N.  D.  Kirkmire,  William 
J.  Shults,  William  Herbert,  C.  J. 
Mehlenbacher,  George  E.  Wagner, 
John  A.  Hoyt,  Grant  Slayton,  A.  E. 
Shult3,  Sebastian  Adam,  T.  C 
Cherubim,  L.  F.  Drake,  H.  H.  Her- 
bert, George  C.  Rocker,  Chas.  P. 
Drake,  E.  L.  D.  Knapp,  Henry  C. 
Hart,  C.  W.  Godfrey,  Fred  A.  Wy- 
gant,  Charles  E.  Crosby. 

The  Presidents  of  the  company 
have  been: 

18S7-18S8,  Andrew  L.  Shults. 
18S8-1892,  Andrew  E.  Shults. 
189  3,  George  E.  Wagner. 
1894-1897, Andrew  L.  Shults. 

18  98,  Frank  C.  Krug. 

1899,  M.  Ernest  Weld. 

1900,  Jesse  L.  Edmond. 
1901-1904,  John  G.  Pritting. 

19  05,  Charles  Kiefer,  Jr. 
1905-1909,  John  G.  Pritting. 
The  Foremens  have  been: 

188  7,  Charles  Larrowe. 

1888,  Geo.   E.   Wagner. 

1889,  Fred  A.  Wygant. 
1890-1894,  Walter  Robinson. 
1895,  Henry  H.  Herbert. 
189G,  Frank  P.  Seeley. 

189  7,  M.  Ernest  Weld. 
1898-1899,  Elmer  L.  Sick. 
1900-1902,  Eugene  B.  Slayton. 
1903-1905,  Robert  M.  Stanton. 


The  Hose  men,  that  is  those  who 
had  chosen  to  belong  to  that  com- 
pany met  the  first  Tuesday  in  Decem- 
ber (4),  1886,  in  the  rooms  over  the 
Jackson-Hoyt  meat  market  and  elect- 
ed the  following  officers: 

Orange  S.  Searl,  President. 

Dr.  I.  L.  Goff,  Vice  President. 

J.  Leonard  Waugh,  Secretary. 

John  Werth,  Treasurer. 

James    M.    Reynolds,    Foreman. 

Eugene  E.  Stetson,  Assistant  Fore- 

Chris.  J  Shafer,  G.  E.  W.  Herbert 
and  E.  E.  Stetson,  Trustees. 

The  following  were  the  charter 
members,  together  with  the  forego- 
ing officers: 

Nelson  M.  Tripp,  John  H.  Lyon, 
Valentine  Graser,  Sherman  Phillips, 
Frank  M.  LaRue,  C.  J.  Flint,  John 
Fronk,  John  H.  Schneider,  Jacob 
Stein,  Jacob  Strobel,  Albert  H.  Weld, 
Henry  Strobel,  John  Holtzmire. 

It  was  voted  that  he  who  would 
give  the  most  to  the  company  should 
have  the  naming  of  the  company. 
E.  E.  Stetson  paid  $10  and  named 
the  company,  the  Cyrus  H.  Stone 
Hose  Company. 

The  first  suits  purchased  were  a 
maroon  shirt,  belt  and  blue  pants 
and  a  blue  cap. 

Until  the  building  of  the  Engine 
House  in  1895,  when  the  quarters 
were  moved  to  the  second  story  of 
that  building  they  occupied  rooms 
ovr  the  Jackson  meat  market, 

Nelson  Tripp  has  been  foreman  of 
the  company  since  1880. 

On  November  16,  189  3,  after  the 
water  works  were  put  in,  the  com- 
pany voted  to  change  its  name  and 
on  vote  the  name  "Independent 
Hose  Company"  was  adopted.  New 
suits  consisting  of  navy  blue  coats, 
pants  and  caps  and  a  fine  banner 
were  purchased.  It  was  said  to  have 
been  the  finest  company  banner  in 
parade  at  Buffalo  in  1901,  at  the 
New  York  State  Fireman's  Associa- 
tion. Since  then  they  have  been  in 
many  parades. 

In  1894,  the  company  joined  the 
Steuben  County  Firemen's  Associa- 
tion. In  1898,  they  joined  the 
New  York  State  Firemen's  Associa- 
tion and  sent  C.  O.  Jenks  as  dele- 

LIBERTY  LODGE,  F.  &  A.  M., 
No.    510 

Liberty  Lodge,  No.  510,  F.  &  A. 
M.,  was  organized  April  3,  18G1,  by 
a  dispensation  received  from  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  the  State  of  New 
York,  Finley  M.  King  being  Grand 
Master  and  James  M.  Austin,  Grand 

On  June  15,  18  61,  after  the  an- 
nual meeting  of  the  Grand  Lodge  in 
New  York,  a  charter  was  granted, 
the  same  officers  signing  it. 

The  charter  member'?  and  the 
date  of  their  death  were  as  follows: 

Albertus  Larrowe,  July  27,  1899. 

Stephen  D.  Shattuck,  August  13, 

John  Kellogg,  March  29,  1884. 

James  Draper,  December  28,  1875. 

Hiram  Dewey,  May  3,  1881. 

Asa  Adams,  January  11,  1895.  Warner,  December  1877. 

I  give  you  the  firt-t  recorded  meet- 
ing as  it  appears  in  the  minutes: 

Cohocton,  April  3,   1861. 

"Liberty  Lodge,  No.  510,  F.  & 
A.  M.,  having  been  duly  organized  in 
accordance  with  the  requirements 
of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  the  State  of 
New  York  met  for  the  transaction  of 
business  and  opened  in  due  form  on 
the  3rd  degree  of  Masonry,  Brothers 
A.  Larrowe,  S.  D.  Shattuck  and  John 
Kellogg  filling  of  W.  M.,  S.  W.,  and 
J.  W.,  respectively. 

The  following  persons  presented 
applications  for  initation: 

J.  H.  Butler,  A.  M.  Spooner,  F.  N. 
Drake  and  William  Washburn, 
which  was  recorded  and  the  follow- 
ing committee  on  investigation  ap- 
pointed. The  same  persons  being 
appointed  committees  in  each  case: 
Brothers,  John  Kellogg,  S.  D.  Shat- 
tuck and  F.  Larrowe.  The  lodge  ad- 
journed in  due  form   to  April   5th". 

Let  me  here  say  that  when  Frank- 
lin Larrowe  joined  (yet  it  must  have 
been  by  demit)   but  the  minutes  are 


as  blank.  His  was  the  first  funeral 
the  lodge  as  a  body  attended. 

The  first  officers  of  the  lodge  were: 

Albertus  Larrowe,  W.  M. 

Stephen  D.  Shattuck,  S.  W. 

John  Kellogg.  J.  W. 

James  Draper,  Treasurer. 

John  H.  Butler,  Secretary. 

Franklin  Larrowe,  S.  D. 

William  Washburn,  J.  D. 

The  Masters  of  Liberty  Lodge 
have  been: 

Albertus  Larrowe,  Stephen  D. 
Shattuck,  John  Kellogg,  Rev.  N.  N. 
Beers,  Samuel  Street,  Jr.,  J.  Dwight 
Hendryx,  Clarence  W.  Stanton,  Dr. 
Ira  L.  Goff,  Edwin  A.  Draper,  Clay- 
ton S.  Scott,  Charles  Larrowe,,  Al- 
bert H.  Wilcox,  Samuel  D.  Parmen- 
ter,  M.  Ernest  Weld,  Edwin  S. 
Brown,  L.  Roy  Partridge,  C.  Gilbert 

The  Treasurers  and  Secretaries  of 
Liberty  Lodge  have  been: 

1861,  James  Draper,  Treasurer; 
John  H.  Butler,  Secretary. 

1862,  James  Draper,  Treasurer; 
John  H.  Butler,  Secretary. 

1S63,  David  H.  Wilcox,  Treasurer; 
Thomas  Warner,  Secretary. 

18  64,  Calvin  E.  Thorp,  Treasurer; 
E.  S.  Carpenter,  Secretary. 

1865,  F.  N.  Drake,  Treasurer; 
Calvin  E.  Thorp,  Secretary. 

1866,  E.  S.  Carpenter,  Treasurer; 
Thomas  Warner,  Secretary. 

1867-1870,  C.  E.  Thorp,  Treasur- 
er; Chas.  H.  Beyer,  Secretary. 

1871,  B.  W.  Tambling,  Treasurer; 
Chas.  H.  Beyer,  Secretary. 

1872,  C.  E.  Thorp,  Treasurer; 
Frank  M.  Conley,  Secretary. 

1873-1877,  John  Kellogg,  Treas- 
urer; Thomas  Warner,  Secretary. 

1878,  S.  D.  Shattuck,  Treasurer? 
Thomas  Warner,  Secretary. 

1879,  Monroe  Harris,  Treasurer; 
Thomas  Warner,  Secretary. 

1880-1884,  S.  D.  Shattuck, 
Treasurer;   Thos.  Warner,  Secretary. 

1885,  S.  D.  Shattuck,  Treasurer; 
J.  Leonard  Waugh,  Secretary. 

1886-1887,  Asa  McDowell,  Treas- 
urer; J.  Leonard  Waugh,  Secretary. 

1888,  Asa  McDowell,  Treasurer; 
Thomas  Warner,  Secretary. 

1889,  A.  McDowell,  Treasurer; 
Thomas  Warner,  Secretary. 

1890,  G.  E.  Wagner,  Treasurer; 
Thomas  Warner,  Secretary. 

1891-1892,  G.  E.  Wagner,  Treas- 
urer;  Charles  Oliver,  Secretary. 

1893,  Asa  McDowell,  Treasurer; 
Charles  Oliver,   Secretary. 

1894-1908,  Chas.  Oliver,  Treasur- 
er;  J.  Leonard  Waugh,  Secretary. 

19  09,  Charles  Oliver  Treasurer; 
M.  Ernest  Weld,  Secretary. 

1910-1912,  Charles  Oliver,  Treas- 
urer; S.  D.  Parmenter,  Secretary. 

1913,  Charles  Oliver,  Treasurer; 
S.  D.  Parmenter,  Secretary. 

Its  membership  January  1,  1912, 
was  102. 

From  the  granting  of  the  charter 
to  January  1,  1872,  they  had  rooms 
in  the  "Beehive",  now  the  Times-In- 
dex building.  Then  they  moved  to 
their  fine  quarters  in  the  block  then 
erected  by  Thomas  Warner,  corner  of 
Maple  Avenue  and  North  Main  street. 
O.  E.  S. 

Liberty  Chapter,  No.  394,  Order  of 
Eastern  Star,  was  instituted  October 
2,  1906.  Its  officers  were: 

1906,  Worthy  Matron,  Harriet  C. 
Larrowe;  Worthy  Patron.  E.  S. 

1907,  Harriet  C.  Larrowe,  Worthy 
Matron;  E.  S.  Brown,  Worthy  Pa- 

1908,  H. 
tron;   H.  P. 

1909,  H. 
tron;   H.  P. 

1910,  Ida  E.  Cuff,  Worthy  Matron; 
S.  D.  Parmenter,  Worthy  Patron. 

1911,  Katherine  E.  Folts,  Worthy 
Matron;  S.  D.  Parmenter,  Worthy 

May  Weld,  Worthy  Ma- 
Wilcox,  Worthy  Patron, 
May  Weld,  Worthy  Ma- 
Wilcox,  Worthy  Patron. 


I.   O.   O.   F. 

A  dispensation  was  granted  by 
the  Grand  Lodge  I.  O.  O.  F.,  of 
Northern  New  York  to  form  a  lodge 
at  Cohocton,  June  15,  1850,  and  in 
August  of  that  year  a  lodge  was 
formed  known  as  Liberty  Lodge,  No. 
3  49,  I.  O.  O.  F.,  with  the  following 
charter  members: 

C.  J.  McDowell,  James  A.  Arnold, 
Nathaniel  B.  Chase,  B.  D.  Henry, 
James  Draper,  Amos  W.  Chase. 

This  was  the  first  beneficial  organi- 
zation in  town,  and  many  of  the  lead- 
ing men  belonged  to  the  society. 

C.  J.  McDowell  was  the  first  Noble 
Grand  and  Asa  Adams  the  first  Vice 

Among  its  members  were:  Frank- 
lin Day,  W.  A.  Field,  Ward  S.  Hoag- 
land,  .^ustin  Hall,  Eleas  L.  Hoadley, 
Dr.  W.  T.  Stillwell,  D.  H.  Wilcox. 
E.  S.  Carpenter,  Darwin  Kimball, 
Frederick  Henry,  Wm.  B.  Hall,  Har- 
vey Dewey,  Albertus  Larrowe,  Geo. 
W.  Hoagland,  Philo  T.  Higgins, 
Minor  T  Conley,  W.  R.  Hill,  A.  G 
McDowell,  Calvin  E.  Thorp,  John 
Larrowe.  John  Kellogg,  Franklin 
Larrowe.  Geo"ge  W.  Haight,  Stephen 
C.  Phillips,  Chas.   E.  Hall. 

The  meetings  were  held  over  the 
store  known  as  the  "Beehive",  now 
Times-Index  building.  The  lodge 
held  weekly  meetings  and  was  well 
attended  and  it  flourished  for  some 
years,  but  for  some  reason,  now  not 
known,  the  interest  began  to  de- 
cline and  members  failed  to  attend 
and  before  the  lodge  had  reached  its 
first  decade  the  few  remaining  mem- 
bers decided  to  close  up  and  did  so, 
selling  the  carpets,  furniture,  etc. 
None  of  these  so  far  as  known  can 
be  found  except  the  dispensation, 
initiation  book  and  bible.  The  dis- 
pensation was  in  possession  of 
Lindsley  Adams,  son  of  Asa  Adams 
at  Atlanta,  a  former  member  of 
Liberty  Lodge.       The  initiation  book 

was  in  possession  of  M.  A.  McDowell, 
son  of  C.  J.  McDowell,  a  former 
member  of  Liberty  Lodge.  The  bible 
was  in  possession  of  W.  A.  Field, 
being  bought  by  him  when  the  lodge 
closed.  All  of  these  are  now  in  pos- 
session of  Nebula  Lodge,  having  been 
presented  to  them,  and  all  are  highly 
prized  by  the  members  of  that  lodge. 

Nebula  Lodge,  No.  7G6,  I.  O.  O.  F., 
was  organized  and  a  dispensation 
granted  November  17,  189  6,  by  t-ie 

Valentine  Graser,  Frank  V 
Folts,  M.  E.  Weld,  Fred  W.  Snyder 
J.  L.  Edmond,  E.  B.  Slayton,  Samuel 
J.  Depew,  Webster  Edmunds,  who 
withdrew  from  Kanawha  lodge  of 
Atlanta,  and  Christian  Miller  ana 
George  Lake,  who  came  from  Way- 
land  lodge. 

The  new  lodge  was  instituted  on 
January  6,  1897,  in  Masonic  Hall  by 
District  Deputy  Grand  Master  Har- 
vey S.  Pettibone  of  Ilcrnell.  The 
following  members  in  addition  to 
those  already  given  are: 

Elmer  E.  Ackley,  John  Adair, 
George  D.  Slayton,  Frank  B.  Peck, 
Edwin  S.  Brown,  Morris  D.  Hill,  Wm. 
E.  Adair,  Smith  H.  Hill,  Vv^illiam  S. 
VanKeuren,  Frank  E.  Carnes,  Murry 
Tripp,  C.  W.  Stanton,  Henry  Fincli, 
J.  Merton  Sprague. 

The  first  officers  were:  E.  B.  Slay- 
ton, N.  G.;  J.  L.  Edmond,  V.  G.; 
S.  J.  Depew,  Secretary;  F.  W. 
Snyder,  Treasurer. 

The  Noble  Grands  have  been: 
(Elected  every  six  months) 

1897,  E.  B.  Slayton,  J.  L.  Ed- 

189  8,  V.  Graser,  Christian  Miller. 

1899,  M.  E.  Weld,  Samuel  J 

1900,  Jacob  Strobel.  H.  W.  Noble. 

1901,  Frank  V.  Folts,  Lyman  J. 

1902,  William  S.  VanKeuren,  Wm. 
D.  Folts. 





Up  to 

Murray     Tripp,     John     G. 

Christian      Miller,      Jacob 

D.  L.  Edmond. 
January     1903     they     had 
rooms  in  the  Masonic     Hall.       Since 
then  they  have     had  rooms     in     the 
Barthelme   Block. 

I.  O.  O.  F.  AT  ATLANTA 

Kanawha  Lodge,  No.  566,  I.  O. 
O.  F.  of  Bloods,  now  Atlanta,  the 
dispensation  was  granted  January 
27,  1890,  to  five  members:  J.  B. 
Young,  John  Jacqua,  Jacob  Butter- 
fus,  W.  T.  Slattery,  Edwin  H. 
Boulan.  The  lodge  was  organized  at 
Mountain  View  Hotel  (since  burned) 
and  instituted  at  Wilson  Hall,  North 
Cohocton,  February  7,  1890  with: 

John  Jacqua,  N.  G. 

Jacob  Butterfus,  V.  G. 

W.  T.  Slattery,  Treasurer. 

J.  E.  Young,  Secretary,  who  re- 
signed February  28,  1890,  and  F.  B. 
Beecher  was  elected. 

A  copy  of  the  constitution.  By-laws 
drafted  and  a  Code  of  Procedure 
adopted  and  printed. 

Later  the  lodge  leased  the  Hodg- 
man  Hall  at  Atlanta,  which  after  oc- 
cupying several  years  moved  to  the 
Borden  Block,  where  the  lodge  is 
now  held. 

The  Noble  Grands  have  been: 

John  Jaqua,  W.  T.  Slattery,  Farj 
B.  Beecher,  L.  R.  Partridge,  C.  M. 
Tyler,  Willis  E.  Waite.  Darwin 
Marsh,  A.  T.  Hoxter,  S.  M.  Parks. 
D.  C.  Boone,  Rufus  Clement,  G.  C. 
Wolfanger,  C.  E.  Boone,  Albert  L. 
Corey,  Jacob  Wolfanger,  John  C. 
Spencer,  James  E.  Jones,  E.  W.  Rob- 
inson, W.  L.  Rowe,  Monroe  Clayson, 
Frank  D.  VanWormer,  Luther  A. 
Beecher,  Frank  B.  Curtis,  W.  T.  Cor- 
nish, Ross  H.  Swartz,  Harvey  Steph- 
enson, Merton  Stephenson,  B.  Swartz, 
G.  T.  Kester,  Fred  D.  Crouch. 

1905,  Frank     Mitchell,     L.     Rome 

Clayson,  E.  S.  Briggs. 

1906,  W.  H.  Corey,  Aaron  Wright. 

1907,  Arthur  Tyler,  Theodore 

1908,  Charles  Honan,  C.  A.  Stan- 

1909, C.  A.  Stanton,  Kirk  M.  War- 

1910,  John  Richardson,  William 
T.  Miller. 

1911,  Frank  R.  Saunders,.  Floyd 
E.  Adair. 

1912,  Charles  H.  Corey. 

Riverside  Rebekah  Degree  Lodge, 
No.  139,  was  instituted  at  Atlanta, 
N.  ¥.,  February  19,  1892,  and  con- 
tinued until  February  9,  1900  when 
the  charter  was  surrendered  to  the 
Grand  Lodge. 

Two  surviving  members  of  old 
Riverside  Lodge,  Past  Noble  Grand, 
Addie  M.  Tyler  and  Nettie  Hoxter, 
with  their  husbands,  Carnot  M. 
Tyler  and  Allen  T.  Hoxter,  with  six 
other  citizens  of  Atlanta,  viz:  G.  T. 
Kester,  Annie  O.  Kester,  Marcus 
Wright,  Minerva  Wright,  Aaron 
Wright  and  Jennie  Wright,  who 
went  to  Bath  and  joined  the  Bath 
Lodge  for  the  purpose  of  applying 
for  a  charter  for  a  lodge  of  Atlanta, 
applied  for  a  charter  of  Atlanta 
Rebekah  Degree  Lodge,  No.  204,  in 

The  charter  was  granted  by  the 
Grand  Lodge,  December  7,  1903,  and 
delivered  to  the  officers  of  Atlanta 
Lodge,  No.  204,  on  the  night  of  the 
institution  of  the  lodge,  January  11, 
1904,  by  District  Deputy  President 
Mrs.  Flora  Jones  of  Hornell,  who  in- 
stituted the  lodge  and  installed  the 
officers  with  the  assistance  of  the  Re- 
bekah Degree  team  of  Bath  lodge, 
starting  the  lodge  with  ten  members, 
who  applied  for  a  charter  and  thir- 
ty-four new  members  who  were 
initiated  on  the  night  of  the  installa- 
tion of  the  lodge,     making  a     total 


membership  of  44. 

The  lodge  has  initiated  and  taken 
in  13  members  (to  1905)  and  has  a 
membership  of  57. 

The  lodge  is  out  of  debt,  having 
money  in  the  treasury,  fine  regalia, 
and  is  in  a  flourishing  condition. 

Meetings  are  held  the  second  and 
fourth  Wednesdays  of  each  month  in 
Odd  Fellows'  Hall  in  the  Borden 

The  first  officers  were:  Addie  M. 
Tyler,  N.  G.,  1905. 

Nettie  Hoxter,  V.  G. 


Alhambra  Tent,  Knights  of  the 
Maccabees  of  Cohocton,  was  organiz- 
ed August  14,  1902,  by  Deputy  Com- 
missioner J.  V.  Hess  of  Rochester. 
At  the  first  review  eighteen  appli- 
cations were  handed  in  for  member- 

The  following  were  the  charter 

Christian  Miller,  John  G.  Fritting, 
Fritz  J.  Land,  William  G.  Zimmer, 
S.  H.  Green,  Chas.  P.  O'Brien,  M.  R. 
Ackley,  George  P.  Mehlenbacher, 
Peter  Strobel,  Fipp  Hunt,  Fred  Zim- 
mer, William  C.  Zimmer  George  D. 
Slayton,  Charles  Bucksthaler,  Wil- 
liam Sauerbier,  Edward  Sauerbier, 
Adam  Drum,  Adelmer  Wagner. 

Its  first  officers  were: 

P.  C,  George  Mehlenbacher. 

Lieut.  Com.,  S.  H.  Green. 

Com.,  Christian  Miller. 

Record  Keeper,  F.  T.  Stein. 

It  has  grown  and  increased  in 

C.  M.  B.  A. 

The  Catholic  Mutual  Benefit  As- 
sociation, Cohocton  Branch,  was  or- 
ganized May  4,  1887,  with  the  fol- 
lowing officers: 

Charles  Kiefer,  President. 

Sebastian  Adam,  Vice  President. 

A.  E.  Shults,  Recording  Secretary. 

Peter  Gehrig,  Financial  Secretary. 

Benjamin  Rocker,  Marshall. 

John  Golden,  Assistant  Financial 

John  Dorenbecker,  Guard. 

The  first  Board  of  Trustees  were: 

M.  Wager,  Chas.  Kiefer,  Jacob 
Weiand,  Charles  Schiefen,  Jacob 
Kurtz,  and  Philip  Gehrig. 

In   1905,  it  had  thirty  members. 

Through  the  efforts  of  Jacob 
Strobel  Cohocton  Grange,  No.  974, 
Patrons  of  Husbandry,  was  organized 
March  21,  1903,  by  A.  S.  Soper  of 
Rathbone,  with  eighteen  charter 


There  was  a  political  organization 
whose  last  political  nomination  was 
made  in  1856,  then  called  American, 
but  whose  real  principle  was  that  of 
the  old  Know  Nothing  Party — "Put 
None  but  Americans  on  Guard." 

Cohocton  had  such  an  organiza- 
tion. The  moving  spirlto  of  which 
are  said  to  have  been: 

Albertus  Larrowe,  Dr.  Hagadorn, 
Valentine  VanWormer,  and  Austin 

This  organization  had  at  one  time 
unprecedented  popularity  but  went 
down  in  the  campaign  of  1854,  on 
Governor  of  this  state,  and  its  coun- 
sels shattered  to  the  four-winds  of 
Heaven  and  there  remains,  neither 
track,  trace  and  hardly  a  remem- 
brance of  this  once  imposing  or- 

They  met  over  the  Adair  shop 
(now  1912)  on  North  Main  street. 

A  few  days  before  the  election  in 
1854,  a  District  Deputy  by  the  name 
of  Underbill,  predicted  the  election 
of  Daniel  Ulman  as  Governor,  giving 
the  exact  majority  of  his  election  and 
said  every  man  of  this  organization 
was  expected  to  vote  the  American 
ticket,  pure  and  simple.  There  were 
a  number  at  the  meeting  infused 
with    strong    temperance      principles 


and  proposed  to  vote  for     Myron  H. 

John  Kellogg  in  a  general  discus- 
sion which  followed,  said  he  should 
vote  for  Clark  and  immediately  left 
the  room  followed  by  a  large  number 
of  those  present.  A  general  break- 
up followed.  Clark  received  the 
election,  and  the  Know  Nothing 
Party  in  Cohocton  ended  then  and 


On  the  first  survey  of  school 
districts,  the  commencement  was 
made  at  the  North  town  line  and  so 
on  down  through  the  town  and  in- 
cluded seven  districts.  Eight,  nine 
and  ten  included  the  western  portion 
of  the  town.  Before  the  division  of 
the  town  and  taking  off  of  Wayland 
and  part  of  Avoca,  there  were  at  one 
time  twenty-five  districts  in  town.  At 
time  of  a  report  in  183  9  there  were 
fourteen  wholly  in  the  town  and 
seven  joint  districts.  There  are  now 
twelve  in  town  and  two  joint  dis- 

The  first  school  taught  in  town 
was  taught  by  Sophia  Turnbull  in  a 
log  dwelling  built  by  Jonas  Cleland, 
and  the  second  was  undoubtedy  the 
one  taught  by  Duty  Wate  in  1814,  in 
the  North  end  of  the  town  not  far 
from  the  D.  S.  Waite  homestead. 

The  first  school  house  was  a  log 
school  house  built  on  the  Deusen- 
bery-Stanton  farm  near  Avoca  line. 
In  1810,  it  stood  on  the  bank  near 
Avoca-Cohocton's  present  town  line. 
I  will  take  the  districts  as  they 
are  divided  and  give  a  brief  history. 

In  the  early  days  a  log  school 
house  in  District  No.  1,  stood  on  tlie 
Wallace  farm  about  one-half  mile 
west  of  the  present  school  house. 
Then  there  was  a  frame  one  built  on 
the  present  site.  The  present  one 
was  built  about  1885. 

The  earliest  school  house  which  I 
have  any  information     was  on     the 

land  where  Godfrey  Marshall's  stone 
house  stands  in  District  No.  2. 
Later  the  present  one  was  built  and 
stands  east  of  the  old  site. 

In  District  No  3,  Atlanta-North  Co- 
hocton. There  is  a  statement  given 
that  there  was  a  log  school  house 
built  in  an  early  day  on  or  near  the 
present  site  of  the  Cottrell 
Block.  After  a  few  years  it  was  de- 
serted and  a  frame  school  house 
built  on  the  Waite  Shepherd  cor- 
ner near  the  river  bridge.  This  must 
have  been  built  as  early  as  1812. 
Here  were  held  the  earlier  services 
of  the  M.  E.  church  down  to  the  dedi- 
cation of  church  building  in  1847. 
The  next  school  house  stood  on  the 
Wetmore-Wixom  property,  just  north 
of  the  present  M.  E.  church.  In  1874, 
the  foundation  was  laid  on  the  pres- 
ent site  of  the  building. 

Among  the  early  teachers  of  the 
school  were: 

Partridge,  John  Waite,  Krug  Cole, 
Plarmon  Maconi,  Levi  Thrall,  Dwight 
Skeels,  Lewis  Polmateer,  perhaps  not 
in  order. 

Since  that  time  and  the  opening  of 
the  Union  School  in  1874,  the  follow- 
ing have  been  employed: 

George  D.   Atwood   1874-1876. 

I.  M.  Boothe  1876-187S. 

H.  W.  English  1878-1879. 

A.  B.  Davis  1879-1880. 

T.  S.  Barto  only  a  few  weeks. 

F.  B.  Beecher  1880-1881. 

T  A.  Caswell  1881-1883 

R.  E.  Salisbury  1883-1889. 

M.  E.  Plough  1889-1897. 

A.  H.  Watkins  1897-1898. 

A.  O.  Tucker  1898-1903. 

W.  W.  Bullock  1903-1905. 

O.  E.  Page  1905. 

Earlier  in  the  history  I  have 
spoken  of  the  first  school  taught  in 
District  No.  4,  by  Duty  Waite,  open 
in  1814.  By  contract  says  D.  S. 
Waite  in  his  history,  "Duty  Waite 
agreed  to  teach  the  school     for  $12 


per  month.  The  maximum  number  of 
scholars  was  sixteen.  Those  sending 
were:  Duty  Waite,  two;  Abel  Far- 
mington,  three;  Thomas  Rogers, 
three;  Benjamin  Rogers,  one; 
A.  Woodard,  two;  William  Woodard, 
one;  Daniel  Raymond,  Sr.,  one; 
Daniel  Raymond,  Jr.,  two;  Cornelius 
Crouch,  one;  Chauncey  Atwell,  one. 
The  present  school  house  was  built 
in  1870. 

At  an  early  day  Cohocton  was  call- 
ed the  Four  Corners.  Then  about 
182  6,  we  took  the  name  of  Liberty, 
probably  owing  to  the  establishement 
of  the  postofRce  which  would  mean 
1826.  At  the  time  the  postoffice 
was  called  Cohocton.  The  Erie  sta- 
tion. Liberty,  until  the  coming  of  the 
D.  L.  &  W.  in  1881,  when  by  petition 
the  Erie  changed  and  all  became  Co- 

Built  in  1820  for  a  school  house, 
which  was  taken  down  a  few  years 
ago,  but  was  part  of  the  blacksmith 
shop  that  stood  in  front  of  the  ceme- 
tery. In  that  building  as  District  No. 
5,  J.  H.  Hewitt,  D.  L.  VanWormer 
and  others  handled  the  birch  and 
there  taught  the  alphabet  dispen- 

There  they  held  sway  until  1869, 
when  a  square  frame  building,  two 
stories  high,  was  built  on  the  present 
site.  That  and  some  other  buildings 
were  built  by  contract.  They  evi- 
dently were  not  securely  fastened, 
by  the  way,  they  shook  in  hard 

I  find  such  names  as:  Prof.  Skeel 
one  term;  Z.  L.  Parker  one  year; 
G.  E.  Ackerman  two  years;  W.  A. 
Dawson  here  at  two  different  times; 
C.  R.  Buck  three  years;  A.  O.  Tuck- 
er; E.  A.  Higgins  and  W.H.  Johnson. 
Also  the  record  of  one  who  stayed 
three  days  and  left  to  the  gratifica- 
tion of  the  scholars. 

The  building  was  burned  in 
February,  1889.  Rooms  were  provid- 

ed for  the  remainder  of  the  year.  In 
the  meantime  the  present  brick 
building  was  erected  and  ready  for 
the  fall  term. 

In  1880,  the  school  became  a  Union 
Graded  School  and  the  following 
have  been  the  principals: 

Thomas  F.   Pangham   1879-1882. 

Clayton  S.  Scott  1882-1885. 

Hiram  C.  Horton  1885-1887. 

Ralph  A.  Stewart  1887-1889. 

George  H.  Guinnip  1889-1904. 

Robert  L.  Weaver  1904-1905. 

George  H.  Guinnip   1905-1908. 

Clarence  C.  Rogers  1908-1910. 

Earle  E.  Champ  1910. 

I  know  of  no  earlier  building  in 
District  No.  6  than  the  present  one. 
It  was  there  in  1814,  at  the  coming 
that  part  of  the  town  from  Pratts- 

The  first  school  house  in  District 
No.  7,  was  the  log  school  house  on 
the  Stanton-Deusenbery  farm  spoken 
of  above.  There  was  afterwards  a 
frame  building  built  east  of  the 
river  near  the  Dunn  place  in  1868. 
Later  it  was  moved  to  its  present 

The  first  building  as  a  school 
house  in  District  No.  8,  stood  on  the 
opposite  side  of  the  road  near  where 
St.  Paul's  Lutheran  church  now 
stands.  The  present  building  was 
built  in  the  early  sixties. 

District  No.  9,  school  house  has  al- 
ways stood  near  where  it  now  stands, 
south  of  the  M.  H.  Wilcox  farm. 

In  District  No.  10,  the  earlier 
building  stood  below  the  road  about 
15  rods  east  of  the  present  one. 

There  was  once  a  building  used  as 
a  school  house  in  an  early  day,  stood 
on  the  L.  M.  Jones  farm  west  of  the 
old  house  but  later  moved  on  Brown 
Hill,  and  is  now  District  No  11. 

We  have  spoken  of  a  school  house 
that  stood  near  the  Mattice  woods 
on  Lent  Hill.  This  was  evidently 
the   first   school   building  in   District 


No.  12.  The  second  was  bulit  on  a 
lot  nearly  opposite  the  present  one, 
which  was  built  in  the  eighties.  One 
of  the  first  teachers  was  Susan  Henry 
who  became  the  wife  of  James 
Draper  and  the  first  President  of  the 
Ladies'  Aid  of  the  M.  E.  church. 

The  postoffice  was  established 
about  1826,  and  as  far  as  I  have  been 
able  to  learn  the  first  three  occupants 

Paul  C.  Cook,  Daniel  H.  Davis, 
Henry  Blood. 

Walter  M.  Eldred  1850-1861. 

James  Draper  1861-1866. 

Walter  M.  Eldred  1866-1869. 

Myron  W.  Harris  1869-1885. 

Stephen  D.    Shattuck   1885-1889. 

Andrew  J.  Hyland  1889-189  6. 

James  McLean  189  6-February 

Henry  P.  Wilcox  February  19  00- 

Fred  J.  Land  1914. 

The  North  Cohocton  postoffice  was 
established  in  1828,  with  Elijah 
Hartwell  as  its  first  occupant. 

The  other  postmasters  were: 

Jesse  McTingg. 

Samuel  Conn. 

James   Nichoson   1845-1849. 

W.  A.  Gilbert  1849-1852. 

Asa  Adams  1852-1871, 

A.   G.   Jackman   1871-1876. 

E.  S.  Carpenter  1876-1882. 

F.  A.  Wetmore  18  82-18  85. 
John  A.  Partridge  1885-1890. 
J.  Riley  Wetmore  1890-1894. 
George  Last  1894-1898. 

E.  S.  Carpenter  1898-1901. 

D.  D.  Cottrell  1901. 

The  Atlanta  office  was  established 
in  1876,  with  Asa  Adams  then  in  the 
postoffice  at  North  Cohocton  as  its 
first  occupant.  He  continued  until 
IS 76.     The  other  postmasters  were: 

J.  Dwight  Hendricks  1876-1885. 

George  W.  Marts  1885-1889. 

William  T.  Cornish  1889-1894. 

William  T.  Slattery  1894-1897. 

William  T.  Cornish  1897-till  his 
death,  June  1903. 

Rufus  Clement  June  1903. 
W.  C.  T.  U. 

A  great  organization  of  women 
known  as  the  Woman's  Christian 
Temperance  Union  composed  of  lo- 
cal societies,  and  in  1884,  a  society 
was  organized  at  Cohocton  by  Miss 

The  secretary's  report  shows  that 
thirty  women  were  in  attendance  and 
the  follov/ing  officers  elected: 

Mrs.  I.  G.  Saxton,  President. 

Mrs.  T.  R.  Harris,  Mrs.  E.  G.  W. 
Hall,  Vice  Presidents. 

Mrs.  Charles  Larrowe,  Correspond- 
ing Secretary. 

Mrs.  Amanda  E.  Perry,  Recording 

Mrs.  E.  A.  Draper,  Treasurer. 

The  object  of  the  organization  is 
to  place  and  carry  forward  measures 
which,  with  the  blessing  of  God,  will 
result  in  the  suppression  of  intem- 
perance in  our  midst. 

The  membership  consists  in  sign- 
ing the  pledge,  Constitution  and  by 
the  payment  of  50  cents  per  year. 

The  badge  is  a  knot  of  white  rib- 
bon and  the  motto,  "For  God,  Home 
and  Native  Land". 

The  charter  members  were: 

Mrs.  H.  Lyon,  Mrs.  Thomas  War- 
ner, Mrs.  E.  M.  Edmunds,  Mrs.  I.  L. 
Goff,  Mrs  A.  Goss,  Mrs.  E.  W.  Harris, 
Mrs.  Charles  Larrowe,  Mrs.  S.  D. 
Shattuck,  Mrs.  George  Wraight,  Mrs. 
T.  R.  Harris,  Mrs.  Cole  Beach,  Mrs. 
Julia  Streety,  Mrs.  I.  G.  Saxton,  Mrs. 
N.  P.  Roberts,  Mrs.  H.  M.  Runyan, 
Mrs.  R.  Fleyellyn,  Mrs.  E.  G.  W. 
Hall,  Mrs.  P.  M.  Conlcy,  Miss  Louisa 
McDowell,  Mrs.  M.  Leahy,  Miss  Ida 
Higgins,  Miss  Harriet  Wilcox,  Miss 
A.  E.  Perry,  Mrs.  M.  H.  Morgan,  Mrs. 
James  Moulton,  Mrs.  Peter  Vanda, 
Mrs.  N.  C.  White,  Mrs.  A.  Larrowe, 
Mrs.  Dr.  T.  B.  Fowler,     Mrs.     John 


Waugh,    Mrs.    Benjamin    Horr. 

Meetings  were  held  once  in  two 
weeks,  consisting  of  devotional  and 
library  exercises  with  a  short  time 
for  business. 

The  following  have  served  as 

Mrs.  I.  G.  Saxton,  Mrs.  Thomas 
Warner,  Mrs  David  Lyon,  Mrs.  C.  S. 
Scott,  Mrs.  H.  B.  Mason,  Mrs.  S.  F. 
vVoodworth,  Mrs.  B.  S.  Healy,  Mrs. 
F.  M.  Conley,  Mrs.  Celia  (John) 
Miller,  Mrs.  Mabel  Moulton,  Mrs. 
F.  S.  Swan,  Mrs.  A.  H.  Jenks,  Mrs. 
R.  D.  Waite. 

sates  have  been  sent  to  Coun- 
ty and  State  conventions.  State  and 
National  dues  have  been  paid.  The 
County  convention  has  been  enter- 
tained. Noted  speakers  have  given 
free  lectures  to  large  audiences. 
Ernest  work  has  been  done  for  no 
license.  Many  signers  of  the  pledge 
have  been  obtained.  Many  Sunday 
School  and  day  scholars  have  their 
names  on  the  roll  of  honor.  Much 
charitable  and  educational  work 
has     been       accomplished.  Later 

-ears  the  work  has  been  divided  into 

""erent  departments,  each  depart- 
ment having  a  Superintendent.  T^e 
p-ctivG  and  silent  work  has  been  an 
uplift  for  the  community. 

W.   C.  T.  U.   OF  LENT  HILL 

The  W.  C.  T.  U.  of  Lent  Hill  was 
organized  by  the  North  Cohocton 
Union  November  6,     1901,  with     the 

: lowing  officers: 

Mrs.  Jennie  Wheaton,  President. 

Mrs.  Louisa  Caward,  Vice  Presi- 

Mrs.    Zema    Wheaton,    Secretary. 

Mrs.    Lottie    Jackson,    Treasurer. 

The  Treasurer  and  Secretary  soon 
resigned  and  Mrs.  Louise  Caward 
was  elected  Secretary  and  Mrs.  Helen 
Edmond,  Treasurer. 

Three  officers  joined  at  the  first 
meeting.  These  officers  held  down 
to  1906. 


This  Society  was  organized  on 
August  10,  18S8,  with  the  following 
charter  members: 

Mrs.  Cynthia  Corey,  Mrs.  Celestia 
B.  (H.  W.  Hatch),  Mrs.  Ursula  Moul- 
ton, Mrs.  Mary  A.  (J.  S.)  VanDoren, 
Mrs.  Ida  (W.  L.)  VanDoren,  Mrs. 
Malissa  Thomas,  Mrs.  Nellie  Spauld- 
ing,  Mrs.  Hattie  Spaulding,  Mrs. 
Hannah  Moulton,  Mrs.  S.  Watkins, 
Mrs.  H.  C.  Pierce,  Mrs.  Frank  Wet- 
more,   Mrs.    Martha      Stanton,      Mrs. 

A.  L.  Gilbert,  Mrs.  Zellah  Borden, 
Mrs.  Helen  Marsh,  Mrs.  Belle  Shat- 
tuck,  Mrs.  Mary  Gardner,  Mrs.  Retta 
Finch,  Mrs.  Mary  Arnold,  Mrs. 
Esther  Fish,  Mrs.  Alice  Baker,  Mrs. 

B.  A.  Tyler,  Mrs.  Helen  Bellis,  Mrs. 
Rufus  Waite,  Mrs.  Fanny  Sheperd. 

The  first  officers  were: 

Celestia  B.  Hatch,  President;  Mrs. 
Emily  J.  Gilbert,  Corresponding 
Secretary;  Mrs.  Mary  L.  Wetmore, 
Recording  Secretary;  Mrs.  Ursula 
Moulton,  Treasurer. 

The  following  have  been  the  Presi- 

Mrs.  Celestia  B.  Hatch  1888-1891. 

Mrs.  Alice  Baker  1891-1895. 

Mrs.  Isadore  Nye  1895-189  8. 

Mrs.  Emily  J.  Gilbert  1898-1900 
CIVIL  WAR,   1861-1865 

The  following  enlisted  to  serve  in 
the  Civil  War  1861-65  from  Cohoc- 
ton. The  figures  after  the  names  in- 
dicate age  at  enlistment. 

Parley  Abbott,  18;  John  Adair, 
34;  Robert  Allen,  38;  Edward  C. 
Avery,  24;  John  A.  Avery,  19;  Aus- 
tin H.  Bacon,  21;  Gilbert  T.  Avery, 
34;  William  Bailey,  26;  William 
Bartholomew  25;  Orlando  Barber, 
20;  Norton  Beckwith,  24;  Charles 
H.  Berger,  33;  Gregory  Blackrick, 
18;  George  Blackrick,  18;  James  H. 
Blood,  27;  Wm.  M.  Booth,  25;  Eze- 
kiel  Brown,  25;  Fernando  C.  Brown, 
21;      Gaylord     Brown,     24;      Calvin 


Burlingham;  John  Wesley  Bush,  21; 
Rufus  J.  Bush,  34;  John  H.  Camp- 
bell, 20;  William  Y.  Garner,  21; 
Frank  Carpenter,  18;  Simeon  O.  Car- 
penter, 17;  Delos  D.  Clark, 
37;  Monroe  Clayson,  21;  Henry  Clay- 
son,  18;  W.  Henry  Chapman,  19; 
Luther  Cleland,  23;  Ardin  Cobin,  21; 
Nathaniel  B.  Cobin,  26;  Nelson  Co- 
bin,  21;  Samuel  L.  Cole,  42;  Chris- 
tian Conrad,  37;  Albert  L.  Corey,  21; 
James  Cornish,  20;  William  Cragg, 
23;  Harvey  B.  Cramer,  18;  James  N. 
Crawford,  32;,  J.  J.  Crouch;  George 
Cunningham,  29;  George  H.  Ben- 

Aetna  M.  Davis,  29;  Leman  H. 
Day,  42;  Horace  Dean,  22;  Nelson 
H.  Demorest,  17;  Edwin  A.  Draper, 
25;  Frank  M.  Draper,  21;  Daniel  B. 
Dunn,  19. 

Jacob  Eckerman,  18;  Frederick 
Edmond,  21;  John  F.  Edmond; 
Luther  B.  Eldred,  24;  Albert  Em- 
hart;  Franklin  Eply,  21;  John  H. 
Farley;  Luther  J.  Ferris,  21;  Ed- 
ward J.  Finch,  18;  Charles  B.  Finks; 
Slittman  S.  Fisher,  28;  Nicholas 
Folts,  31;  Holister  Foster,  25; 
William  Francis;  Willard  C.  French, 
33;  Joseph  Fronk,  43. 

Jacob  Garger,  21;  James  Geer,  44; 
Wiilam  H.  GGeer,  22;  John  Gill,  36; 
George  Glover,  30;  Jacob  Green,  22; 
William  Graves;  John  Graves,  20; 
Charles  Grieves,  21;  Charles  C. 
Gross;  Rudolph  R.  Grover,  23; 
Robert  C.  Guernsey,  45;  Charles  B. 
Hall,  31;  Edgar  S.  Haight,  18;  Wil- 
liam H.  Hammond;  James  Harris, 
38;  Theodore  R.  Harris;  Rodney 
E.  Harris;  Leonard  Harter,  38; 
Aaron  Hartwell,  24;  Charles  H. 
Hattas;  David  J.  Huganir,  41;  Ben- 
jamin F.  Herrick;  James  C.  Hewitt, 
22;  Charles  M.  Hewitt,  19;  Julias 
Hewitt,  21;  Dewitt  Hill,  23;  Benja- 
min F.  Hill,  21;  Peter  Hoffman,  35; 
William  W.  Hoagland,  26;  Benjamin 
Horr,  22;   Isaac  Hurlburt,  36;  Jacob 


Hultz;  Philip  Hunt,  18;  Andrew  J. 
Hyland,  21;  Samuel  Jaqua,  44; 
James  D.  Jenks,  40;  Joseph  Jenks, 
37;  Franklin  Jones,  18;  Oscar  John- 
son, 22;  Charles  M.  Johnson. 

David  S.  Katner,  44;  Murry 
Kellogg,  19;  Luther  M.  Kimbell,  23; 
Elbert  E.  Kimbell,  21;  Myron  Knapp, 
32;  John  Knodle,  Sr.,  44;  John 
Knodle,  Jr.,   18. 

Charles  M.  Leggett,  23;  Jonah  B. 
Lyon,  40;  Wesley  Martin,  23;  Da- 
vid H.  Mattice,  28;  Theodore  H. 
Mattice,  19;  William  H.  McDowell, 
23;  James  McClarrie,  19;  William 
McClarrie,  44;  Lewis  Mehlenbacher, 
23;  William  Miles,  28;  Chester 
Moore;  Robert  S.  Moore,  27;  Ira 
H.  Morehouse,  32;  James  H.  Moul- 
ton,  18;  George  Morrison,  20; 
Charles.  Nickson,  18;  Samuel  Nara- 
cong,  Jr.,  29;  Solomon  Noble,  23; 
Samuel  Nostrand,  41. 

Myron  J.  Parks;  Silsbee  Peck,  20; 
Stephen  J.  Partridge;  Elmer  Peter- 
son, 23;  Orrin  J.  Peterson,  19; 
Thaddeus  W.  Petrie,  23;  Charles  M. 
Pierce,  29;  John  Pierce,  24;  Silas  N. 
Pierce,  22;  Jerry  A.  Polmanteer,  18. 

Amza  C.  Raymond,  19;  George 
Randolph,  IS;  John  S.  Randolph,  22; 
William  Randolph,  18;  George  H. 
Reeves,  22;  Vincent  L.  Reynolds,  20; 
William  H.  Rex,  19;  Joseph  T.  Rec- 
tor, 18;  Andrew  Rexsicker,  25; 
Nicholas  Rexsicker,  Jr.,  18;  Nicholas 
Rexsicker,  Sr.,  43;  Robert  W.  Riddle, 
25;  Lorenzo  Roberts,  29;  Elias 
Riker,  40;  Hiram  Roberts,  27;  John 
Rhine,  22;  George  Rocker;  Christian 
Rowe,  38;  Lemuel  Roe. 

Bolster  Sauerbier,  20;  Royal  Saw- 
yer; L.  Brace  Shattuck,  27;  Andrew 
Shults;  Philip  Sick,  21;  Roswell 
Slayton;  Walter  C.  Slayton,  17; 
Duane  or  Daniel  Smith,  21;  Hugh 
Smith,  35;  John  Snyder,  19;  Henry 
Spike,  44;  James  H.  Spike,  25;  Perry 
Spike,  21;  Oliver  P.  Spike,  19; 
Thaddeus  Spike,   25;      Clarence     W. 

Stanton,  15;  Horace  Stoddard,  37; 
Elijah  Stanton,  31;  Stephen  T.  Stan- 
ton, 20;  William  H.  St.  John;  Cyrus 
H.  Stone,  33;  Jacob  Stein,  23; 
Reuben  E.  Stetson,  30;  Lysis  Stov/, 

Benjamin  W.  Tambling,  36;  John 
W.  Terry,  23;  George  H.  Tompkins; 
William  H.  Tompkins,  24;  James  H. 
Totten,  19;  Chester  Townsend,  34; 
Sidney  R.  Tripp,  19;  Milan  J.  Tyler, 

John  Van  xUten,  21;  Fayette  M. 
VanWormer,  20;  George  VanKleck, 
22;  Morris  VanRiper,  IS;  Henry 
Velder  or  Felder,  44;  Benjamin  F. 
Waite,  IS;  Jonn  Wager,  43;  Jacob 
Wagner,  19;  Nicholas  J.  Wagner,  21; 
John        Walder,  24;  Clinton 

Walling;  Samuel  A.  Walling,  30; 
John  Warring,  39;  William  Wash- 
burn, 39;  Caleb  M.  Weaver,  34;  Ly- 
man Webster,  35;  William  B.  Web- 
ster, 30;  James  Welch;  Kimball 
Wellington,  31;  Ephriam  V.  Wemple, 
Edwin  H.  Wetmore,  18;  Alvin  S. 
Wheaton,  22;  George  Wheaton,  21; 
Herbert  M.  Wheaton,  18;  Wesley 
Wheeler;  Haskell  Williamson,  17; 
Carlos  H.  Wilcox,  21;  George  W. 
Williamson,  IS;  Edwin  F.  Watkins, 
18;  Charles  Wilson;  Jerry  Wilson; 
Rudolphus  Wise,  18;  Benj.  Wise,  3G; 
Fred  Wittig,  18;  Hiram  T.Wood,  26; 
Reuben  W.  Wood,  21;  Andrew  J. 
Wood,  23;  James  Wood;  Henry  P. 
Woodworth,  23;  Joseph  Young,  28; 
William  Ziegenfuss,  19. 
G.  A.   R. 

R.  E.  HARRIS  POST,  NO.   240, 
This  Post  was  organized  in  October 
1881,  with  eighteen     charter     mem- 
bers, as  follows: 

Cyrus  H.  Stone,  Clarence  W. 
Stanton,  Hiram  T.  Wood,  Ira  L.  Goff, 
Charles  H.  Beyer,  Charles  E.  Hall, 
Samuel  H.  Leavitt,  Jacob  Stein,  Os- 
car Johnson,  Burr  Edmond,  Theo- 
dore R.  Harris,  B.  W.  Tambling, 
Jacob  Wagner,  Lewis  Mehlenbacher, 

Philip    Zimmer,    John    Snyder,    Her- 
man C.  Cole,  Shepard  Rowell. 

Clarence  W.  Stanton  was  elected 
the  first  commander  and  served  dur- 
ing the  years  of  1881-1882.  He  has 
been  followed  as  given: 

1883,  Ira  L.  Goff. 

1884-1885,   Cyrus  H.   Stone. 

18S6-1896,    Nicholas   J.    Wagner. 

1SD7,  Ephriam  V.  Wemple. 

1S9S-1902,   Nicholas   J.    Wagner. 

1903,   Edwin  A.    Draper. 

1904-1909,   Nicholas   J.    Wagner. 

The  Post  in  1895,  was  composed 
of  seventy-one  members. 

This  Post  was  named  after  Rodney 
E.  Harris,  who  enlisted  and  muster- 
ed into  Company  A.,  i 
Regiment,  N.  Y.  Volunteers,  August 
13,  1862,  under  the  command  of 
Colonel  R.  V.  VanWalkenburg.  He 
was  in  the  following  battles: 

Antietan,  Chancellorville,  Atlanta, 
Beutonville,  and  others,  and  was 
honorably  discharged  at  Washington, 
D.  C,  June  5,  1865.  He  died  at  Na- 
ples, April  21,  1877. 

At  the  formation  of  the  C.  M. 
Pierce  Post  at  North  Cohocton  our 
membership  was  reduced  so  that  by 
death  and  those  members  joining 
that  Post,  that  in  1905,  we  had  only 
twenty-six  members. 

Since  the  charter  was  obtained  the 
follov/ing  charter  members  have 

Cyrus  H.  Stone,  Hiram  T.  Wood, 
Charles  H.  Beyer,  Samuel  H.  Leavitt, 
Oscar  Johnson,  Theodore  R.  Harris, 
Herman  C.  Cole,  Charles  E.  Hall, 
Benjamin  W.  Tambling. 

The  Rodney  E.  Harris  Woman's 
Relief  Corps,  No.  105,  was  organized 
October  31,  1887,  by  Mrs.  Ada  Sher- 
wood and  Mrs.  Leatha  Seeley  of 
Hornellsville  Corp,  No.  39,  with  the 
following  charter  members: 

Mrs.  Henrietta  Goff,  President. 

Mrs.    Rose   Wittig,      Senior      Vice 


President;  Mrs.  Mary  Werth,  Junior 
Vice  President;  Mrs.  Ida  Wertli, 

Mrs.  Ida  Shafer,  Treasurer. 

Mrs.    Caroline    Wagner,    Chaplain. 

Mrs.   Esther  Reynolds,  Conductor. 

Mrs.  Malinda  Wagner,  Guard. 

Miss  Anna  Wagner,  Assistant  Con- 

Mrs.  Wealthy  Stone,  Assistant 

Prom  that  time  to  the  present, 
Mrs.  Rose  Wittig  has  held  the  office 
as  President,  followed  by  Mrs. 
Fannie  Wilcox,  Mrs.  Harriet  John- 
son, Mrs.  Mary  Chapman. 

C.  M.   PIERCE  POST,  NO.   640, 
G.  A.  R.,  ATLANTA  AND 


This  Post  was  chartered  April  14, 
1902,  at  North  Cohocton.  Many  of 
its  members  had  been  already  mem- 
bers of  other  Posts. 

The  names  of  the  charter  members 

George   W.    Gifford,    Commander. 

J.  W.  Wiley,  Senior  Vice  Com. 

Monroe  Clayson,  Junior  Vice  Com. 

S.  J.  Merrill,  Chaplain. 

Albert  L.  Corey,  Adjutant. 

Charles  H.  Donley,  Officer  of  the 

Stephen  T.  Stanton,  Officer  of  the 

George  Wheaton,  Quartermaster. 

D.  H.  Robbins,  Sergeant  Major. 
Harrison  Agard,  Surgeon. 
Rudolph  Grover,  Guard. 

J.  Wesley  Bush,  Color  Bearer. 

The  other  charter  members  were:  | 

Henry  Wightman,  Thaddeus  Spike,  \ 

Delos  L.  Avery,  A.  C.  Owen,  Martin  I 

Tenney,    Byron    Hayes,    David    Har-  I 

rington,    E.    D.    Armstrong,    William  ' 

Mattison,  Solomon  Noble,  Edwin  J. 
Finch,  Hiram  Lyon,  Royal  Sawyer, 
William  Terry,  Leroy  Demorest. 

Since  the  organization  of  the  Post, 
1902,  Albert  L.  Corey,  Solomon 
Noble,  Charles  H.  Donley,  Stephen  T. 
Stanton,  Geo.  Wheaton  (have  died). 
Charles  H.  Donley  were  the  other 
Commanders  of  the  Post. 


Through  the  instrmentality  of 
George  W.  Gifford  and  W.  H.  Ham- 
mond, Circle  No.  45,  Ladies  of  the 
Grand  Army  of  the  Republic,  was 
organized  at  North  Cohocton,  July 
1,  1905.  It  was  instituted  by  Mrs. 
Adeline  L.  Titus  of  Penn  Yan,  De- 
partment President. 

The  following  were  its  first  offi- 

Delia  H.  Wells,  President. 

Mary  M.  Hammond,  Senior  Vice 

Margaret  C.  Hayes,  Junior  Vice 

Mary  E.  Gifford,  Chaplain. 

Belle  Shattuck,  Secretary. 

Rachel  Sawyer,  Conductor. 

Mary  Bennett,  Assistant  Conduc- 

Sarah  Wightman,  Treasurer. 

Celia  W.    Rex,   Assistant  Treas. 

Julia  Deming,    Guard. 

Avilla    Shaffer,    Assistant    Guard. 

Mrs.  S.  Parks,  Color  Guard. 

Mrs.  I.  N.  Baker,  Assistant  Color 

The  other  charter  members  in 
1905,  were:  L.  D.  Clark,  Laurentia 
Carpenter,  Emily  Owen,  Ella  Stan- 
ton, Helen  Haynes,  Kate  Briggs,  Ida 
Clark,  Mrs.  D.  Harrington. 



0  006  811  054  3    $